Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3101: It’s imminent

"Hold the grass! No? Bijoko is so weak? It’s too much to fight."

"The son of the landlord of Tianlai, it seems that this is not the case. Was it not very powerful in the past? How did it become a soft-footed shrimp?"

"This is called a bit of tofu and a drop of something. Hahaha, I can't see it now."

"It can only be said that this guy who doesn't know where it came from is even more terrible than Bi Gongzi."

Those who were onlookers all saw the result. Bi Jiagang was not a combination of Jiang Chen. It was directly flying by Jiang Chen, and there was no room for it.

Bi Jiagang's figure was completely subverted in Jiang Chen's palm print. Three thousand days of the seal, instantly destroying Bi Jiagang's offensive, the life was cut off, struggling to get up, but Jiang Chen did not give him the slightest chance, directly A fist blasted, the thunder and lightning, shocked all directions, attracted people around the crowd, a burst of exclamation, Bi Jiagang was directly smashed by the Jiang Chen blast, there is no remaining, gray smoke and smoke.

Dare to tease his own woman, this is his end!

Jiang Chen did not hesitate any more, shot like electricity, quickly killed, leaving no room.

"This is the retribution you won."

Jiang Chen said indifferently, this moment, the audience was shocked. Everyone did not think that Jiang Chen defeated Bi Gongzi. He actually shot and killed Bi Gongzi. This is really a day for them. The big shock, that is the son of the Tianlai world, the status is respected, no one can compare with it, and Jiang Chen, who does not know where to come from, actually directly obliterated Bi Jiagang, this news once passed Going out, then the king of Tianlai, will be mad.

"It’s really a daring man, this guy dared to kill Bi Jiagang, and it’s miserable.”

"Yeah, I am afraid this kid is having a big deal."

"I just don't know how the landlord of the day has not appeared yet? His son was killed, and it was so calm."

"This time I participated in the contest of the contest of the city's main government. It seems that the Tianlai world is destined to return to the feathers. As for the soul, it is also the power of no competition."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were condensed, his face was dignified, and his figure flashed. It appeared on the side of the person who had just spoken, scared the master of the day’s gods, and almost incontinence.

"What do you say is the spirit of the spirit? Where?"

Jiang Chen brows a condensate, with the gas of life and death, the people of the day of the gods, completely dare not look straight.

"The soul is a gathering of the spirits, this is the dowry of the city's main government. It is said to be a rather horrible fairy medicine. The value of this medicine is extremely valuable, and there are also the righteous women of the urban master. If anyone can get the top spot, it should be able to get the spirit to gather the spirit."

The man of the gods trembled and said that he was afraid that Jiang Chen would slap him, and even that the son would not be a combination of Jiang Chen. The horror of this man is simply inexplicable.

"Good. Thank you."

Jiang Chen turned and went, scared that the day was unbelievable, this person, even told him thank you? However, he also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the strong man has the style of a strong man. He never kills innocent people, and he is in his hands. There is no such thing as a backhand.

"It seems that we have to wait until this time to go to the pro-conference, and then the spirit will gather," I must get it."

Jiang Chen said quietly.

"What if the daughter of the urban master of the city looks at you?"

Yan Dingcheng said with a smile, Jiang Chen’s smile smiled.

"I already have two beautiful girls like flowers, I don't want to get any more."

Jiang Chen shook his head, he was determined to take Dan, this medicinal drug he once heard in the medicinal drug click, its efficacy, comparable to the nine sacred bones, but no one has seen, and the medicinal refining Quite a difficult, strong God, and want to refine such a drug, it is difficult to be above the sky. Now with the news of this drug, Jiang Chen must not let it fall into the hands of others. Although this soul is not able to help the dance bamboo to completely solve the wounds of the soul withered, but it must have a miraculous effect, this is the heart of the dust.

"I still believe in the little dust, I am definitely not the kind of person who is swaying, but the strong is destined to become the focus of attention. Since ancient times, love the hero, this can't change. I hope you can hold yourself. In case you have lost your own man's wounds in order to heal my soul, then you will lose more than you can."

Wu Ningzhu said faintly, the corner of the mouth is also with a touch of playful color, apparently joking with Jiang Chen.

"The sister said, you must not lose your wife and the soldiers, our men can not share with others."

Yan Qingcheng is also a brow-colored dance, a look of arrogant color.

"The two ladies, Zhu Yu, are in front, how can I dare to do anything, hahaha."

Jiang Chen said with a big smile, a person who is holding the two beautiful women in his arms and watching them, is not envious, so good! This is the winner of life, this is the life and posture that the strong should have.

Among the city's main government, the lights are bright, and the joy is full, so excited. Outside the city's main government, above the ten-mile vacant land, the collapse has been set, only when the contest is carried out.

Congratulations! It’s not only the ride of the city’s main house, but also the helper of Tao Qianxi. At the moment when he decided to choose Xue Xueying from the contest, Xue Qian Ying was accepted as a righteous woman by Tao Qiang, and this righteous woman was the one who really replaced Tao Qianlian’s daughter Tao Lianlian. In a certain sense, Xue Qianying has almost become the scapegoat of Tao Lianlian, but this is her voluntary, this is the way she repays Tao Qianxi.

If Tao Qianxi is not so sloppy, life and death, Xue Qianying is determined not to pay his own life happiness, to become a victim of the recruitment of the contest, because of this, the secluded world is in deep danger, life and death, if she left What is it? She can't carry the nickname of betrayal. If she can exchange her life's happiness for a safe life, it is a comfort to Xue Qianying.

Xue Qianying is a persistent woman, but she can't escape the secular shackles. If she doesn't have the meaning of life and death, she would rather die than die, but the world is unpredictable, and Tao Qianxi is deeply confused. How can she sit back and ignore it?

Xue Qian Ying knows that from this moment, her life is no longer her own, and her future has already been fixed.

Looking at the friends and friends who were full of applause, looking at the words of the hundred miles, looking at the boundless sky, it seems that even her world has lost its original color.

It’s imminent to recruit yourself!

What kind of ghost, dragon pattern reminder more command, dragon tattoo value, and people take these names! Yesterday I played a few hours of "Expedition Mobile Games", so that Lao Su was very moved, and some people kept adding my friends. The name of the "Dragon Pattern" at the beginning of the friend's column, thank the brothers for their support. [Dragon War God] The help is already full, and everyone enters the [Dragon Grain Extreme League] gang. Enter the district to choose Longteng, the country Youzhou, Laosu and so on to grab the king!

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