Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2079: The situation of the brothers

Within the golden family, Jiang Chen returned, and the top of the entire gold family gathered together.

The hall is a master of high hands. They are all high-level figures of the gold family. The atmosphere is very dignified and oppressive. Jiang Chen has already said things happening in the brethren. The catastrophe is coming. For the gold family, it is A long way to go.

The situation in front of us is not good for the fairyland. In terms of finishing strength, there is still a certain gap between the fairyland and the brethren. Coupled with the fact that the barbarian is more ferocious, once the catastrophe comes, the fairy world will inevitably become a charcoal.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Jiang Chen went to the gold family and successfully rescued the left Linger, so that the golden family lost the blood of the gods. Otherwise, once the blood of the gods was refining by the ancestors of Wu Ke, the consequences were even more unimaginable.

No one was talking in the chamber, and it seemed to be waiting for something to come.

In a short while, the void in the hall shook, and an old man wearing a golden robes came out. His appearance made the brilliance in the entire hall beautiful. He was not majestic, but his body exudes a breath. But it makes people feel scared.

"Old ancestors."

Seeing the appearance of the old man, Kim Hsiao-hsong and all the high-ranking elites present at the scene, all of them were gifted, and the old man was respectful to the extreme.

Jiang Chen is also slightly in the body. He has seen the fascination of the 9th-level emperor, so he can see at a glance that the golden ancestor in front of him is also the peak of the nine-level emperor. He looks like the Emperor Taixu and the Thunder Emperor. To be quite, the momentum is similar, but if it is put on the barbarians, the gold ancestors are obviously more dominant.

It is unceremonious to say that a golden ancestor, a nine-level emperor, can at least be equivalent to two ninth-level sages.

This is the advantage, this is restraint, the strong blood of the golden family is deeply suppressed by the barbarian.

"Well, I have already heard what you said. The reason why our gold family is recovering again is for this catastrophe. Since the catastrophe is coming, it is necessary to be prepared."

The gold ancestors nodded and said that he was indifferent and did not have the slightest incitement because of the catastrophe.

This is a strong heart, which is unique to the old antiques that have survived the endless years.

"Old ancestors, how do we arrange for the gold family?"

Jin Chi-hsien asked.

"Let Jin Yuan survive to preside over the overall situation. All other seven-level emperors and more will follow me to the emperor. The catastrophe will come, and the whole fairy world will not be spared. Because of the existence of the emperor, the rant will definitely pay most attention. On the battlefield of the Imperial Territory, we are gone. It is a good thing for the fairyland. At that time, the savage community will dispatch a large army based on the overall strength of the fairyland."

The golden ancestor said.

"The ancestors rest assured that the old man must lead the gold family against the barbarians."

An old man stood up and said, his name is Jin Yuancun, the repair of the seventh-level emperor, the gold family left a seven-level emperor to preside over the overall situation, it is already very good, as for others, they will go to the emperor domain, after all, this time of catastrophe The final battlefield is in the emperor's domain.

"Jiang Chen."

Jin Chiyu looked at Jiang Chen.

"What arrangements do the patriarchs have to say?"

Jiang Dust Road.

"You went to the savage world this time. You should know how strong the brute force is. This time it is not a small fight with the savage world. Although the final battlefield is in the Imperial Region, the fairyland is still the base camp. You are the golden lupin fan. The successor is also the key figure of this catastrophe. After we left, you assisted Jin Yuancun as an elder to fight against barbarians. I hope that you will grow up in the war as soon as possible, and hope that you will see you in the ultimate battle of the Imperial Region. The shadow."

Jin Chichen said that he is still more concerned about Jiang Chen. As the Emperor Taixu calculated, Jiang Chen is the most important person in this catastrophe and can change the characters of the entire catastrophe.

"Despite the reassurance of the patriarch, this time, the savage world will be in a land of annihilation."

Jiang Chenzheng said, he knows that once the war begins, it will not end in a day or two. This is a war between the two worlds. The savage world has been planning for tens of thousands of years. If this war spreads out, I don’t know. How long has it been.

"Jiang Chen, the overall situation of the fairy world, will be handed over to you, and the mortal world will come, and it is also a great opportunity for you to grow up."

The golden ancestor also said to Jiang Chen, his eyes are full of appreciation.

At that time, the old ancestors of the gold tore the void, and the masters of the golden family left directly and went to the emperor.

When the high-rises left, the gold family all entered the state of preparation, and at this time, Jiang Chen left the gold family.

I am afraid that there will be less than three days in the war. Jiang Chen wants to take this time to see his brothers.

The first stop, Jiang Chen went to Bailong Temple, he saw the old friend Qinglian ancestors.

"Qing Lian, the catastrophe is approaching, the war is coming, and you must be prepared for the White Dragon Temple. In the war against barbarism, Buddhism is also a force to be reckoned with."

Jiang Chen said.

"White Dragon Temple is always ready."

Qinglian’s face is dignified.

The friendship between Jiang Chen and Qinglian's ancestors is unclear. From the first world of Jiang Chen, then to the reincarnation, to the Qinglian of the Xianjie became the abbot of Bailong Temple. All this seems to be destined.


Jiang Chen asked.

"Since the last time he came back, he has closed himself in the monument of the gods. The little monk has a deep edge, and there is a big chance in the monument."

Qinglian’s ancestors said that the words are very incomparable to the monks and monks.

Did not see the monk, Jiang Chen and Qinglian ancestors chatted for a while, they left directly.

In the second stop, Jiang Chen went to the Dagan Empire to inform the Dagan Empire about the catastrophe and prepare him.

The smoke morning rain has become the second-class emperor. She did not leave with Jiang Chen, because the Dagan Empire needs her. Once the war begins, everyone will not be spared. Every place will become a battlefield. Where is the morning rain? all the same.

After leaving the Dagan Empire, Jiang Chen went to the North Xuanyu Xuan Yinjiao. He saw the teachings of Xuanyin and explored the situation of Han Yan.

"Han Yan went to the Magic Mountain and never returned."

Xuan Yin teaches the teacher.

"Where is the Magic Mountain?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know, Magic Mountain only exists in the legend. Only those who find the Magic Mountain know where the Magic Mountain is. The Magic Mountain exists in the history of Xuanyin for thousands of years. Han Yan is the first to find the Magic Mountain. People, legends who enter the magic mountain, will get the true ancient devil inheritance."

Xuan Yin teaches the teacher.

"This is the creation of A Yan."

Jiang Chen is very happy. Han Yan can find the legendary magic mountain. Jiang Chen naturally feels happy for it. It is conceivable that Han Yan entered the legendary magic mountain, and the cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

The monk is in the town monument, Han Yan went to the magic mountain, and then the fourth station, Yaoxian Island.

[The next chapter of the Holocaust War is open. I will plan it again. I will make it back today. I will make it back tomorrow. In addition, the brothers who did not pay attention to my WeChat public account have paid close attention to it. Recently, I have to write something on the public number. Add WeChat and search for the three words of Su Yuexi. 】

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