Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2557: New hatred and old hate

The original wind and brows were wrinkled. The originally planned steps were disrupted by the guests at this time. The feast of thousands of sacrifices is the most important part of their monsters. It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes, especially the Shaochuan master. Big day.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has sneaked into the eight veins, Jiang Chen explored several places, and finally felt the breath of the shock.

"There is no white."

Jiang Chen laughed and looked at the huge steel cage embedded in the underground ice sheet. It was quite shocking. So many thousand years of cold iron were actually wasted. If you follow yourself, you will be able to refine countless artifacts.

"Who are you? This is the death row of the Eight mais Yinchuan, the idlers, etc., quickly leaving. Today is the main marriage of Shaochuan, we do not want to be embarrassed with you."

A cheetah in the late days of the gods screamed, and the little cheetah in the middle of the ten-day godhood behind him also followed the roar.

"But, I want to make it difficult for you, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen raised his hand, a sword swept, the heavens and the earth changed color, eleven beasts, was instantly killed by Jiang Chen, leaving no trace.

"Is it great to be here?"

Jiang Chen screamed and shouted in the dungeon. However, Jiang Chen has not waited for his head. Hundreds of Tianyujing late-night monsters have already surrounded the group here, and they are not comfortable.

When Zhen Zhen and Yan Xinying were shocked, Liu Xingjun was also very excited.

In the eyes of Yan Xinying, with a touch of redness, will he make a special trip to save me? The hero of the world in my mind, I finally heard my call.

"It's him, it's him, it's really Jiang Chen, hahaha, he came to save us, I said, there is no road to heaven."

Liu Xingjun shouted excitedly, but forgot his disrespect for Zhen Zhen. Now Zhen Zhen has completely disappointed him.

However, in the face of life and death, Liu Xingjun has long been unable to take care of any face, as long as he can survive, it is stronger than death here.

"Someone came to save us, we are saved, hahaha."

"Really? Some people dare to step into the site of the Eight Senses Yinchuan to save people. It seems that this person must be a peerless master."

"We finally don't have to die, haha, this ghost place, this group of bastards, I have had enough."

Hundreds of people cheered and felt the hope of survival at this moment.

"Jiang Chen Brothers, why are you dying to save each other, how can I shock him?"

Zhen Zhen covers his face and sighs. If Jiang Chen rescued them, it would be okay, but if he was planted here, then he would be dead and uneasy.

"Hey, this is a big brother, friends, always have a courage, isn't it?"

Jiang Chen’s voice made Min Zhen feel a sense of respect and love that he had never seen before. The feeling that he had never had in his life.

"Ha ha ha, Jiang Chen brothers, have this friend, although there is no regrets, why do you ask for it?"

In the heart of Zhen Zhen, the excitement is extremely incomparable, but Xin Xinying is somewhat lost. Jiang Chen, isn’t it a special trip to save himself?

"This is a thousand years of cold iron, even the half-step gods can not break, and there is still a blessing, Jiang Chen, are you sure?"

Xin Xinying asked.

"Don't try to see how to know."

Jiang Chen looked up and looked around. At least the hundreds of **** had to be cleaned up first.

Through the cracks, countless people are silently watching Jiang Chen, a guy in the middle of the gods, why should they save them? Even the inspiring guys began to hesitate at this moment. After all, Jiang Chen’s strength is too weak. This hundred-year-old **** of heaven is enough to tear him into pieces.

"I dare to step into the eight veins of Yinchuan to rob people, you are really daring, killing innocent!"

The head of the demon singer, hundreds of thousands of gods in the late stage of the beast, swarmed up, Jiang Chen look calm, facing so many monsters, even Zhen Zhen and others feel a suffocation.

"The light of rice grains, but also dare to fight for the moon?"

Jiang Chen sneered, the sword shadow flew up, the body shape turned to the stars, the nine swords fell, hundreds of monsters, fallen and dusty, no one was spared, no traces, no blood.

Everyone is sucking up a cold air. Jiang Chen’s strength is only in the middle of the gods, but the four strongmen who are half-step gods are shuddering.

"This huge millennium cold iron is just the material of my refining."

Between Jiang Chen’s hands and the five elements, the real fire broke through the void, like a fierce fire sword. It fell on the steel cage and instantly split into two halves. The five elements of the real fire are far from being imaginable by these people. Even this millennium cold iron is like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

"Brother, thank you!"

The earthquake has not been lightly damaged. It has not been fully restored since this time. Many human beings are like this. When they are arrested, they fight back and fight, so everyone is a life of nine deaths.

Yan Xinying looked at Jiang Chen, affectionate, but Jiang Chen was calm, and the heart of the new British fire was once again hit.

"Thank you for your brother's help."

Hundreds of people are all grateful to Jiang Chen. Humans and monsters are standing on the opposite side. Jiang Chen’s move is not his sorrow, but he saved it. The monsters are also extremely Damn, terrible.

"No need to say anything, this place should not stay for a long time, you still have to flee."

Jiang Chen said quietly.

At the moment, hundreds of people have dispersed and left the Eight Peaks.

"Hey brother, girl, let's go."

"it is good."

Zhen Zhen nodded, Jiang Chen looked at Xin Xinying, how could her mind Jiang Ding not understand? But above the children's sentiments, Jiang Chen has already suffered a big loss, not to mention that she can't see a love one. This world can only show that they have no fate, and experienced this countless reversal with Yu Yufan. Jiang Chen is also a heart-stopping water.

"A big skill, killing people, just want to go? There is such a good thing under the sun."

A cold drink, echoing the void, a black shadow, violently killing, breaking through the air, it is the original protection of the eight veins of Yinchuan.

"Tell me to die."

Jiang Chen stared at the original dust, but the smile in the latter's eyes was more and more intense.

"Then I would like to see more, how did I die?"

The original wind and cold laughed, the silver hook in the hand, pointing to Jiang Chen, a guy in the middle of the gods, how can he be put in his eyes?

"You go first, hand it over to me."

Jiang Chen said to the sound of the shock.

Qu Zhen did not say much, he is not a mother-in-law, and their stay here will only become a burden of Jiang Chen, simply not as soon as possible to leave.

"Jiang Chen, come back alive."

Yan Xinying said, turning and leaving.

The original wind and dust did not stop, those people naturally have eight veins Yinchuan people to chase, he is more interested in the front of the river dust.

"Flying eagle and bear fight, you should know?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Who are you?"

The original dust and dust holes tightened and shouted.

"Your two brothers are waving at you. Can't you feel it? They have already left, so you shouldn't live in this world. There is no good thing in the Eight Pulses Yinchuan."

"So, are you killing my two brothers? Just, the new hatred and the old hate count together, there is a road in heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to vote."

The original wind and dust screamed, deafening, thousands of miles of ice, full of ice peaks, two people are opposite each other, the battle is also likely to break out at any time.

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