Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2089: Assignments

When they shot, they killed two six-level emperors. When the monk appeared, they immediately reversed the situation.

Eight six-level emperors, two dead, the remaining six look at the boundless monk of the mad tyrants, the endless fear emerged in the eyes, the six of them were broken because of the previous eight-faced Luo Luo, also by the town of God monument There is no small injury, and now the monk is so fierce, there is still a strong momentum before half a point.


The monk's arm swayed, and the huge town **** monument suddenly flew up to the sky. The huge **** monument was full of thousands of feet. The endless light was radiated from the monument of the gods, forming a vast network of white dragons. The space where they are located has been blocked. Under the blockade of the town’s monument, all the people in the savage world are unable to escape, and today they cannot escape.

"The void is blocked, we can't get away, let's shoot together, kill the little monk, or you will die here today."

The Uk family shouted loudly, and the faces of the six men were covered with cockroaches and madly killed to the tyrants.

"We also shot."

Qinglian's ancestors also moved. He held the Buddha's seal and killed one of them. The other two Buddhas also chose an opponent and killed the past.

Although the three old guys are not as strong as the monks, but at this time they can't watch the six six-level sages against the monk and remain indifferent. Since they are defeated, they must release the previous grievances on the enemy. Get back to the field.

"Daoguang Buddha body."

The monk burst into a bang and the body became a Baizhang Buddha, just like a mountain pressed against a barbarian.


How did the sacred emperor bear the pressure of the Buddhism body, crushed on the spot, and the current strength of the monk, even if he encountered the seven-level emperor, there was no suspense to kill, not to mention the other’s cultivation is only with himself. The same six-level emperor, coupled with the Buddhist monk's fundamental restraint on the barbarians, killing the six-level emperor, is simply a breeze, effortless.

Ah, ah...

The screams of sternness continued to come out. In the few minutes before and after, all the six-level sages were killed, the monks and gods showed up, killing the Quartet, and the remaining barbarians became the soldiers of the decline, against the White Dragon Temple. There is no more threat.

The monk came to the Qinglian ancestors and put his hands together: "The ancestors."

"Well, it seems that you have an unimaginable adventure in the town monument. This catastrophe is exactly the time for you to show your strength."

Qinglian’s ancestors nodded and said that looking at this younger generation is really satisfying from the heart. There is absolutely no place to be picky.

At this moment, the monk suddenly felt the power of a summoning, and the corner of his mouth suddenly overflowed with a smile.

"Yizu, Xiao Chenzi summoned me, the disciple is going."

The monk said that the summoning he had received was exactly from Jiang Chen. It is also very easy to call Jiang to the current strength of Jiang Chen.

"Well, let's go, Bailong Temple has settled here. You can rest assured to cope with the catastrophe. This time, you and Jiang Chen will become important figures in the catastrophe."

Qinglian ancestors said.

The monk's body swayed and disappeared directly.

At the same time, Han Yan, Long XIII, also received the call of Jiang Chen, just at this time the battle in their hands has ended, and immediately flew to the location where Jiang Chen summoned.

A ridiculous mountain range, Jiang Chen holding a golden lupin, there is no barbarian within a radius of Wanli, because all the barbarians have become corpses, and the broken bodies of barbarians are everywhere under the mountains. They all died in the golden feather fan. under.

The golden feather fan is too restrained against the barbarian. In the hands of Jiang Chen, all the barbarians are vulnerable, and the golden feather fan sweeps like a wind and sweeps the leaves.


The three figures appeared in three different directions at the same time. One was wearing a yellow robe, the flowing hair was black and white, a black and white hair, a scepter, a hand-bearing stone tablet, and a golden plaque.

It was the dragon thirteen, Han Yan, and monk who appeared here after Jiang Chen summoned.

"Little dust."

Seeing Jiang Chen, the faces of the three people suddenly showed ecstasy. At the crucial moment of this catastrophe, the four brothers were able to gather together, which is also very difficult.

The four people looked at each other. After seeing each other's cultivation, they were shocked first, then they laughed.

"Well, it seems that the brothers are all extraordinary. This catastrophe is also the key battle for our growth. The destiny of the celestial world must be in our hands. Our brothers can do a great job in the fairy world, and it is not so bad." for many years."

Jiang Chen has a passion.

"How come you can't see rhubarb?"

Cold and curious asked.

"I have already sent a call to the rhubarb. He did not appear. He said that he is still in a retreat. Regardless of him, I believe that you have experienced a real war and you have seen the strength of the barbarian."

Jiang Chen said.

"Yes, the barbarian is too strong. Every barbarian who appears in a big force is extremely strong. It is really difficult to deal with the strength of the fairy world. If it is not for me to appear in time, the demon island will be finished."

Long XIII said that Rao is his arrogance and has to admit the power of the barbarian.

"I am the same here, Bailong Temple has just experienced a big catastrophe."

The monk said.

"The same is true for Xian Xianting. I went to help them end the crisis."

Han Yan said.

"Yes, the number of masters in the savage world must exceed us, especially in Xianting. Now the crisis of Bailong Temple, Yaoxian Island, Fengchi Xianting, and Xian Xianting are temporarily lifted, and regardless of the second attack of the barbarian When will it be, but the savage decision must be adjusted for the wrong decision. What we have to do now is to help Xianting solve the first battling attack."

Jiang Chen said.

"Little dust, what do you say? We listen to you."

The monk said.

"White Dragon Temple, Yaoxian Island, Qi Xianting, Fengchi Xianting for the time being, do not say, there are seven major Xianting may be in crisis, monkey, you immediately went to Linglong Xianting and Huangquan Xianting, monk, you go to the Promise Ting and Ruyi Xianting, A Yan, you go to the immortal Xianting, this place is far away, so you can go to one, and give me to Luo Xianting and Guangming Xianting."

Jiang Chen said that he personally went to Luo Xianting and Guangming Xianting, but it was also abandoning the former suspicion, but the past grievances.

"Okay, let's go."

The three nodded, now the fairyland is in danger, not when chatting, every Xianting is the greatest force against the barbarian. If the loss is big, then Xianting is really in crisis.

What they have to do now is to lift the crisis that the major Xianting is currently experiencing. As for the gold family, Jiang Chen is not worried at all. The gold family has always been the biggest nemesis of the barbarians.

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