Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2525: Show the enemy to weak

The same is true of Hongyan. They all feel the unusualness of this black seed, but it is impossible to capture it again.

Jiang Chen followed closely, and the failure of Yuhua Fan also indicated the horror in this cave. Even Red Rock and Flying Eagles did not dare to neglect. When they re-explored, Jiang Chen was already taking it. I got a black seed, and at that moment, Jiang Chen saw a black shadow. If the wind and lightning were lightning, it would be completely difficult for him to trace. Originally he wanted to win two black seeds, but the other one, But it was taken away by the shadow.

"Damn. Who are you?"

At the moment when Jiang Chen turned away from the cave, he felt the shadow of the black shadow. The eyes made him very familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen it.

At the moment when Jiang Chen left the cave, the bear war was already close to him, and he was forced to take Jiang Chen in order to capture the black seeds in his hands.

At this moment, Xue Liang suddenly shot, a sword swept, and he repulsed the bear battle. Even the flying eagle and the red rock could not think of it. Jiang Chen, the early **** of the gods, was able to get black seeds from the cave. Even the peak of the gods and gods are returning without success. Moreover, the bear war wants to win, but it is blocked by a late Tianjing. These guys seem to have low strength, but they all have extraordinary shots.

The bear battle and Xue Liang looked at each other, including the feathers and shocks are extremely shocking. This Xue Liang is so strong, it is easy to force back the bear battle. Is this the power of the Tianshen period? Whether it is Jiang Chen or Xue Liang, it is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Well, it is a young hero, haha, I like it. Kid, if you can shun my eight veins Yinchuan, I will definitely introduce you to the Eagle."

Flying Eagle said with a smile, clapping his hands.

"What is the eight veins of Yinchuan? Why should I return to you?"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Do you know who you are talking to? Kid? Where is the eight-pulse Yinchuan, and it is a group of A-cats and dogs that can join in casually. I see that you are young and promising, but you don't know how to lift, it is really regrettable."

The Flying Eagle said faintly, Jiang Chen was not in the eyes at all. In this moment, his heart was also a murder.

"Giggle, don't fake it, fly the eagle, if it's not for the black seeds in his hands, would you do this? Recruitment? Just want to swallow the black seeds."

Red Rock looked at the flying eagle disdainfully.

"You are still the first person who dares to disobey me. Kid, let me see if you have a few pounds and two, and dare to blame me with my eight veins."

The eagle stepped out in one step, sweeping one palm and taking Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stepped back three steps, his eyes glanced, and he took a hand with Hongyan. Jiang Chen was shaken away, his face was extremely ugly, and his mouth was overflowing with a touch of blood. However, the Flying Eagle wanted to **** the black seed, but it was guarded by Jiang Chen’s death and death, which did not make him succeed.

"Garbage only."

The Eagle sneered and said, looking at Jiang Chen with disdain.

"In my five poisonous yin palms, you are the most, and you can't live for three days."

Yu Eriang’s face changed, and she looked nervously at Jiang Chen.

"Are you okay? Jiang Chen."

That is the second of the eight guards of the eight veins Yinchuan, the strength is unfathomable, half-step of the king of the king, the potential is higher than the sky, and the half-step gods of the kingdom of the beast is stronger than humans, even if the strength of Jiang Chen is good, How could it be his opponent? Yu Erniang was extremely worried. Even his fifth brother, Yu Huafan, was a little embarrassed. When he was injured, he was not so nervous.

"Good tricks."

Jiang Chen’s pretense is uncomfortable, showing that the enemy is weak.

These five poisonous yin palms are not enough to hurt him. The purpose of his doing this is to show the secret people. Who is the secret person, and what is the purpose, is it for himself or for the red haze?

Now that he is in the clear place, Jiang Chen is not known, not to mention that in this volcanic cave, his strength is not suspected of being leaked. Now the Eagle has given him such an opportunity, why not he? Why?

The flying eagle, naturally, does not bother to exert a second palm on Jiang Chen, one is his identity, and the other is Jiang Chen’s strength. This palm has already exerted 70% of his strength, even if he is killing a medium-term People are not in the words.

"You can die under my five poisonous yin palms, you can be considered dead. You can only blame you for being too conceited. Young people, you still have a long way to go. Unfortunately, Tianzhu Yingcai. You are willing to return to my eight veins Yinchuan, then I don't need to tell you any morality and morality."

The Flying Eagle vowed to say that the face of justice is ashamed, as if his eight veins Yinchuan is the same rule of the Tianzhu Mountains.

"Hand over the black seeds, maybe I can spare you a life, eight veins Yinchuan, not you can offend. If you want to live, just roll me over."

"This black seed is here, if you want it, take it."

Jiang Chen is still like a hob meat, cold eyes watching the flying eagle, playing with the black seeds in his hand.

"Toasting, not eating and drinking, you really want me to solve your life now."

The eagle's eyes are hazy, but there is a master of the half-step **** kingdom around him. The eagle is very clear, and it is not an easy thing to kill him.

"Do not worry, I will die for a while."

Jiang Chen showed a smile and looked at Yu Eriang. The latter was full of tenderness and sadness.

"You... must not die!"

Yu Erniang said with a bite, and tightly clutching Jiang Chen’s hand, even the nails were caught in the flesh and blood of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen said.

"Where does it hurt?"

"hand pain……"

Yu Eriang glanced at her unintentional move, her face flushed, her heartbeat accelerated, and she did not expect Jiang Chen’s so-called pain, which was caused by herself.

Jiang Chen looked at the black seeds in his hands and his eyes were condensed. This black seed is like a burning raging sun. It is extremely hot and palm-sized, making people completely confused.

"What is this?"

Jiang Chen is also puzzling.

At this time, outside the volcanic cave, there were a lot of people, all of them were extremely excited, anxious, and wanted to step into the volcanic cave quickly, but at this time, not everyone can step in, many When people stepped into volcanic caves, they lost their way in the tortuous volcanic caves. They did not have the guidance of the jade face fox, and it was impossible to come directly to the flame square.

"Ha ha ha, flying eagle, I did not expect you to be more and more promising, and grabbing things with a kid in the early days of the gods, really let my old pig look at each other."

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