Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2262: Nether shuttle

"You are so arrogant, why didn't you come out the first time and settle everyone? You still don't trust your strength. Haha, is God in the middle of the world, is it amazing?"

Jiang Chen also sneered at He Lian's incomparable, although he was seriously injured at this moment, but it is absolutely impossible for the guy who is unparalleled in Helian to stand on his head.

"You are crazy, you are very strong, but unfortunately, you can't be my opponent after all. You are too weak, and you are already hurt."

Helian unshake shook his head.

"I don't want to kill the ring, call the dragon ball out, you can all go."

"This may not be possible. You have to take Dragon Ball. It’s not too late to pass my pass. What do you think? Kill me, Dragon Ball is yours."

Jiang Chen faced Helian unparalleled, and Helian smiled unparalleledly. The young cow under his arm was also gently snorted.

"Even my old cow, I think you are joking, or I will send you out of here, I hope heaven, there is no separation. Dragon Ball, sooner or later will be mine."

"Women's reluctance, five years, you are considered to be good, but unfortunately, you met me, you can only blame you for your bad luck."

Jiang Chen did not retreat a half step. At this moment, he was destined to launch a fight with Helian unparalleled. Dragon Ball, he will never hand over, but to defeat Helian, he will be able to get Dragon Ball safely.

"Now, young people, I really don't know how tall and thick, haha. I wanted to spare you a life, but you simply don't know how to cherish it, failure fails."

Helian unparalleled and chuckled.

"This guy is really more and more confident, but IMHO, I really don't like him, can beat Helian unparalleled, but the second master of Taiji, his brother Shenwei, and he is extremely powerful. He is stronger than the fire unicorn, and he has been injured. It seems that the Dragon Ball, the final affiliation, will still have to be Taiji Gate."

Liao Bufan said quietly that although Jiang Chen is very strong, but the strength between the two is quite different from the three stages, and he is now the body of injury, it is almost impossible to complete the counterattack against the heyday of the people. .

If you beat the fire unicorn, it is completely unexpected for Xue Qianying and others. If Jiang Chen can really beat Helian’s unparalleled, it’s a fantasy, two people who are not in direct proportion. One is the arm of the car, the other is the unparalleled, the ending can be imagined.

"Jiang Chen is a little bit too big. He really shouldn't continue to fight this guy. This person is obviously playing the trick of catching the oriole. Jiang Chen is a slap in the face."

Tan Shanhe said.

"Yeah, after all, I still hope he can make a miracle, but it seems unlikely."

Bai Yunfei is full of regrets, but he also knows that Jiang Chen’s temperament is strong. He is too strong and too arrogant. He does not put anyone in his eyes. This last lore, Jiang Chen should have nothing. Means can complete the counterattack.

"If you have the same strength, maybe I am not really your opponent, but now you are still too weak, and your sword, I want it."

He Lian unparalleled put down the bamboo flute in his hand and inserted it on his back, whispering.

"If you want my sword, I am afraid that you don't have this skill, let's go, I am still rushing home."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

"Since you are so anxious, it will give you this opportunity."

"A cow, someone wants to provoke us, should I teach him a good lesson."


"Even A Niu said, you are too annoying. The sound of the whistle is fascinating!"

He Lian unblemished the whistle, and his voice twirled, but at this moment, everyone was caught in a fascination. This is a sonic attack, a sound wave, like a sword and a sword, seemingly invisible, but A weird way, Jiang Chen had to push back quickly, and his face became distorted.

"A terrible sound wave attack."

Jiang Chen said with a deep face, but his face was ugly, but he calmly calmed down, because this sonic attack directly attacks the soul, but how powerful Jiang Chen’s soul is, even if it is a strong god, it is hard to match.

"Play with me, you are too tender. Give me a roll!"

In the heart of Jiang Chen’s heart, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a horrible soul smashed and swayed. The entire valley was full of wind and wind, and his whistle sound became beautiful music. Any lethality was shocked by the soul of Jiang Chen and completely emptied.

He Lian's eyes were slightly closed, and his heart was a little surprised. This little guy is really a bit of a dazzling ability. Even his own sound wave attack is against it. Is his soul power really powerful?

"It's not simple, it's not simple. It doesn't seem to give you a little bit of material. You don't know that I am unparalleled."

He Lian unparalleled with one hand, the bamboo flute in his hand, suddenly bright and generous, turned into a pillar that covers the sky, directly crushing the void, Jiang Chen instantly retreats, the pillars cover the entire canyon, descend from the sky, directly It landed on the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen looked stunned, and a sword arrived. The bamboo flute, which was as high as the sky, pressed Jiang Dust a little breathless. On one knee, the sword pointed to the bamboo flute, and Helian’s hands were pressed down, wanting to Jiang Chen is crushed.

"This little trick, I want to let me know what to do?"

Jiang Chen sneered, and disappeared instantly in the same place, between the whole world, as if he did not exist there, but it seems that his figure may appear everywhere.

"This? How could this be, Jiang Chen, where have you been?"

Liao Bufan is completely dumbfounded.

"This is not a teleport, absolutely not! This is a big move."

The face of Xue Qianying finally showed a touch of moving color, and the void was greatly moved. This is a strong **** and can not be done. So far, as far as she knows, no one can do a big move. Because only the space array method can complete the large movement of the void.

"Impossible! Never! This guy, where is it."

Yang Jian’s face changed, and there was a wave of turbulence in his heart, which made him completely stunned.

"Shipping the void, this..."

Helian's unparalleled is also shocking, the stronger the strength, the more you know how to shuttle the void, how difficult it is, even a little careless, it may be strangled by the emptiness of the void, but just now Jiang Chen did indeed do that step. That is to complete the void shuttle.

When the bamboo flute fell, the entire canyon was completely cracked and cracked, and Jiang Chen also appeared behind Helian’s unparalleled, killing the dragon seal, making Helian unparalleled, his face changed, and the green cow was still moving. Disappeared outside the Baizhang.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

He Lian unparalleledly raised his eyebrows and his mouth became more and more interesting.

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