Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2558: Fenghua dances Yancheng

"It's so beautiful, it's the best of the world. I swear, I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life."

"I have never seen such a beautiful woman, God, it is so shocking."

"If I am strong enough, I will definitely take her away at this moment. The peony is dead, and the ghosts are also romantic. For such a woman, even if it is 10,000 times, it is worth it."

"This is really the perfect creation of God. How can He Shao, the owner of the Eight mais of Yinchuan, be able to marry a woman who looks so beautiful?"

"The Shaochuan master of the Eight mais Yinchuan is really a blessing from the tenth century. It is just the outline of the blue yarn, and it has already made people crazy."

At this moment, all the guests who came to the Eight Waves Yinchuan congratulations were all unable to hold their chests, and Xue Ying’s hand was holding a white woman, the skirt was swaying in the wind, the dust was not dyed, and the thin blue yarn could not cover this. Waiting for the peerless face, the temperament is perfect, it is like the most perfect piece of art in heaven, and it can be seen from afar.

The woman is indifferent, with a touch of calm in her eyes, and her face is beautiful, but she is also beautiful. The snowy side is full of excitement and pride. On this eight veins, who can resist him? In this Tianzhu Mountain range, and even the entire Qilian world, his woman is the first beauty in the world.

Xueying did not expect that she would have such a blessing. The encounter between the two people was quite funny. It was originally a beautiful woman to save the hero, but in the end it was valued by the Shaochuan master of the Eight Pulses Yinchuan. Xueying pursued it extremely. After exerting countless means, she stayed in the Eight Senses Yinchuan, and if it was not the strength of the father's kingdom, it would not be able to have such a blessing.

Xueying does not care about those secular eyes, not to mention that he is the master of the future of the Tianzhu Mountains. Why should he care about other people's rumors? Under the coercion and temptation, she finally got a beautiful woman. When she truly became her wife, she would have no complaints. After a hundred years, she would be rebellious and she must be a mother. Why do you care so much?

Numerous people and monsters in the Tianzhu Mountain range are all happy and happy. Xueying is now the focus of the entire Tianzhu Mountain Range. It is also the moment for all men to dream, especially for such a woman who is envied and dead.

"Today everyone is fortunate to come to my eight veins Yinchuan. On the day of the big wedding, I am with my wife. It is also a request from all of you. My woman must be the most beautiful one under the sun. Hahaha."

Xue Ying said with a big smile, his eyes are full of pride, who can do it except me?

Xueying saw the eyes of those who envied hatred and was more happy. He wanted everyone to understand that his existence is the king's general. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also wants to declare to everyone that he is about to become the true master of the Eight Pulses Yinchuan.

"It’s really a flower stuck in the cow dung. If Xue Xue is not the Shaochuan master of the eight veins Yinchuan, how can this woman who is a peerless woman turn to him?"

"Who said no, it is really violent, this kind of woman should only appear in mythology. This arrogance of Xueying gives me a feeling of blasphemy."

"A dejective face, cut, if you don't look at the face of his father, who will give him a congratulation? Look at this woman who is in the country, I will not fight a fight, what is cheap to let him give Occupy."

Many people have privately talked about Xueying, and they are all white guys who are watching the inner turm of the bride. Because the bride is so beautiful, the beauty is suffocating, this big wedding feast is bound to make countless People are squatting.

The cold wind blew, the jade face was lightly combed, the green yarn was settled, and the beauty was beautiful.

Icebergs are like jade, and if the autumn water is full of blue, a smile can be compared to Cangshan, and it will turn into a water fairy.

Countless people are watching the scene, and the beauty of the bride is shocked. This woman should only be in the sky, and fall into the dust and be a fairy.

"Under the sun, there are still such beautiful women, I am really unheard of?"

Liu Xingjun muttered, at that moment, he stopped running, not only him, but even Zhen Zhen and others, they all stopped to watch, no man can remain calm in front of such a woman, this is the country The charm is there.

Even if you are a new English, you can't help but sigh:

"If I have him, one or two, Jiang Chen, why not ignore me?"

Xin Xinying smiled and was immersed in the beauty of women.

Jiang Chen turned slowly and looked far and wide. At that moment, he trembled and was struck by lightning.

"Pour...the city... is it really you?"

Jiang Chen murmured, Yan Yancheng, how could she appear here? Moreover, it turned out to be the bride of the Eight yin Yinchuan Shaochuan master. Jiang Chen’s brow was locked and his heart was extremely complicated. He never imagined that he and Yan’s reunion in the realm of the gods would be in her. Above the big wedding, it is too ridiculous, too funny, too sad.

"I don't believe it! The city will leave me."

Jiang Chen looked at the scene without looking at it. He firmly believed that Yan Liancheng would never betray him. Even if he died, he would never marry another person. This point, Jiang Chen has full grasp, must be the master of the Eight Pulses Yinchuan. The conspiracy, the city, you must have a hard time, right?

Once upon a time, Yan Chongcheng struggled to pursue Jiang Chen, from the edge of the small town that did not have a strong man, step by step to the altar of the fairyland, Jiang Chen was finally touched by the Yancheng City, the truth is as clear as ice, warm and burning The love will completely surround Jiang Chen.

He is not not in love, but he is worried that he will not give her much. Life is a long time, and he is slowly searching for it. He is only for longevity. This is the minimum commitment he can give her.

Since I love it, there is no regrets. In Jiang Chen’s heart, whether it’s dancing bamboo and the morning rain, or Yan’s city, it’s just as important, there is no difference, they are all in their hearts without regrets. Love.

Some people want to marry their wives. Jiang Chen’s heart is already like ice. No matter who he is, he can’t let go.

Jiang Chen did not think that he had just lie a lie, and what he said to the old man turned out to be a reality. The Shaochuan Lord of the Eight yin Yinchuan was really his woman.

I have to say that this is really funny, but Jiang Chen will never let Yancheng fall to Shaochuan. If he wants to save people, he will quickly see it, but now it seems that it is not so easy. .

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