Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2082: Maximum threat

"The little dust is right, the squad is so big, it must be for the ancient elephant blood. The ancient blood of my body is the symbol of their sacred god. It is still very important to the barbarians. Before the small dust was small. When the wind rushed to the world, I met the masters of the savage world and came to **** the blood. Now that the war has just begun, the savage community has sent such a large camp, obviously for the sake of blood, and only then can it be explained. ""

The Emperor said openly.

Over the sky, the arrogant black pressure, the infinite black air rolling, it is conceivable that once the war begins, even the pure land of the fairy world will become a purgatory battlefield.

Eight six-level emperors, standing in front of the camp, wearing yellow costumes, Jiang Chen can recognize, this is the people of the Wuhuang family.

A leader is a majestic old man. His eyes are deep and his eyes are black and white. When he appears, he walks back and forth among the people below. Finally, his eyes are on and locked in the Emperor.

"The ancient elephant blood is on his body."

The old man pointed to the Emperor by hand and said.

The eyes of the other seven six-level sages also fell on the Emperor of Heaven. The eyes were full of enthusiasm. They came with the task this time. They must bring back the ancient elephant blood. Once they get the ancient elephant blood. The savage world will have the power of the supreme level, infinitely close to the existence of the gods. By that time, the celestial world is the real end.

"You, contribute to the ancient elephant blood in your body, you will become a guest of our barbarian, and from then on, enjoy the prosperity and wealth."

The old man said to the Emperor of Heaven.

"It has always been known that the people of the barbarian are bloodthirsty, and the barbarians are undoubtedly. I didn't expect the IQ to be so low. I can say that I am not going through the brain."

The Emperor looked sneer and sneered at the old man's words, letting him take the initiative to pay the bleeding, surrendering the barbarian, I really don't know what the old guy thinks.

"You don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine wine. We are barbaric, and your celestial world can only be dying. Destruction is also a problem in our hands. You can surrender our barbarians now, not only can you save your life, but you can survive in the future. If you disagree, we will shoot and squash here. With your current strength, it is not our opponent at all. You better think about it."

The old man continued.

"I want to occupy the fairy world, and I am crazy about it. If I am yours, now I can’t get back to the savage world. It’s really a fight. You guys, I’m afraid one can’t live.”

The Emperor of Heaven said that there are eight six-level emperors on the opposite side. It is indeed very stressful for Xianting, but there is Jiang Chen here. I am afraid that these six-level sages are only killed by Jiang Chen.

We must know that Jiang Chen itself has the means to restrain the barbarians. When the second-level emperor is almost able to kill the six-level emperor, not to mention the current Jiang Chen is already a third-class emperor. It is even easier to kill the six-level emperor.

Taking Nangong’s understanding of Jiang Chen’s understanding, it’s blunt to say that even today’s six-level emperor will not use it.

"Elders, don't talk nonsense with them, directly shoot, kill everyone here, and then extract the ancient elephant blood, and the people of the fairy world, you can not be polite."

A six-level emperor said that he was murderous and that the brutality of the barbarian was exposed.

"Everyone listens and prepares for the battle."

The Emperor of Heaven shouted at the people in Xianting.

"Yes, the Lord is an adult."

The people of Xianting shouted in unison, and the momentum was like a rainbow. There were Jiang Chen and the Emperor of Heaven, and they were not afraid of the barbarians.


On the other hand, the elders of the barbarian screamed and thousands of barbarians slammed down. They immediately fought with the people of Xianting, and a **** hurricane opened directly.

At the same time, eight six-level emperors also directly shot, the scenery Yang stopped one person, Ling Liqun stopped one person, and the remaining six six-level emperors, all killed to the Emperor, they themselves came for the ancient elephant blood, in their eyes They also don’t say anything morally and morally. No matter how much bullying or less, they will not affect their dignity. They will only work hard for their own purposes.

Their purpose is to kill the Emperor and extract his blood, it is as simple as that.

As long as they can achieve their goals and what they do, they really don't care.

"Little dust, it seems that they have not put you in your eyes."

The Emperor smiled at Jiang Chen.

"That is their loss."

Jiang Chen said, directly exerting the dragon to change the body, the brave Tianlong sword appeared in the hands, casually swinging, is a thousand layers of Jianqi, directly to the past one person.

"A third-level emperor, find death."

The sneer of the six-level savage emperor looked at Jiang Chen casually.

Jiang Chen did not answer any questions. Going up is a sword. It is a sword that is extremely fierce. A sword that will kill will carry all his attacking power. Only the first sword will directly destroy the opponent's attack.

The next moment, the long sword destroyed everything and landed on the man's head.


The man exclaimed and knew that he was a light enemy. Jiang Chen’s sword made him feel the extremely dangerous atmosphere. It was the threat of death. At the same time, he also understood that the three hordes of the six princes were really terrible here. But from the very beginning, there was no third-level emperor in their eyes.


However, everything is late. Jiang Chen’s long sword carries a boundless fire wave. The huge swords and fire waves are intertwined into a large net, and the six-level emperor is firmly trapped in it. The whole person could not resist it. The whole person was torn by Jiang Chen’s sword and died on the spot.

Killing a six-level savage emperor, Jiang Chen naturally will not let go of all his essence, and the ancestral tower tears open a hole, and in the blink of an eye, the six-level sage is swallowed up.

For Jiang Chen's book, all barbarians in the savage world are nourishment. He needs these nutrients to continue to advance and constantly improve their cultivation. Only in this way can they participate in the final peak matchup.


The other five people just gave the Emperor the siege, and they were alarmed by the battle here. They all exclaimed. They looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes, as if they saw ghosts. Their eyes were full of shock, because they could not think of it. A three-level emperor in the fairyland is so powerful that it is so strong.

"Haha, I said, if you just don't leave, I am afraid that one can't go away now."

The Emperor laughed.

"I will contain this person first, and all four of you will join forces to kill the dragon."

The elders of the Wuhuang family immediately adjusted their combat plans. The situation was unexpected. The biggest harm was not taken into account by them. Now it is necessary to extract all the forces to kill the biggest threat first.

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