Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2088: God monument shocks the earth [fill yesterday]

Seeing that the six-level emperor was killing himself, Han Yan’s mouth overflowed with a sneer, and his face did not change at all. The scepter in his hand pointed forward, and a void moment was solidified. It was like a ghost in hell. The imprisonment was filled with the magical powers, and a magic light rushed out of the scepter, hitting the six-level sage.


The powerful six-level savage emperor suddenly suffered an unprecedented blow, and his chest was hit by a big hole, and his vitality was directly lost.

The head of the barbaric king had not had time to exclaim, and Han Yan had already appeared on his head. The scepter fell down and fell on his head.


The void has been smashed, and the ending of the sergeant's prince can be imagined, almost different, and death is not too bad.

"Give the Emperor the Lord."

When I saw the means of chilling, I went up and killed two six-level emperors. The Emperor, who had no fighting spirit, suddenly became excited. He shouted and took the lead in killing one of the six-level slayers. go with.

The other two elders of Xianting are also like this, fighting high spirits and swearing to kill the enemy.

The barbarians who had been so powerful, the morale was instantly smashed. In such a war, morale is too important.

White Dragon Temple!

The White Dragon Temple, which is illuminated by the Buddha, is also in the darkness of the boundless darkness. A golden streak of a stupa is like a bright light in the darkness, but even if it is a stupa that can bloom endlessly smooth, it is impossible to dispel the darkness here. .


Gao Yan sang, the Sanskrit is rolling.


The barbarian roared, and did not desperately bombard the White Dragon Temple.

The supreme masters have come out, and Qinglian's ancestors stand at the very center of the battlefield. This is a Buddha of the World, and it is kind and eye-catching, but at the moment it is very attractive.

Qinglian's ancestors were one enemy three, and did not fall into the wind. The big handprints of Buddhism continued to blast, and they had great restraint against the barbarians.

It is also because of the power of Buddhism. This time, the barbarian masters who came to attack the Buddhism are also very many. The number is almost half of that of the Bailongsi stilts. The six-level ambassadors have eight.

Eight six-level emperors, that is almost the same lineup as Feng Chi Xian Ting, who came to attack the White Dragon Temple, is the Uk family and the Ure family of the barbarian.

Now, the three major six-level emperors of Buddhism are fighting eight more six-level emperors who are more than half their own. Rao has the advantage of Buddhism and is not an opponent at all.

"Mother's, the old vultures of Buddhism are really powerful. We have three of them and they have been unable to win."

The masters of the Uk family are extremely angry.

Over the entire White Dragon Temple, the Buddha light and the arrogance of the Buddha, the heavens and the earth have completely changed color, this is a real battle of catastrophe, only life and death, no win or lose.

"Don't delay the time. Arrange the eight sides of the array, trap the three vultures and kill them."

The leader of the Uk family shouted.

Eight six-level savage emperors suddenly dispersed, standing in eight different directions, and they were connected with each other, and they were surrounded by Qinglian ancestors and two other Buddhas.

"The abbot, they laid down the eight sides of the array to deal with us, it seems that today is fierce."

A Buddha said openly.

"Amitabha, I am compassionate, life and death are only between one thought, and there is no difference between life and death. Even if we die, we must make our own contribution to the catastrophe."

The ancestors of Qinglian’s ancestors were dignified and fearless.

This is the highest state of mind of Buddhism, seeing through life and death.

"Eight faces, suppression."

The leader of the Uk family screamed, and there were savage savage soldiers in the hands. The other seven also showed the most powerful attacks. Under the alliance of the Eight Faces, the eight six-level sages were all The combat power has all merged together, and I don’t know how much stronger than at the beginning.

"The Buddha is true."

The Qinglian ancestors and the other two Buddhas simultaneously displayed the Buddha's true body, and their bodies became the Buddha of the size of the Baishi.

Their bodies are covered with red-gold light, and their heads are full of Sanskrit, swaying a layer of Sanskrit.


The attacks of the two sides collide with each other. This is a contest between darkness and light. It is the most targeted color between heaven and earth.


The three Buddhas spurted blood at the same time. Even if they were strong again, they could not withstand the strong attack of eight six-level sages who displayed the Eight-faced Tianluo. If it was three-on-three, the six-level sage was almost dead, but unfortunately the reality. Always cruel.

"Haha, old vulture, can't do it."

The master of the Uray family laughed.

"Sit with your body."

The face of Qinglian's ancestors is full of sorrowful colors. Outside his body, there is a single golden flame burning.

Upon seeing it, the other two Buddhas also looked sad, and then, outside their bodies, there was a flame.


The sorghums of countless Bailong Temple saw this scene and they all had sorrows. They knew that Qinglian ancestors and two Buddhas were burning their lives. It was the fire of life.

They have to sit down and live with the enemy.


At this moment, the void suddenly burst open, and a mighty little monk emerged from nothingness.

The sixth-level emperor, the youngest Buddha was born, and his eyebrows broke out, and he broke out with a huge stone tablet in his hand.

"go with."

The little monk snorted and the monument of the gods became infinite, and the center of the octagonal array was smashed.



Accompanied by the earth-shattering roar, the Eight-faced Tian Luo array was directly smashed under the strong attack of the Zhenshen monument. The powerful vibration force, even the eight six-level sages can not resist, eight people All were shocked and squirting blood in the mouth.

With just one blow, they defeated eight six-level emperors and injured eight people at the same time. Such a powerful attacking power was really shocking.

"it is good."

Qinglian's ancestors put away the fire of life, and the eyes glowed with radiance. At the moment when the young monk appeared, he knew that Bailong Temple was saved.

"Who is that? How can Bailong Temple have such a powerful little monk."

The leader of the Uk family has an impulse to spurt blood.

However, regardless of the monk, he looked at the stone tablet and crushed everything. In the blink of an eye, one of the six-level sages came to the front, and the town **** monument fell and fell on him.


Accompanied by screaming and screaming, the six-level savage emperor was smashed into powder on the spot and died completely.

"Do not move the king of India."

The monk turned to face another strong and unmoving king, and the huge French seal was like a mountain. He killed the six-level emperor on the spot.

The monk of the sixth-level emperor level, dealing with the same level of the emperor, is almost invincible.

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