Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2084: Promoted to the fourth level


The radiance of the Wanhua Stars is so large that it completely blocks the way of the leader. Once the Emperor of Heaven erupts, it is definitely not the same level of the same level.


The leader was in a hurry, and had no intention of fighting. At this moment, it was blocked by the Wanhua Xingchen ruler. The powerful air wave tore his attack, and he suddenly flew him and his face became very pale.

On the other hand, both Jingyang and Lingliqun are holding their opponents, and they are not given the opportunity to escape. The barbarian army is basically besieged. The barbarian has more masters this time, but the number is still worse than Xianting. Some, plus the current low morale, once trapped, it is extremely difficult to get out of the encirclement.


Jiang Chen moved, Tianlongjian broke out of the supreme power, he flashed, appeared in Ling Liqun's opponent over the sky, the long sword slammed down, the savage spirit of the savage smashed, hurriedly raised the hands of the barracks against the Jiang Chen Tianlong sword.

It is a pity that he is the opponent of Jiang Chen. Not only the savage soldiers in his hand were fluttered by the Tianlong sword, but even the half body was smashed by Jiang Chen’s sword. Ling Liqun then issued a fatal blow, which completely eliminated the six. The life of the rank of the emperor.

After killing another person, Jiang Chen did not delay. The sword was killed by the six-level emperor who was fighting against the landscape. His purpose today is to kill all, especially these powerful emperors, who are determined not to stay. .


Once again accompanied by a scream, the seventh six-level savage emperor also died under the sword of Jiang Chen. At this time, only the last leader was left. The leader was also vomited by the Emperor of Heaven, and he could not stand it. At this time, Jiang Chen once again killed the sword.

Seeing the fierceness of Jiang Chen, who was like a god, the leader was pale and completely desperate. He was ashamed and almost gave up resistance.


Jiang Chen shot ruthlessly, and the last sword crossed the body of the leader and split it into two halves.

At this point, eight six-level emperors, in less than ten minutes of the war, have all died and died under the sword of Jiang Chen. This scene is too shocking. Even if they are sunny, they feel like In the dream, the existence of Jiang Chen is really exciting.

Ah, ah...

After the death of the eight six-level barbarians, the remaining barbarians immediately became headless and became the shrimps and crabs. The interest in fighting one by one was not, and they were slashed by the people of Xianting.

Looking at such a battlefield, Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile. In the next battle, he would not participate. The Emperor would not participate in it. He would practice these barbarians. For the people of Xianting, that’s a good thing.

As for Jiang Chen, what he has to do now is to attack the fourth-class emperor.

"Anan, give me a lot of Emperor Xianyuan Stone in Xianting, hurry up."

Jiang Chen said loudly to Nangong, and the Zulong Tower has been condensed to the 68th floor. The number of dragons in his body has reached 1.85 million. He will soon break through the fourth-level emperor, but he has previously stored it. Xianyuan Stone has been used almost, and now it is necessary to hit the fourth-level emperor, and a large number of emperor fairy stones must be used.

"it is good."

Nangong asked the day not to be slow. He knew that Jiang Chen was at a crucial moment in the promotion. In the face of such a catastrophe, the higher the Jiang Chen repair, the greater the damage to the enemy. At this time, what is the fairy stone?

Moreover, Nangong asked Tian and Jiang Chen what is the relationship, it is a life of friendship, not to mention some Xianyuan Stone, if Jiang Chen is dangerous, he is willing to fight with his life.

I saw the Emperor's big hand grabbed the void and directly explored another space. A large number of Xianyuan Stone was taken out by him and sent directly to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is also unwelcome. A lot of Xianyuan Stone is like a fisherman who is refining and absorbing it. The sound of roaring sounds in the ancestral tower. At this moment, Jiang Chen’s cultivation was successfully promoted to the fourth-level emperor, dragon The number has reached as much as 1.85 million.

After successfully promoting the fourth-level emperor, Jiang Chen’s combat power is less than before. He is not afraid of terror. At this level, even if he encounters a seven-level sage, he is almost a hit, and the eight-level sage can also fight. If you use the golden lupin fan, even if you kill the general eight-level savage emperor, I am afraid it is not a problem.

In other words, there is Jiang Chen in this fairy world, the barbarian wants to cause fundamental damage to the fairy world, it is simply impossible.

"Well, little dust, you have been promoted to the fourth-class emperor, the strength is even more terrifying, the barbarian encounters you as a big nemesis, and they are not lucky."

The Emperor smiled, and the faces of Jingyang and Ling Liqun also burst into a happy smile. The faster Jiang Chen grew, the more they liked it. The battle with the barbarian, the most needed is Jiang Chen.

"Anan, block everything here, don't let go of a barbarian, I go to other Xianting to see the situation."

Jiang Chen said that now that the war has come, the barbarians have sent a lot of masters, especially for each of the Xianting, there are eight six-level emperors in Fengchi Xianting, although most of the reason is because of the ancient elephant blood in the Emperor. However, it is also impossible to ensure that the attack power of other Xianting is very strong.

Taixu Emperor handed over the fairyland to himself. Jiang Chen naturally assumed this responsibility. Now he is promoted to the fourth-grade emperor. The situation here is basically stable. Jiang Chen naturally cannot afford to go to other battlefields. Take a look.

Killing more barbarians, attacking the ancestral towers, and improving their own cultivation are the most important and urgent tasks.

However, Jiang Chen also knows that the more he goes to the back, the more difficult he wants to advance. The Zulong Tower wants to condense again. If he wants to advance again, I am afraid that it is necessary to kill the seven-level sage.

"Well, if you go, you don't have to worry about it here."

The Emperor said that now eight eight-level emperors are dead, and the remaining barbarians are simply unable to pose a threat to Xianting. Waiting for them is only slaughter and death.

Jiang Chen’s body disappeared and disappeared, leaving Xianting.

Demon Island!

At this moment, the demon island has completely fallen, and the whole overseas is carrying out large-scale battles, and the battlefield stretches for thousands of miles.

Clouds cover the sun, and the whole world is in dim, giving people extremely strong pressure.

Tianpeng demon emperor incarnates the world-famous Tianpeng, one person against three six-level sages, not falling.

But at this moment, the demon island is still in a great crisis. The other two hidden six-level demons also appeared, but they were also besieged by three six-level emperors.

That is to say, this time the demon fairy island, the savage world came to six six-level sages, and one is stronger than one, even if the Tianpeng demon emperor confronts three, the remaining three are enough to cause great Threat.

More importantly, the savage world has also descended on many five-level emperors, four-level emperors, and a large number of brute-forces. The demon islands simply resisted, and the war began not long before there were a large number of casualties.

[There are two more today. In the evening, everyone pays attention to my Weibo. The brothers of Sina Weibo search for Su Yuexi deity. Remember that the words with the deity are me. If today’s attention is more than two thousand, tomorrow will be added. more. 】

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