Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2263: God renewed

Jiang Chen’s emptiness shuttles, so that everyone is shocked, knowing that the virtual shuttle, even the powerful king, the gods, may not be able to complete, and the virtual shuttle, quite dangerous, one is not It is possible to be strangled and killed in the emptiness of the void. At that time, it was really a return to the sky.

After Jiang Chen entered the realm of the gods, he used almost no big emptiness before the people. Because he was not at the moment of life and death, he would not easily make it out. This is his life-saving means. In fact, even if he wants to go now, this Even the unparalleled can not stop himself, and if he is hiding in the ancestral tower, he is even more difficult to find traces, but he can not ignore the life of Bai Yunfei Yang Jian and others, it is not his original intention.

Although Jiang Chen is not a good generation, he also knows the meaning of love, Yang Jian and Bai Yunfei are not the kind of ungrateful. These two people are definitely worthy of making friends for Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen has always made friends. They all look at their own feelings. If they don't look at your generation, even if they are strong, they will not be seen in his eyes.

"Is the shuttle in the air? Then I will see, how do you shuttle me out of this Tai Chi!"

He Lian unparalleled cold voice, between the hands raised, the formation of the formation of the law, more than three hundred Chinese gods Yuanshi, the cloth into the Taiji no beginnings, quite strange, the entire Grand Canyon within ten miles, all It was shrouded in the formation, and the strength was also the same. He controlled the formation and made him a real singer. Now he is facing the empty space of Jiang Chen. He is also convinced that this is not a big one. As long as the appearance of Jiang Chen, he must have some sense.

"This method is a bit strange."

Jiang Chen brows a wrinkle, an invisible energy shield, covering the entire Grand Canyon in the ten miles, Jiang Chen's heart slightly moved, it seems that he has to come up with some real skills.

"This method is formed by the aura of heaven and earth, disturbing the aura of heaven and earth, and should be enough to invalidate this law."

Jiang Chen put away the Tianlong sword, holding the flag of the gods, moving with the wind, the wind and the sound of the cranes, stirring the Qiankun, the entire Grand Canyon, are storms sweeping, the wind and snow filled, the original Tailian unparalleled cloth Taiji no beginning big array, Now it is already beginning to shake, the aura is disordered, the spirit stone is flying, and at that moment, the mountain shakes, and a smoldering wind rushes to the surface. Helian unparalleled quickly retreats, and his face once again reveals a dignified color.

"This is... the flag of God?"

Snow Qian Ying Qiao face slightly cold, his face changed greatly, this guy, not only has the weapon of the gods beyond the heavenly artifact, but even the gods and flags are also such things, the **** flag is also an uncompromising heavenly artifact, Moreover, this **** flag has a huge suppression effect on the dark things, and can even fight over the level.

The power of the gods and flags, it is quite terrible, under the gods, it is almost impossible to ask the flag of God.

"No? This guy will have a **** flag? Too much, I only heard that the **** flag is only in the tomb of the peerless strong, and there is such a presence in the town." The power of the sacred flag, almost no one knows, this kind of thing is really ominous."

Xiao Ying whispered.

At this moment, no one dares to smash the river dust anymore. Whether it is the Tianlong sword or the **** sacred flag, these gods are almost all of their worldly esteems. They are not necessarily qualified to obtain the peerless treasures, but they appear in a virtual god. In the hands of the level of the kid, it is a bit of a violent feeling.

But in the end, this is the symbol of strength, although some are not reconciled, but Liao Bufan is very clear, if it is a battle to fight, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this little guy, with the strength of the mid-level peak of the virtual god, how is he doing Where is it? And by virtue of these two peerless soldiers, his identity and his family are already unpredictable.

Yang Jian and Bai Yunfei looked at each other and smiled bitterly, but for them, this is quite fortunate, because Jiang Chen is the person of their Xuanfengzong.

"It seems that I want to look at your items and back now, and I can't match them."

Bai Yunfei looked at Jiang Chen's background with great emotion. His strength has been completely distanced from Jiang Chen. In the future, he wants to compete with him. It has become a luxury, and before Jiang Chen It is a vow to say that the person he wants to challenge is not his own, but a fierce fire.

If you can kill Helian unparalleled, after returning to Zongmen, that Yan Cheng is almost the object of spike, Bai Yunfei now really understands that his vision with Jiang Chen is not the same.

Yang Jian is also deeply sympathetic. Although this person is mysterious, his heart is pure, not a generation of cockroaches, but with his empty shuttle, Yang Jian and Bai Yunfei and others, even everyone understands that if he wants to go Helian’s unparalleled can’t stop, but he didn’t leave, only two reasons. One is that he does not want to look at himself and wait for the death of Huang Quan, and die to stay. The other one is that he is full of confidence and he is absolutely not afraid of Helian.

No matter which one, for Yang Jian and others, it is excellent, such a brother, it is worthy of their desperate fight, rushing to the crown.

Taiji has no beginnings, and it has been completely overwhelmed by Jiang Chen’s flag of God. The big array is already broken. Hundreds of Chinese gods are in this moment, and they are destroyed. It is really distressing. But it is clear that Helian has no choice at all. And he is more and more excited about Jiang Chen. The baby in this guy's hand is really not much. First, it is a Tianlong sword, and now it is a **** flag.

Two things, even compared to value, are no less valuable than Dragon Ball.

"This time, it seems that I am really rewarding. I have finally waited for five years. The real harvest is here. Hahaha."

He Lian unparalleled look at Jiang Chen, even looking at a chicken leg, the taste of fat, people can not stop.

"If you want to go, I can't stop you, but you don't leave. Today, let you taste the power of my unparalleled. A virtual god-level garbage, these gods, in your hands, is a waste of resources. It’s better to give it to me. After I go back, if I hold a sword and a flag, even if I hate that big brother, it’s definitely not my opponent. It’s impossible to stop the gods, haha.”

He Lian unparalleled hand-held flute, one foot on the blue cow, straight to Jiang Chen, the horror of the shepherd flute, every offensive, can exude an invisible sound wave attack, in the face of such an offensive, Jiang Chen is also Have to be cautious, coupled with Helian's unparalleled is a strong generation, if he is a little poor, it is really possible to overturn the ship in the gutter.

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