Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2237: The thickness of the face is too thick

When Jiang Chen once again appeared in the drug trading area, it was already overcrowded, and this time, no accident, a thousand medicinal herbs, once again sold out, and it was scattered and scattered, a total of 40,000 Chinese products Shen Yuanshi and Zhou Yunpeng are all looking at dumbfounded eyes, and Jiang Chen also divides his five hundred Chinese gods, and Zhou’s Zhou Yunpeng is not good for cultivation. If there is a **** stone in hand, then He also has the confidence to be able to impact the late stage of the virtual god.

For the underlying disciples, sometimes not talent is not enough, but there are not so many resources for them to practice. Once the resources are sufficient, they are also capable of flying.

"This Xiongtai, I don't know your prescription, what is the formula? I have been studying alchemy for more than 20 years. It is also a small success. I don't know if Xiongtai would like to communicate with me?"

A man with a thin body slowly came, his face was a bit white, but his eyes were extremely bright, staring at Jiang Chen, said with a smile. Moreover, he did not wear a mask. Over the years, many people have recognized his existence, and wearing a mask is meaningless.

"This brother, what do you mean, come and ask me for Dan?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes rose slightly. He sold the drug on his own opposite side. Now he enters the trading market twice. Almost everyone has no business. The tree is big, and Jiang’s medicinal effect is wonderful. For them, these alchemy People, naturally, become the stab in the eyes.

There are nearly 30 people who have alchemy here, but they are all the entry-level refining pharmacists they have studied. Only three or five people sell the medicinal herbs, which can really be regarded as the entrance to the room, but compared with Jiang Dian’s medicinal herbs, it is still It’s a bad day, it’s totally incomparable.

"No, no, how can I ask Dan for you? That is the taboo of the refining pharmacists, and Dan is his own private collection. Who would like to share it with everyone? But I also mean what everyone means. It’s just a junior Dan Fang. Everyone is the same door. Let’s take it out and study it. It’s good. After all, it can promote the unity of our Xuanfeng Zong disciples, and we can also study hard, which is quite beneficial. Things."

Gu Wanfeng said with a smile, shaking his head, the light color of his face.

The dozen or so refining pharmacists around me also slightly nodded and agreed. For Jiang Chen to grab their business, their hearts are naturally resentful. Now Jiang Chen is a big one, no one wants to buy their Dan. The medicine is gone. This kind of thing, disrupting the trading market, how can they allow it to continue to exist?

Jiang Chen is now becoming the thorn in their eyes and blocking everyone's financial road. At this time, they naturally attacked Jiang Chenqun one by one.

"This guy is a man in the inner door, strong in strength, and the first refining pharmacist in the inner door. He even rumors that he can refine the superior medicine. It is quite good, even the alchemy elder Lin Zhongqiang in the sect. He has already collected him as a disciple. Once his strength breaks through the level of the gods and reaches the realm of the gods, he will be accepted as a true disciple by the elders. And generally no one is willing to offend the refining pharmacist, the appeal of the refining pharmacist. Quite strong, once someone offends them, they can use other drugs to drive others for him. Many people in the inner door are good with him."

Zhou Yunpeng whispered in Jiang Chen’s ear, in order to let Jiang Chen know oneself and know each other, and to retreat, this ancient Wanfeng is not so easy to offend.

"In this case, everyone is the same door, then please ask your brother to lend me a look at how to read it first? Everyone can promote learning together. As for the Danfang who is not influential, I am afraid that I can't enter everyone's eyes."

Jiang Chen’s heart sneered, saying that they are watching Jiang Chen’s dissatisfaction. He wants to break the prescription of Dan and the soul of the soul. Because now, Xiao Dan and the soul of the soul are all the inside and outside of the Xuanfengzong. I don’t know how many people are there. It is red-eyed, and Gu Wanfeng is naturally the first one. He is the first person of Xuanfeng Zong Alchemy. How can this kind of good thing deprive him?

If Jiang Chen knows the current affairs, he will call out the prescriptions, and they can also benefit each other. If they do not agree, then they will only meet each other.

"Are you provoking me? I still want my Danfang? It’s crazy to say that you are too self-righteous."

Gu Wanfeng said indifferently.

"Then why do you want my Dan? You think who you are, only the state officials set fire to the people not to light, you want my Danfang to study together, I want you, it becomes an idiot to dream? Provocate you Hahaha, it seems that you are really brain-dead, do you think I will be afraid of you? Grandson? I will not give you, how can you treat me, do not accept you to bite me?"

Jiang Chen sneered and laughed again and again, Gu Wanfeng’s face was gloomy and instantly became murderous.

"Well, give your face a shameless face. If you don't know how to lift it, I will meet it for the first time. It seems that I can only give you a lesson and let you know how to respect your brother."

Gu Wanfeng cold road.

"The brother is a brother, there is indeed something worth learning."

"Know it."

"The brothers can practice such a brazen and shameful magic. It is really making me wait and see. Your face is comparable to Chongshan Dayue. You can't admire it. Haha."

Jiang Chen said with a smirk, completely defying the attitude of Gu Wanfeng.

"Jiang Xiong, you are a little too reckless, but it is the inner door of Gu Wanfeng. Even the thunder of the seventh door of the inner door is his good friend. This time, I am afraid that things are not so simple."

Zhou Yunpeng’s face is full of worries.

"What about that? Now he is deliberately provocative. I want him to be a idiot and a dream. He wants me to be Dan, and to discuss it with her name. I have never seen it before." A shameless person."

Jiang Chen’s eyes stared at Gu Wanfeng, and both of them were pinpoints against Maimang. No one would take a step back. The people around you are also gathering more and more.

"Then you are looking for a dead end, are you? So many brothers can't persuade you, your selfish guy is really a spit."

Gu Wanfeng sighed and seemed to be full of cherished feelings for Jiang Chen. It seemed to mean that Jiang Dian’s Dan Fang was originally everyone’s.

"You are guarding Dan Fang's self-respect. This is the biggest disrespect to the brothers. Now, it seems that you are more and more disappointing. Whether you are an insider or a foreign disciple, today I will challenge you. If you don't dare to pick it up, then hand over Dan Fang's. If that is the case, you may be able to feel completely relieved. My Xuanfengzong has always advocated that peace is a good thing. You openly provoke the brothers and brothers. I have given you a chance."

Gu Wanfeng’s remarks made Jiang Chen laugh.

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