Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2086: Master of the world

The eyes of the fire are shining in the sky, an iron rod can smash the sky, the peerless monkey king is born, and it is the cultivation of the six-level demon.

"Look, the Son is born."

"We have been saved, and the Son has been promoted to the Sixth-level Emperor. With his strength, it is sure to save us from the fire."

"There is no end to my demon island."


Seeing the appearance of Dragon Thirteen, the people who have been desperate for the Demon Island, all of them express their excitement. They know very well about Dragon Thirteen. This is a true madman, a peerless enchanting, now In the supreme position, an iron rod can turn around.

The Tianpeng demon emperor and the demon elders finally burst into brilliance, and their looks began to be full of hope. They all understood the horror of the dragon thirteen. If the now-born dragon thirteen is a four-level emperor or a five-level emperor, they There may be some worries, but the Dragon III of the Sixth Emperor is enough to sweep everything.


The dragon thirteen stepped out and went straight to the front of the six six-level sages.

"kill him."

The leader of the Uchi family said, a six-level savage man suddenly took the black spear and killed it toward the dragon thirteen.

The dragon thirteen raised his eyes, and the eyes of the fire looked through everything. With just one look, the six-level emperor was frightened and frustrated.


The dragon thirteen raised his iron bar in his hand, there was no extra fancy, and he was stunned against the six-level sage. This great, the void was directly torn, and the horrible light was radiated from the iron bar. Come out and form a horrible devastating energy network, and betray the six-level savage emperor.


The six-level emperor, who had been murderous, suddenly changed his face. He felt that his whole person was completely bound by a huge amount of energy. Under this bondage, even his powerful six-level emperor It turned out that there was no ability to even move the bullets.


The iron rod smashed down, and what the six-level sages could do was to make a scream and scream. Under the fierceness of the dragon thirteen, a stick was beaten into a meat sauce and died on the spot.

"How can it be?"

The remaining five sixth-level emperors were all shocked, and each of them was almost oozing. They looked at the dragon thirteen, just like seeing the devil.

The same is the six-level savage emperor, even if there is a gap between them, but this gap is too much too much, the powerful Ulan family elders, go up is not the enemy of the other side, directly killed, this is not the eyes As you can see, they couldn't believe that they were killed. The appearance of Dragon XIII subverted their cognition.

"Haha, I am not dead."

Tianpeng demon emperor laughed, and his mood changed instantly. He began to rejoice that this saint was chosen by the saint. The demon island finally escaped a catastrophe because of the existence of the dragon thirteen, exempting him from being extinct. the result of.

"Everyone will die."

The dragon thirteen mouth sneer, he held the iron bar, and the fire eye locked one of them, and he smashed it on the spot.


Another six-level emperor was killed, one by one, without any resistance.

Long XIII is too strong now, as long as he is locked, he can't do it without fighting.

With the cultivation and strength of the dragon thirteen, coupled with his horrible battle, the blood of the dragons and the restraint of the barbarian, even if the eight-level sage is coming, it is also true, not to mention the six-level emperor. How much is it to kill.

"How can a fairy island come out like this enchanting."

The leader of the Uchi family had a spurting impulse, and there was no suspenseful battle. Because a enchanting man was born, he was directly changed by the battle, which made him not angry.

The key now is not just anger, but fear. The remaining four six-level sages are in fear, and that fear is caused by absolute pressure.

"Elder, what should we do? We must withdraw."

Someone asked.

"Withdrawal? One can't go."

The dragon thirteenth is cold and cold, and the flames of the fire-eyed eyes form a huge fire net, which will cover the four six-level emperors. Or, the momentum of the dragon thirteen will have all the voids of the demon island. They are all blocked and absolutely do not give the other party any chance to escape.

The temperament of the dragon thirteenth is too strong. Even the Tianpeng demon emperor has a cold heart. There is a feeling of facing the eight-level demon emperor. The boundless pressure has a great impact on their souls.

Ah, ah!

Subsequently, the Dragon 13 showcased the gods, the iron bars continued for four consecutive times, and the remaining four six-level emperors also died. The whole process was dragged with no water. Even if the four people had the heart to escape, they could not do anything about each other. The gap is too big, not at all.

"No, the leaders are killed, we are finished."

"Mother, how can the other party appear so bad, let's withdraw."

"Everyone listens and withdraws immediately."


The battlefield where **** battles were going on, suddenly there was a huge change. The death of the six-level sages against the barbarians was too great. Everyone did not have the desire to fight at half-point.

It is a pity that the space here has been blocked by Dragon XIII. It is almost impossible to escape with their strength.

"Kill, kill all barbarians, one does not stay."

Tianpeng demon emperor shouted, and he flew into the camp of the barbarian directly, and it was directly turned into a person.

With the strength of the Tianpeng demon emperor, although the joint siege of six six-level sages is not beaten, it is as easy to deal with this group of small shrimps, and it is as easy as crushing the ants.

缥缈仙域, 北玄域, 玄阴教!

At this moment, the Xuan Yin religion has also been attacked by a large number of barbarians, and Xuan Yin teaches both sides to fight.

The barbarian has made an assessment of the strength of each region, and then sent people of different strengths to attack.

Therefore, although the barbarian is fierce, but Xuan Yin is still able to resist.

At the height of the battle, the sky was suddenly torn open, and a black-haired white-haired youth came out from the inside.

After the youth appeared, the scorpion carried the boundless magic power. This is the real demon king. After he appeared, the battlefield of the original scorpion stopped directly. It was the horror of the six-level emperor, and the soul of every oppression. They are shaking.

"Look, that is the Son, he went back to the Magic Mountain."

"A strong and powerful atmosphere, this is a powerful Supreme Emperor. The Magic Mountain really exists, and the Son really finds it."

"Great, under this pressure, I feel the soul trembles violently."


Xuanyin taught up and down, and this white-haired youth is not someone else. It is the cold that just came out of the magic mountain.

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