Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2236: Sorrow, it is sorrow

Jiang Chen’s breaking Xiaodan, the price of 30 pieces of Zhongyuan Shenyuanshi, was robbed. Less than half a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Xiaodan was completely robbed, and there were countless people who were full of sighs and could not get one. The gods are angry and angry, or the mood is low. After all, the situation just now is obvious to all. The facts speak louder than words, and even those who do not trust at first, finally robbed Dan.

Zhou Yunpeng did not expect it at all. The transformation of these plots was too fast. Even he was a little bit mad, and Jiang Chen’s breaking Xiaodan had already been “ransacked”.

"How can it be so little? There are no more than two hundred? No?"

"Yeah, how could this be the case, we can't even see what Dan medicine grows, this dude, you won't just stock it?"

"There is no broken dawn. We can wait here."

Some people can't help but complain that Jiang Chen's breaking Xiao Dan is too little, not enough.

More than 100,000 foreign disciples, most of them are in the early days of the virtual **** level, and even there are nine levels of Xiandi. Some people are limited by talents. They are always difficult to break through. Some people are limited by bottlenecks, but at this time Dan, there will be no more problems.

"Sorry, there are so many, if you want to buy it, after ten days, I will still be here. But I have another kind of medicinal medicine, solid soul Dan, able to raise the soul and enhance the soul realm, if anyone understands it. It should be able to understand that the realm of the soul is more important than anything. One thing that must be said is that if your strength is enough, but the soul is not enough, a solid soul can also let you break through, but this chance Compared with breaking Xiaodan, it is self-evident, but the efficacy between the two is also very different. As for this kind of solid soul Dan, I don’t need to repeat too much, fifty pieces of Chinese stone , do not look at the effect to see the effect."

Jiang Chen’s remarks have made countless people one of them. But at this moment, some of the masters of the inner door are paying more and more attention. Because this solid soul Dan, for the inner door master, it is indeed It’s more direct than breaking Xiaodan, and it’s not very important for the inner door masters. The inner door masters are mostly virtual peaks or half-step gods. The simple breaking Xiaodan is hard to cause too much. Great drug effect.

However, the soul of the soul is not the same, especially the warming of the soul, so that those real masters are looking over, relying on the credibility that Jiang Chen earned before, now his words, but also the trust is very high, almost no doubt His medicinal herbs, and the inner door people, are generally richer than the foreign disciples, so the price of the fifty-fifty-class **** Yuanshi is more acceptable to the inner disciples, although still very expensive, but still very expensive, but still It is always within the scope of tolerance.

“Does this really warm the soul?”

This kind of panacea medicine, in the past inside and outside the door, but there is no such thing. This time, there is such a broken Xiaodan, so the credibility of the soul soul Dan is even higher.

"The believer is not suspicious, the suspect is not used."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly. Although his answer was very arrogant, there were still some people who were willing to pay for the 50-year-old Shenyuan Stone. In the end, the soul-soul and the broken Xiaodan were all sold out, and Jiang Chen was also earning a pot full. .

This time, Jiang Chen directly sold 16,000 pieces of Chinese medicine Yuanyuan Stone, which is 1.6 million yuan of Shenyuan Stone. Such a huge amount of wealth directly made Jiang Chen the real richest man. . Even if it is the master in the front door, it is absolutely impossible to have such wealth.

Four hundred medicinal herbs were sold out, but there were still many people who did not get it, even mad, first-come-first-served, and those who arrived later, even if they ate soup.

Jiang Chen holds 16,000 pieces of Chinese medicine Yuan Yuanshi, and there are some light in his eyes. So many Shen Yuanshi, he is promoted to the late stage of the virtual god, I am afraid it is hopeful.

Even Ling Xiao is a little surprised. I didn’t expect this guy to be quite capable. These two kinds of medicinal herbs, even she has never heard of it, the most important thing is that the two medicinal effects are in the entire Xuanfeng sect. The door and the outer door are all set off with a frenzy. The solid soul in the inner door makes the masters extremely shocked, warms the soul, and can also enhance the power of the soul and heal the wounds of the soul. Such a drug is simply God products, and even if the price is a bit expensive, they are fully acceptable.

After all, this kind of immortality, but it can not be met.

"Do you know who the people in the trading market are selling Xiaodan? And the solid soul Dan, which is said to be quite effective, I don't know how many people are looking for him now."

"I don't know about the things in the inner door, but it is said that a total of 197 broken Xiaodans were sold out in the outer door, and all 197 people were promoted successfully. This is almost the entire outer door. Unheard of, it is said that even the people in the sects are completely shocked."

"Who said it is not, although this Dan drug rank is not high, but for our virtual **** level, that is quite useful."

"There are many people in the inner door who have healed the wounds of the soul or made up for the lack of soul power. I heard people say that now the Sunan wind of the inner door and Sheng Kun are looking for this person, they are two When they were performing tasks outside three years ago, they were injured by a Soul Eater. Both of them were quite unlucky. In the past two years, the strength has been stagnant and the soul power is extremely weak."

Among the inside and outside doors, there was a voice of doubt, but it was not crusade, but they were all looking for this mysterious alchemy. Only Zhou Yunpeng knew that Jiang Chen was the real master of alchemy.

Jiang Chen is not aware of the window, and he began to seek a breakthrough. One thousand and five thousand Chinese gods, all of which were inhaled by him, but the result is still sinking into the sea, without any reflection, even the virtual level. The mid-peak peaks were not touched.

Jiang Chen can't help but feel a little frustrated, but in the end this is a fact that no one can change. If other people say it, so many Chinese yuan stones accumulate, breaking through the middle of the virtual **** level, completely absent.

"You are really like a bottomless hole in your body. Even so many gods are filled with disappointment."

Ling Xiao said with doubt.

"Sorrow, it is really sad. It seems that I have to work hard to make alchemy."

Jiang Chen smiled and began to refine alchemy again. This time, he directly refining 500 broken Xiaodan and 500 hundred solid soul Dan. These two kinds of immortal medicines are relatively easy, but they also cost Jiang Chen has two days, and Jiang Chen likes to be perfect. His refining medicinal herbs must be top grade.

Ordinary medicinal herbs, if the efficacy is not sufficient or the medicinal properties can not be completely released, it is simply not up to the order, so the general medicinal herbs are all without the product, and naturally it is impossible to have the effect of Jiang Dian. So remarkable.

Last night, I was free to play the "Shadow Warrior". When I finished the novice task and prepared for the novice village, I didn't expect to be caught by a dragon brother. I have to learn from me. Okay, old Su has nothing. Suspense has been abused, and sure enough, I am still only suitable for codewords.

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