Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2080: Contrary

Demon Island, as always, as a foreign hegemon, there is hardly any maritime power to dare to challenge the majesty of the island.

Jiang Chen came to Yaoxian Island, and he would hardly suffer the slightest blockage. The good friend of the Son, the brother of the Tianpeng Emperor, who came to the demon island, would like to return to his own home, who would dare to stop him.

"Brother, you have come, I haven't seen you for so long, and it is really horrible to make progress in your cultivation."

When Tian Peng’s demon saw Jiang Chen, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. When he first saw Jiang Chen, it was like the next day, and it was this short time. Jiang Chen had grown to the point where he was amazed.

"Big brother, the catastrophe is approaching, the barbarians will come over in the next day, and the demon island is also ready."

Jiang Chen is also nonsense, and the news that the barbarians are about to start war will be truthfully told Tianpeng Demon, so that Yaoxian Island will be prepared in advance.

"I finally came, I really want to see, the barbarism of the savage world, to what extent."

Tianpeng demon emperor's momentum is shocking. This is a chaotic world. It has been a long time in the demon fairy island. It is a day that is completely unchallengant. He has already had enough, and he is fighting against the brethren. It is exactly what he wants. .

"Once the war is over, when you are the eldest brother, you are the pinnacle of the fairy world and can play a vital role."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, like the strength of the Tianpeng demon emperor, the same level of the barbarians is not his opponent, but the emperor does not say, in the war of the fairy world, the Tianpeng demon is definitely the peak force.

"Right, where is the monkey? Why didn't you see him."

Jiang Chen curiously asked, according to his arrival, Dragon 13 should be the first to appear.

"Thirteen went to the tomb again. This time I want to inherit all the things left by the first generation of the saints. This time, it is a big chance. When he leaves the customs, I am afraid that it will be more horrible than me. The vision of the saint is really poisonous. ”

Tianpeng demon said.

"That is of course, the monkey is fighting the dragon, the blood is strong, and naturally it is a wizard."

Jiang Chen laughed.

Now that the war is coming, what he is most worried about is his own brothers. Today, the monk is in the monument of the town, and Han Yan went to the magic mountain. The dragon thirteen is in the ancestral land of the fairy island, and each one is constantly getting stronger. In the first place, Jiang Chen was completely relieved. When the war came, several people were able to stand alone.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen saw Xiao forget again, and left for a while.

Next stop, Windsor.

Jiang Chen’s return to the wind is also the most important stop. Because Jiang Zhenhai is here, the war is coming, Jiang Chen must guarantee the safety of Jiang Zhenhai. With the current repair of Jiang Zhenhai, once the catastrophe comes, it will not be safe to stay anywhere. .

For Jiang Zhenhai, the only safe place in the world is the inside of the Zulong Tower.

The ancestral tower and the river dust coexisted, and the Jiang Zhenhai evaded the ancestral tower. As long as the river dust does not die, as long as the ancestral tower is not destroyed, Jiang Zhenhai will not have anything.

Jiang Chen wants to protect Jiang Zhenhai with his own life. This is the most important person in his own world.

He does not want Jiang Zhenhai to get what kind of experience in the catastrophe, and does not want Jiang Zhenhai to enhance his cultivation through such a catastrophe.

In Jiang Chen’s mind, it is not important that Jiang Zhenhai is not strong. It is not important to cultivate high or low. He only cares about whether Jiang Zhenhai is safe. He will not gamble with his father’s life because he can’t afford it.

Jiang Zhenhai has a very important significance for Jiang Chen. It is his only relative. What he wants is that Jiang Zhenhai lives in this world. In that case, Jiang Chen’s heart has a sustenance.

Jiang Chen did not stop at Feng Luomen. He took the Jiang Zhenhai directly. When he left, he laid a defensive array over the wind door. This large array can guarantee the wind and the door.

For the huge fairyland, Jiang Chen can do too little, he can not take care of any place.

This is a catastrophe, the catastrophe of the entire fairy world, everyone can not be spared.

The catastrophe will be dead, and many people will die. This is the reincarnation of heaven. Even if Jiang Chen is the savior, he can't do it without destroying the entire barbarian.

Do your best to do things, not to worry about what Jiang Chen can do, will do it.

After the catastrophe, it will surely usher in a new era. After the baptism of the catastrophe in the fairy world, it will surely become more prosperous.

After taking the Jiang Zhenhai, Jiang Chen returned to Fengchi Xianting.

The first thing to return to Xianting is to hold an emergency meeting.

All the high-rises of Xianting are gathered in the conference hall, Tiandi, Jingyang, Lingliqun, Yuhuafan...

Jiang Chen directly said the mortal world's upcoming war. The people present felt the feeling that the rain was coming from the wind. They knew that the real big shock was coming, each of them. People can't escape from this catastrophe.

What they have to do now is to prepare for full combat. This catastrophe, different from the past, is a battle between the two worlds. All the previous grievances will be forgotten. From today, all the fairy tales People must unite, barbarians, the only enemy of the Terran.

"The last time the catastrophe did not catch up, this time must be seen."

The Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor is like a rainbow, his eyes are blooming and he has no fear of the slightest. He and Tian Peng are the same as the Emperor Tianpeng.

"A person's growth will surely experience life and death, a power, a world, and so on. The celestial world will usher in its own hardships. We are all part of it."

Scenery Yang said that the current scenery of Yang is already a sixth-class emperor. With his ability, he should have been promoted to the sixth-level emperor. For him to be promoted to the sixth-class emperor, Jiang Chen is not surprised at all.

"Anan, rhubarb? Why didn't you see him."

Jiang Chen asked curiously, but this time he did not see the shadow of the big yellow dog.


When I mentioned the big yellow dog, Nangong asked for a light cough twice, and the other people's faces were extremely unnatural. Some people even started to grind their teeth. It seems that the big yellow dog did not do good things.

"The dead dog stole to the treasure house of Xianting, ate all the heavenly spirits of Xianting, and now is a big sleep."

Nangong asked Tiantian to say nothing.


Jiang Chen was stunned, and then he helped the forehead with his hand. He finally understood why someone had to grind his teeth. This kind of thing is definitely done.

Stealing the heavens and the earth in the entire treasure house, this guy, it seems that if the Emperor stopped, it is estimated that it has been minked.

"Well, the medicinal materials are small, and the brute force is the most important thing. The rhubarb is probably going to improve a lot of cultivation this time. It is also a good thing for us."

Jiang Chen said very seriously.

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