Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2526: Big demon gathers

A hearty laughter, deafening, quite ridiculous, a fat man, jumped up, his feet were vacant, and he was calm.

"Pig Day, I didn't expect you to come too."

The eyes of the flying eagle gradually became cold. This pig day is not an ordinary generation. It is also a half-step **** kingdom with himself. It is the king of wild boar in the Tianzhu Mountains. He once saved the life of Shaochuan in his youth. So I didn't succumb to the eight-pulse Yinchuan. It was a super-existing existence, but the Sichuan master was too lazy to take care of him. This guy would be fearless.

However, when talking about the strength of Pig Day, it is not weaker than yourself. In this Tianzhu Mountain Range, the strength of the half-step gods with similar strength is no less than ten, and not every one is the Eight Pulse Yinchuan. People, some idle monsters, do not like to bind, so they do not like to be with the eight veins Yinchuan.

"You can come, why can't I come? Hey."

The pig is cold and cold.

"I didn't expect your pig's nose to be very spiritual, so I found it so soon."

"I am looking at some people who are too shameless, so I want to stop it. If I don't want even the noodles, this eight-pulse Yinchuan will eventually fall and fall. Haha."

"Pig Day, don't think that you saved Shaochuan's main life, you dare to be disrespectful to the Eight Pulses Yinchuan, I want to kill you, why do you want to take the initiative?"

The flying eagle shouted.

"Kill me? Hahaha, you are too naive, now you dare to shoot me? Are you not afraid of others? You are better than monkeys, so you will never be the first to shoot. Kid, this kind of Man, the master of the fox and the tiger, when he saw my old pig, he was paralyzed. Haha."

On the pig day, I saw Jiang Chen, and said arrogantly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, this old pig, it is a bit interesting, and completely afraid of the eight veins Yinchuan, it seems that they are also very shallow.

Only the pig day said the most authentic words, but also the most anger of the flying eagle, now this time he will never shine the sword first, otherwise it will naturally fall into the passive.

"The dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, it is really lively. My crane is also coming."

In a white coat, skinny and deep-eyed, an old man walked slowly like a volcanic cave. Above the square, there was another force that could resist the courtesy of the Eight yin Yinchuan.

"He Ba! You can't fall into this."

At the same time, both the eagle and the red rock, or the feathers, are more and more dignified. The more people come, the greater their pressure.

Jiang Chen is a little stunned. The more people, the better. He can make a profit.

"Red Xia Gu Tengxin, once in a thousand years, we have the opportunity to participate in it. It is also a gift from heaven. Born in this era, it is a great fortune to meet with the heart of the year. Is there any reason for Ba’an?"

He Ba said with a smile, white long hair, dancing with the wind, fairy wind bones, a pair of sunken eyes, as if wearing a hole.

The body of Heba is a crane, and the cultivation is successful. The strength is also the ambiguity. However, he is now close to the Shouyuan for thousands of years. Although he is superficially light and not confusing with the world, no one is better than him. More urgently, I want to get the heart of Chixia Gu Teng, because it is the only hope that he can delay his life and seek a breakthrough.

"This red-green ancient vine heart seems to have attracted many people to compete."

Xue Liang said, his eyes tightened, and the people around him looked coldly. They were all half-step gods. The strength was stronger than one. Even the four people behind Red Rock were the peaks of the gods. What is the place to live here, is it a leisurely generation? It’s not that easy to stand out from the crowd. This embarrassment is bound to be extremely difficult.

Yu Erniang is now more and more worried. Only the strength of the third brother can compete with them. The rest of the people have different strengths, especially Jiang Chen. Sometimes he is like a big hero who can do everything, sometimes But it seems to be weak and vulnerable.

Yu Erniang’s heart is very incomparable, because this red haze is very important for her, even if they are feathered, it is vital, otherwise, she will not follow the third brother. Thousands of miles, regardless of life and death, look for the heart of the red sea.

Yu Erniang even spared everything, even if it was at the expense of her own life, she would not hesitate to do so, but even so, it may not be able to get the heart of Chishua Gu Teng.

Jiang Chen holds the black seed tightly in his hand. He thinks that this black seed is definitely not simple, and it is likely to be related to the heart of Chixia Guteng.

"It’s really a gathering of the United Kingdom. It seems that this dispute between the red and the old vines, even the mainland side of the mainland, is a part of people coming in. This time it seems that I don’t know how many people are going to die. Once and for all the natural disasters. Man and man, are you never in mind?"

A cold man, slowly moving, walking towards the flame square, a robes like fire, long hair flowing, also evil, like a man like a woman, there is no extreme feeling of disgust, some are just Indifference, arrogance, even a pure heart, cold eyes on the world.

His voice, full of magnetism, is like a feeling of tenderness in the spring breeze.

His eyes are sometimes cold, sometimes gentle, sometimes full of murderous, sometimes like spring blossoms, Jiang Chen is shocked when he sees him, because this person is so beautiful, if it is a woman That should be the national color of the heavens, the country of the country, even with Yan Yancheng, the smoke and the morning rain, are equal. If it is a man, his handsome, can only say that Jiang Chen himself is self-sighing .

The beauty of neutrality, everyone in the room is full of shock, because both men and women are shaking for him.

The demon is like a ghost, and the wisdom is like a prophet.

The moment when Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on him, he also felt a bit like looking at Jiang Chen.

"This guy, how do you seem to know me, then the eyes still have a bit of resentment?"

Jiang Chen’s heart smiled, and the corner of his mouth was filled with a shocking color. Because Jiang Chen could not see him completely, what was the most terrible thing? Unknown things are the most fearful. Anyone here, Jiang Chen has the confidence to fight with one, but the only person in front of him, he has no confidence at all, can defeat him, perhaps even fight The heart can't be lifted.

"If the beauty is a fairy, the gods are like jade, the big wisdom is like a demon, and the big derivation is near God."

"Feng Prison Phoenix, is it really him? Isn't he saying that he died a million years ago?"

"Impossible! The phoenix prison phoenix is ​​not dead, but it is the symbol of the Tianzhu Mountain Range. The Phoenix Prison Phoenix is ​​a kind of faith. It ignores the monsters of the Tianzhu Mountains or human beings. It is full of awe of the Phoenix Prisoners."

"Is there really a phoenix phoenix? He is just a legend. Is this a phoenix phoenix... Did I see the legend?"

Whether it is Heba or Pig Day, or a flying eagle, all of them are extremely shocking. The appearance of Feng Pianhuang has become a shock in everyone's heart. There are worship, seriousness, rigor, and gloom. The appearance of Jiang Chen felt the unusualness of this Tianzhu Mountain.

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