Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2439: The human heart is so, why is it a thief?

"Jiang Chen, this is the end of the matter. Do you still plead guilty? Perhaps you can now confess your crimes and you can exchange a whole body."

"Jiang Chen’s crimes are already clear. Even if he repudiates, it will not help, and hundreds of people will prove that he can still have any rhetoric?"

"Yes, please elder Meng, the elders, the elders of Jiang are the masters of us. Jiang Chen is evil and kills our disciples. Now it is absolutely impossible for him to leave. Otherwise, those who are dying in the secluded secrets. People, aren't they going to be extremely good? Originally, they came to participate in the experience, but they did not expect to die in the hands of the traitor. It is really heartbreaking."

"Hey, this kind of scum, you should whip the body to torture, travel the streets to show the public, let him know that our ancestral gates in the riverside, not so irritating, Xuanfeng religion such a disciple, must not be a good generation, I suggest The name of Xuan Fengzong was removed, and I was also a prosperous peace in the riverside."

The sound of the tsunami in the mountains, the sound of the earth, the sky, the clouds, the endless mountains, all echoed the sound of the river dust, like those who died in the secluded secrets, all of whom died in Like Jiang Chen’s hand, this kind of momentum is even more suffocating. Even Yang Jian and the handsome are no exception. Their hearts are extremely gloomy, but Jiang Chen is innocent, if he is killed, Xuanyuan Cang Oh, then if you merge with him, it is the sorrow of the riverside world, the martyrdom of the people of the world.

However, the fact is that Xuanyuan has reversed black and white, and Liu Quanchao, Xu Jin, Yu Rongyan, etc., are also taking the lead to Jiang Chen's body to buckle the pot. At this moment, how can they not be angry?

Xuan Qingmei looked at Jiang Chen silently. Even he was a little shaken. Could it be said that Jiang Chen really did it? But he instantly suppressed the idea because he was willing to believe in his disciples.

"You don't want to talk nonsense. Jiang Chen is a good person. If it weren't for him, there would be no one out there. If that, even you will be implicated. You don't even know what happened in the secret environment. Is it true? Thanks to the words of Xuanyuan’s vast side, are you going to rule Jiang Chen’s sin?”

Yang Jian said with awkwardness, his heart is unwilling for Jiang Chen, not worth it, and there is no problem. Jiang Chenming Ming is relying on his own means, at the expense of life, to defeat the Xuanyuan Sky, but what he finally got is what? It is not praise, not love, but tens of thousands of people cast aside, but also to kill it, Jiang Chen’s heart, what kind of sadness will it be?

Yang Jian’s voice is even hoarse, but how can he be the opponent of so many people? And now these people are completely crazy, and all of them are elders and sects among the sects. How can they put Yang Jian’s words in their eyes?

What's more, Yang Jian's position was originally untenable. He is a man of Xuan Fengzong. He is a brother and brother with Jiang Chen. Who will believe him?

Jiang Chen looks as usual. In this scene, he has already expected it. Although there is some sadness in his heart, how can it be? Now, he is already arguing, and no one will be willing to believe that he is innocent.

The human heart is so, why is it a thief?

Xuanyuan Cang sneer looked at Jiang Chen, and his heart was extremely disdainful. He did not need him to take the shot. Jiang Chen would certainly be attacked by the group and be killed by the major gates of the riverside. He has already calculated all of this. Jiang Chen has already offended everyone. Those who have died from genius disciples have nowhere to vent. Whether it is killed by Jiang Chen, now they have counted this account in Jiang Chen’s On the head.

"Is it really that he killed all the genius disciples? I didn't expect this guy to be such a person."

People’s brows are wrinkled, no matter what, Jiang Chen is also a person of Xuanfeng Zong, and Xuan Fengzong is one of the four major celestial gates of Heaven and Earth. People are still reluctant to see Jiang Chen being killed together, at least not. I am willing to see the mysterious wind being trapped.

"It's hard to say, but I don't think this kid seems to be like that person. From his gift of Dan, he can see that he is definitely not the one who waits for the evil."

The dragon ancestors whispered, but no one is sure, because after all, it’s hard to speak, and Liu Quanchao and others are in the secret world, and they have seen the means of Jiang Chen and others. Their words are always Is there a certain degree of credibility?

"Drawing dragons and painting tigers is difficult to draw bones, and knowing people knows what they don't know. Jiang Chen's practice may not be difficult to prove. Now he is forced to go to the road, seeing that he will be ready to face, all facelessly, or choose to die." ""

Mu Tianen said.

"You said that Jiang Chen must have been unyielding. If he is dead, he will not admit it, and this guy is not the kind of person who is willing to let go. If you want to frame him, then he will definitely rise up. ""

Xuan Qing said, Jiang Dian is not too long in the days of Xuan Fengzong, but he can feel it. This Jiang Chen is definitely not the kind of cockerel dog thief, dare to be dare.

Even if Jiang Chen became the target of criticism, he would still believe that Jiang Chen is innocent, because the handsome and Yang Jian are all the same. For his disciples, he also believes that the characters of these two people, Xuan Fengzong, will never Out of that inferior, this is his last bottom line.

"That can be said, hey, now Jiang Chen is already referring to the thousands of people. Do you still want to be ordinary for him? You still think about your mysterious style. If you are not implicated by this bastard, you already have It’s all right, and those guys will definitely point the finger at the Xuanfengzong.”

Mu Tianen said, the words are not heard, but Xuan Qingming also knows that Mu Tianen is actually not malicious, but now there is such a thing, they simply cannot be trusted.

However, Jiang Chen has already admitted that he did kill Li Li and Li Yan, as well as Shen Danzong’s 琅琊 and Li Yanchao, Qing Ruzong’s Wu Rufeng and Tang Zhen, even if the rest of the sects are no matter, then these three sects are already It is necessary to fight with Jiang Chen.

Xuan Qing’s heart is filled with worries. Jiang Chen can really kill the six masters of Qing Hezong’s ghost-eyed god, Dan Zong. It shows that his strength is already incomparably powerful. He can produce such a enchanting genius, if not become a target of public criticism. According to the thousands of people, perhaps the rise of his Xuanfengzong will be confirmed in Jiang Chen’s body.

"He is a guy who has killed more than a hundred people, and he is arrogant, arrogant, Wu Rufeng, and so on. He is dead in the hands of Jiang Chen. This is definitely not a good time to succumb to the river dust and crusade. Zong!"

"Yes, you must kill Jiang Chen, let him give us all the dead genius disciples to bury them, and they will never stop."

"Meng elders, Li elders, Elder Jiang, you must be the master of ours. Our disciples must not die in vain."

Jiang Chen felt thousands of terrible powers, all directed at him and murdered.

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