Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2085: Peerless Monkey King


The sound of screams permeated the entire island, and even spread to many places overseas. The whole overseas has boiled up, and the heavens and the earth have changed color. This is a cruel battlefield and a real Shura hell.

Many big demons have become the original appearance, the body can reach hundreds of feet, the barbarian people have become the body, and they are as strong as mountains. Such battles are very impactful on the vision. There are huge behemoths everywhere, everywhere. It is a violent battle fluctuation.

The body of the monster and the body of the barbarian are very tyrannical, and the monsters and barbarians are also very ferocious. The two sides of the savage and the wild are fighting. The monsters have certain advantages in the process of fighting.

But now there are too many people of the barbarian, and there are many masters. For tens of thousands of years, the barbarian has been rehabilitated for tens of thousands of years, and the overall strength has reached a point of incomparable horror.

Appearing in the Fairy Island is the Wulan family and the Wuchi family. They are killing and shooting, and they must cause a fatal blow to the enemy.


Suddenly, a six-level demon screamed, and one of his arms was torn by his opponent, and his blood was mad.

At this moment, the two six-level demon emperors of the demon island were besieged by three fellow emperors of the same level. They are dwarfed in battle. They are the old antiques of the demon island, and they are the elders of the elders, but because the silence is too long, Lost the blood of the battle.

The opponent was too fierce, and the opponent had an advantage in the number of people, so that one hour after the war, one of the elders could not resist and suffered an extremely serious injury.

"Haha, kill him."

The master of the Uchi family was a black mace, and it was so embarrassing that after tearing the arm of the elder elder, the mace fell down and squatted on the elder's head.


The elder made a scream and screamed, and died on the spot.

The destruction of a six-level demon, it is very serious for the morale of the demon island.

Not only that, but a six-level demon emperor died, and the remaining one became the same three-state as the Tianpeng demon, but he was not the Tianpeng demon, and there was no horror of the Tianpeng demon. Strength, if you continue to fight, your companion may be your own end.

Tianpeng demon emperor saw all this in his eyes, and looked at the precarious elders. He had the heart to help, but he was entangled in three powerful opponents, and there was no chance to shoot.

"damn it."

The Tianpeng demon emperor screamed, and the whole person became a huge golden gold Tianpeng. He was extremely fast. He burst out of the encirclement of the three people in the blink of an eye and came to the elder.

"Enclose them."

A leader of the Uchi family shouted, and in the blink of an eye, the six six-level emperors united with each other, and surrounded the Tianpeng demon and the elder.

"The island owner, our demon island is finished today."

The elders have been disheartened and have even lost their fighting spirit to continue fighting.

"What nonsense, a group of barbarians also want to destroy my demon island, infatuation."

Tianpeng demon emperor is like a rainbow, even in this case, his face is still not a little bit of fear.

"Hey... Tianpeng demon emperor, the person who knows the time is Junjie, you have already gone to the world of fairy tales, as long as you are demon to our barbarians, this seat guarantees that you will not die."

A barbarian old man gave a smirk and said to the Tianpeng demon.

"Jokes, let me Tianpeng surrender, what do you think?"

Tianpeng demon emperor sneered, this is the battle of catastrophe, about the issue of dignity, only life and death, no surrender, today, his Tianpeng demon is dead, and it is impossible to surrender the barbarian, it is completely different concepts.

"Hey! Since you don't eat and drink fine wine, you shouldn't be polite. You should try your best to kill them. As long as they both die, the demon island will collapse directly. By then, the resources on the whole island and overseas will be our."

A master of the Ulan family snorted coldly and said coldly.


The barbarian squad screamed and the six men broke out with a powerful attack. The horrible energy was enough to destroy everything, and went to the Tianpeng demon and the elders.


The Tianpeng demon's wing flutters, and the heavens emits a sweet whistle, with an enemy six.


The world is shaking, the sky is directly smashed, and the sea is setting off an endless wave.


Tian Peng demon emperor was hit hard, wow spurted a blood, even if he was horrible, in the case of an enemy six, some can not bear.

This is also the Tianpeng demon emperor. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, under such a strong attack, even people will be directly smashed and killed on the spot.

"The sky is going to die, I am demon."

The demon elders have no tears in the sky. He knows that today's Yaoxian Island is really dangerous. I am afraid that it will be destroyed. The other party is too strong. Even Tianpeng Emperor is not his opponent. How can he fight?

"Haha, Tianpeng demon, give you the last chance, surrender to us."

The leader of the Uchi family said with a big laugh.

"Get out, even if you die today, you have to pull one or two backs."

Tianpeng demon emperor's hair, at the last moment of life and death, his blood is completely stimulated.

"If that's the case, then it will be perfect."

The barbarian leader is also worried, ready to directly shoot the Tianpeng demon.

Below, Xiao forgets and the saint is also fighting in the blood. At this moment, Xiao forgets that he is already a third-class emperor. His own talent is not weaker than Yang Junlong. If it is not abandoned for three hundred years, it will not be weaker than Yang Junlong.

After joining the Fairy Island, Xiao was forgotten and had a good mood. Together with the resources of the Fairy Island, he was promoted to the third-level emperor in a short time.

But the third-level emperor is really not enough to see such a catastrophe. It can be said that it is difficult to protect itself.

At this moment, Xiao forgets and the saints see the Tianpeng demon in a great crisis. They look sad and angry, but they can't help anything at all. They can only pray that there is a miracle.


Just when the barbarian emperor was preparing to shoot the Tianpeng demon, and the demon island was in despair, the tomb of the demon fairyland suddenly heard a strong roar.

This powerful fluctuation directly shocked the entire battlefield, and countless eyes looked at the past, including the great men of the barbarian.

Everyone saw that a young yellow robe walked out of the tomb.

The young man looks handsome, the black and white hair is particularly eye-catching. He holds the iron bar, and he is full of dazzling golden brilliance. The thorny person can't open his eyes.


Two red-golden dawns are like two glare shots from the eyes of the youth. The eyes of the fire directly tear the void, and with only one look, they kill a large number of barbarians, screaming and screaming, and disrupting the barbarian camp.

The peerless monkey king was born.

[In the afternoon, because there was something to delay, it was still worse. It will be added tomorrow morning, and tomorrow will be directly three. 】

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