Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2440: Sorry, sorry.

Who can think of hundreds of thousands of masters of the door, all of them have launched a martyrdom to him, and this way, Jiang Chen knows that he is really difficult to fly, not much, even if it is a strong **** of Jiangchengzi, Maybe he may not be an opponent.

After all, in the secret environment, even if you are trying your best, the battle is only a master under the gods, even if it is against the shackles, it is also the merits of the ancestors, although Jiang Chen’s strength can be a battle. The gods, but that is only the general master of the early days of the gods.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at Xuan Qingming. He knew that he could not even be tired of Xuanfengzong. Otherwise, his own safety may affect the lives of countless disciples in the depths of the 100,000 mountains.

"Sovereign, I am sorry."

Jiang Chen’s smile made Xuan Qing’s feelings sorrowful. Xuan Qing’s words were silent. Jiang Chen did not blame him for the slightest. At this time, Xuan Qingming was still willing to believe in himself. He was already satisfied. The strength of Fengzong is low, it is impossible to counter the big gates, and he is not alone. There are thousands of disciples of Xuanfengzong behind him.

Xuan Qingming has a long way to go, and he is also unable to compete with these sects. This is the strongest of all the rivers, all the sects. If he stands up and stands behind Jiang Chen, it will mean the whole Xuan Fengzong pushed into the fire pit, not to mention the two of them, still in the Xuanfengzong.

"Jiang Chen, are you swearing by yourself, or do you want to do it yourself?"

Li Tianhuo stared at Jiang Chen. The most painful thing in the world is that the white-haired people send black hair, and his two sons are all killed in the hands of Jiang Chen. How can he not be a big enemy? Report?

"I want to let me get rid of it, it's impossible, unless you can kill me."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were intertwined with Li Tianhuo. At that moment, Jiang Chenyi was not afraid. In the face of the peak of the Tianshen’s late peaks, he was also a stroller. Although Li Tianhuo gave him great pressure, Jiang Chen remained It’s calm and calm, but there’s pressure, but it’s the domineering that you can’t resist.

"So, you still want to do it? Hey."

Jiang Chengzi stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and he was full of disdain for him. Even if he was against the sky, how could it be the opponent of so many gods here? This is entirely self-inflicted, but since I want to die in the hands of the gods, it seems that I should have been mentally prepared.

"so what."

Jiang Chen is arrogant, sweeping everyone, faint:

"My Jiang Chen, from the moment of this moment, completely out of the Xuanfengzong, I am no longer a Xuanfengzong person, even if I think that you as a famous school, it will not be a difficult person." If you are not ridiculed by the people of the world."

Jiang Chen’s words, let Yang Jian and handsome, are both trembled, Xuan Qingming is also true, but he has nothing to say.

That figure, lonely and lonely, strong and bleak, no one understands the loneliness in his heart, but Jiang Chen will not tell anyone that even if thousands of people betray, he does not hesitate, but his heart, early It is no longer blood, but full of killings. Those who do not distinguish between black and white, kill and kill, what a pity?

Those people, looking at his eyes, are also eager to swallow, and all of them are murderous.

Jiang Chen stood on the top of the mountain and felt the cold wind blowing behind him. The whole person was cold and cold. His heart was always cold and knife. At this moment, he was cast aside by thousands of people. But what about it? What he wants is nothing but an innocent heart. Except for Tang Zhen, who is dying, everyone is damned there.

Being alive is a shame for them. At this moment, Jiang Chen is completely at heart.

"Jiang Chen..."

Yang Jian and the handsome man looked at Jiang Chen, and his heart was like a knife.

Xue Qianying and Linglong are silently looking at Jiang Chen. They all have a feeling of uncomfortable feelings in their hearts, but they can’t tell the truth. It seems that Jiang Chen is a good person in their eyes, but they have killed so many people and become The real executioner.

Qinglianzi silently looked at the snow and greeted him and said:

"You really didn't look at the wrong person. He is indeed a genius with no one in the world. Otherwise, how could it kill the demise of the Qing dynasty's three gods?" Unfortunately, this kind of person, the enemy is too Many, do not know how to keep a low profile, and he, offended the entire river front, and now Jiang Chen, is already destined to die without a place to die."

"He should, not that kind of person."

Xue Qian Ying Xiu slightly wrinkled, the corner of his mouth whispered, but the public mouth is gold, thousands of people become tigers, Jiang Chen even if there are hundreds of mouths is difficult to distinguish innocence.

"Since you said that I killed people, then what is the use of my explanation? I did kill people, but I only killed the people who killed them, Qing Hezong, Ghost Eyes, Shen Danzong, named Buddhism, But I did some cockroaches and thieves. I killed these scums, but only for the rivers and rivers to clear the cancer, hahaha. You have to kill, what is the fear of Jiang Chen? Can let the entire river front fight for me This is also a glory, hahaha."

Jiang Chen said with a smirk, outside the secluded secret, more than two thousand people, nearly a thousand of the gods, all of them are angry, Jiang Chen, a small god, dare to provoke everyone, this is not Looking for a dead end?

Everyone is incomparably angry. Jiang Chen’s death, they must not let go, but I did not expect that Jiang Chen would be an enemy of everyone. This kind of tolerance is to make people feel admired, but at this time he There is nowhere to escape. To say these words is nothing more than a sorrow. In their view, Jiang Chen is only a powerful hero.

"Since you have already admitted it, then you will be embarrassed. Even if you want to fight, you will only be fearless."

Some people ridiculed.

"Jiang Chen, this is your commandment, let's admit it, you can't escape from the riverside. Now all the rivers and gates are here. What do you have to escape from birth? Oh, don't think of you. Can kill and kill, now is not in the secret, but in the distortion of the jungle."

Xuanyuan Cang stepped out and stopped Jiang Chen's way. At this moment, all the people in the twisted jungle were locked in Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen wanted to go. It was difficult to go through the sky.

"I didn't think about going away, even if you fell in love with me, you have to fight and fight, and I will accompany Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen is calm and sneer, his mouth is sneer, Jiang Chen has never been a coward, even if he knows that he must die, this battle, Jiang Chen can not back down.

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