Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2083: Aspiring

"it is good."

The four men agreed, and immediately gave up the Emperor, trapping Jiang Chen in four different directions, but even if they hit four, their eyes were still full of shock and fear.

I have never seen such a powerful third-level emperor, and they have radiated from Jiang Chen to the imposing temperament and the fiery flame. They feel great restraint against their barbarians. Under such restraint, they even have their own All the fighting power can't be played out.

"Be careful, this person is not good."

One of them opened the reminder.


On the other hand, the Emperor laughed, and the whole person was like a possessive body. He killed the past toward the leader. With his ability to fight against a six-level emperor, it was not a problem at all. He said that the six The rank of the emperor is not the opponent of the Emperor.


The Emperor and the Sixth-level Emperor fight together, the battle has just taken the upper hand, and the six-level sage is almost pressed.

"You four don't waste time, and quickly solved the dragon man."

The leader felt great pressure and did not forget to shout at the other four.

"Get out together and kill him."

A savage man with a powerful barbarian, released his momentum to the extreme, and the other three, from four different directions, while killing Jiang Chen, they must now kill this opponent as soon as possible.


Jiang Chen snorted, and he stepped in a footstep. The big emptiness was displayed. The whole person disappeared instantly. The next moment, he appeared in one of the six-level sages. The dragon sword carries the endless fire, and it has arrived. The top of the six-level sage.

There is a big void in the body, four people want to besiege Jiang Dust is impossible, Jiang Chen relies on the big void, enough to break the four people, all killed.


The six-level savage screams and screams, and Jiang Chen is split into two halves. There is no point in counterattack.

There is no real battle with Jiang Chen, and I will never know how terrible Jiang Chen is. Especially for the barbarians, I don’t know how much Jiang Chen’s restraint on the barbarians.

The ancestral tower tears open a gap, and the six-level sage is swallowed up by the singer, and the huge essence is transformed into a precise force that is absorbed by Jiang Chen, and then condenses the dragon pattern.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, if he refines and absorbs the eight six-level emperors today, he can be directly promoted to the fourth-class emperor, and the Zulong tower will also be condensed to the sixty-eighth floor.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that the more it came to the end, the more difficult it was for the Zulong Tower to condense. Especially after the appearance of the 66-story space, the thirty-three-story space behind it will become difficult to rise every time. It requires enormous energy support.

Moreover, because the energy required by the ancestral tower is getting larger and larger, the energy that is separated from the ancestral tower to the river dust will be reduced accordingly, which makes him more and more difficult to advance.

However, there are too many people in the barbarian, and there are many senior emperors. They can provide Jiangshui with nourishment and energy. As a result, Jiang Chen’s sprint is still unstoppable.

Anyway, what Jiang Chen is going to do now is crazy killing and killing all barbarians.

In the blink of an eye, another six-level savage emperor was killed. The remaining three joint players changed completely. Under the circumstances of the four joint efforts, not only did they not pose a threat to Jiang Chen, but they lost one person.

This has turned these savage empires from the beginning of the panic into a real fear.

This is the first battle between them and the fairy world. They are arrogant and eager to come. They thought that they were all done, killing the entire Xianting people, and unexpectedly encountered a super metamorphosis. No one is Their opponents, who are now waiting to perish, are no longer Xianting, but become them.


Jiang Chen burst into a bang and screamed at the time of the three gods. The Tianlong sword killed one more person. The whole process was sharp and fierce, and there was no trace of muddy water.

"Mom, this is what monster."

"Go, the plan is wrong, we withdraw."

The other two six-level squadrons who besieged Jiang Chen scared the gallbladder. Where did they dare to delay, and immediately ran away.

"Don't leave if you come."

Jiang Chenchen will give them the opportunity to escape. The strength of these savage emperors is too strong. The six-level emperor, every escape, will bring great losses to other places in the fairy world.

The eternal fairy wind merges into the five elements and spreads out to form an invisible big net. It instantly covers the two completely and does not give them a chance to escape.


The Tianlong sword made a fascinating whistle, and the horrible sword net was intertwined, and one of them was torn on the spot.

The rest of the one has been completely frightened, and even the rebellious can't do it. He watched Jiang Chen's sword fall on his head.


Accompanied by the last screaming voice, it was a six-level savage emperor who died under the sword of Jiang Chen.


The leader who is fighting against the Emperor of Heaven, and the two six-level emperors who are fighting against the scenery Yang and Ling Liqun, see this scene in their eyes, there is an impulse to spurt blood.

Eight six-level emperor, how long the battle began, and a few minutes before and after, has been easily killed by five people, it is still worth it.

This is too scary. Jiang Chen is so fierce that he can't stop it. It has caused a great shadow and blow to all barbarians.


The Emperor and the scenery Yangdu laughed and the morale grew stronger. The attack that was displayed was getting stronger and stronger. On the other hand, the scene of the barbaric, the moment of the momentum, suddenly disappeared.

"Well, Jiang Chen is too fierce. Killing the six-level sage is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. It is a very happy thing to fight with him."

"Killing, this gang of anger is no longer enough. We will try our best to kill them, one will not stay."

"You must not stay, these are scourges."


Everyone in Xianting was like a chicken. They waved the soldiers in their hands and greeted their opponents fiercely.

And the barbarians here, morale is completely gone, not to mention them, even the top has begun to be scared.


The leader who was fighting against the Emperor of Heaven screamed. They came faster and withdrew faster. The existence of Jiang Chen disrupted all their plans. The only thing that can be done now is to withdraw and make a comeback. If it does not withdraw, Everyone is going to die here today.

"I want to withdraw now, it’s late."

The Emperor of Heaven will give him the opportunity to withdraw, and the Wanhua Star will become a skylight, blocking the retreat of the barbarian leader.

[Next, around twelve o'clock, the brothers who can't wait can see it the next day. In addition, the brothers who have Weibo remember to pay attention to me, Sina Weibo, Su Yuexi deity. 】

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