Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2087: Help

Chapter 2087

Magic Mountain, for the Xuan Yin religion, has always existed in the legend, never seen the Magic Mountain, and no one knows where the Magic Mountain is.

According to legend, only the true singularity of the Magic Road is likely to enter the Magic Mountain and get a real world.

However, in the past few years, Xuan Yin teaches a variety of amazing talents. They have spent the rest of their lives trying to find the location of the Magic Mountain. In the end, there is no success.

Until the advent of Han Yan, this legend became possible and became a real existence. After Han Yan left, many people in Xuan Yin did not believe that he could find the Magic Mountain. After all, no one has ever succeeded.

But now it seems that Han Yan has succeeded. He must have found the Magic Mountain and got a reverse of the sky. This is the only explanation for his six-level emperor who was promoted to horror.

No one knows what Han Yan got in the Magic Mountain, but the Magic Mountain actually created a Supreme Emperor.

The barbaric people who had been murderous and trembled under the horror of this horror, could not do even with the move.

"Mom, how can there be six levels of demons, and Xuan Yin teaches that there should be such a strong presence."

The barbarian leader screamed, and the impact of a six-level sage on them was too great.

Han Yanzi's glory, smashing the world, he looked at the battlefield and suddenly found a smashing claw.

The black claws are like the barriers of the Emperor, and hundreds of barbarian masters are shrouded in it. He is almost the top figure of the barbarian.


The screams of screaming screamed, and Han Yan grabbed it. Hundreds of people were all tragically killed, and they turned directly into fly ash, and even a little residue did not stay.

A trick to kill so many people, Han Yan body trembled, the whole person disappeared, I do not know where to go, here the battlefield, no longer need him.

"Well, where is the Son?"

"The strength of the Son is too strong, the battle here is no longer suitable for him, he is going to a bigger battlefield."

"Yes, now the two sides of the savage battle, the battlefield almost filled the entire fairyland, the Son has been promoted to the six-level sage, the battlefield here, can not mention his interest, he just squeezed so many barbarian masters It has completely solved the crisis of our Xuan Yin religion. Next, we will look at our own."


Han Yan stood on top of the sky, and the konjac looked at the smoke and the battlefield of the Quartet. The catastrophe came, and he felt that he had to do something.

"I don't know how they are doing now, they must be fighting each other."

Han Yan said, then, his eyes looked at the direction of Xianting, Yan Xianting.

"I feel the horrible battle volatility of Xianting. It seems that Xianting has a certain crisis. Although there is a grudge before, at this time, the grievances are temporarily put aside and the barbarians are the most important."

Han Yan said that after repairing to reach his realm, he can already sense a lot of things. Within the entire vast fairyland, as long as Han Yan wants to know, a thought can be detected.

There are battlefields everywhere, but for Han Yan, this time is suitable for your own battlefield, only Xianting.

At the moment, Yan Xianting!

As Han Yan expected, Xianting is suffering an unprecedented crisis. Xianting is strong, but it can't hold the opponent stronger.

I have to say that after tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the savage world has become extremely horrible. Every level of combat power is almost beyond the fairy world. The twelve major families and the masters in each family are countless.

At this moment, attacking Xian Xianting, there are five full-scale six-level emperors, and there are only three six-level emperors on the side of Xianting, which is dwarfed by confrontation and has already fallen into the disadvantage.

The battlefield covered the entire Xianting space. All the elders and disciples of Xianting participated in the battle and launched the most fierce battle with the fierce barbarian.

Shouting, tearing, screaming.

The blood spurted, the whole battlefield became a blood-stained world, the blood of the Terran, the blood of the barbarian, and the body fell one after another from the sky.

A great emperor, even a fairy deity, has unlimited life and can live forever, but in such a war, immortality does not exist. You don’t know if you can continue to live in the next moment. The enemy is too ferocious. Many of them use the same style of play.


A six-level elder elder was finally defeated, and a blood was spurted out. Even the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty had some resistance, and a sword had played the most sharp offensive in his hands. However, in five cases of three This resistance is almost in vain.

"The beast of the beast, haha."

The leader of the Mozu laughed and his face was a playful color.


The sky made a thunderous, dull sound, and a large hole appeared in the sky. A white-haired young man descended from the sky, and the demon emperor came.

In the hands of Han Yan, holding a black scepter, after his appearance, his eyes immediately locked a six-level sage. His scepter waved, and the whole person was like a dragon. He came to the six-level sage in the blink of an eye.

Under the circumstance, the six-level emperor was directly smashed by the scepter and was crushed on the spot.

After coming out of the Magic Mountain, the strength of Han Yan reached a point of incomparable horror. There was a magic wand in hand, and the same level was almost invincible.

Although he does not have the metamorphosis of the dragon and thirteen, but in the case of confronting the same level of the six-level emperor, the destructive power that can be caused is almost the same as that of the dragon, and it is a one-shot kill.


The leader of the barbarian drank and his expression became dignified. They all looked at the sudden appearance of the white-haired youth. When they appeared, they killed a six-level emperor. This is a blow to the barbarian. Big.

"He is a cold fan, a friend of Jiang Chen. I didn't expect it to be so powerful in a short period of time. It must have been a great adventure."

An elder said that in order to deal with Xianting before Yan Xianting, almost everything in Jiang Chen was thoroughly explored, including friends around Jiang Chen, so it is not surprising to see the identity of Han Yan at a glance.

"I didn't expect to save us the fate of Xianting."

"It seems that we have to put aside our grievances."

"Yeah, now is the key moment to fight against the barbarians. In the face of this catastrophe, there are still any grudges. Han Yan abandoned the former suspicion to help us. What we can say in Xianting, owes him a favor."

Including the ethereal emperor, the three six-level emperors are such an idea, the emergence of the cold, has all the past grievances.

"I am going to kill him."

The leader of the Wufeng family took a shot and went to attack the cold. He did not believe that a six-level emperor could really be arrogant to the point where he could not fight. Moreover, he was the strongest of several people, and he only shot.

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