Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3102: Marriage

There are not many people who participate in the contest, only three, the vowel monk of the Tianluo Temple with the practice of the martial arts, the son of the king of the Tianlai world, Bi Jiagang, and the son of the Penglai world.

These three forces are all forces that can compete with the secluded world. Otherwise, Tao Qianxi will not want to find one among these three forces. If he is united with himself, he will be able to resist foreign enemies and stabilize the country. Otherwise, In the past few years, the secluded world has been regarded as a slap in the face. Whether it is the Tianlai world or the Penglai world, it has the intention. Only by balancing the forces in it, can he be killed by people without drifting.

The Lord of the World is not omnipotent. As long as he falls down, there will be countless people who will rise up and replace them. The gods have never lacked the strong, and there are always many people who are blindly watching in the dark. The city’s main government is down, the trees are falling apart, and naturally there will be people who are their substitutes, and those who live in the seclusion are not. It may be counter-attacking. What they want is only a peaceful realm. As for who is the master, it is not important to them.

Tao Qianxi's bitterness program, for Xue Qianying, is a quite successful routine, but Xue Qianying is ignorant, even if she knows, in order not to owe Tao Qianxi, she will do the same, this is her The temperament has been made.

Nowadays, it’s already about to start, and countless strong people come together. There are more than a dozen of the gods and gods, and there are hundreds of thousands of powerful kings. More than a few hundred thousand people are attracted to watch the war, but most of them come to join in the fun, they just want to pay attention to the real battle of the strong.

In the lobby of the city's main government, the guards led the panic, and kneeled on one knee, said:

"It's not good for the city owner. It's not good."

"What is going on in the panic, what is going on?"

Tao Qianxi was cold and glared at the guard.

"Bi Jiagang, the son of the Tianlai world, died... and died in our Tianguang City. It is said that the murderer is a powerful and powerful god, and with two beautiful women."

The guards commanded the promise of Nono, fearing that the city owner would anger him.


Tao Qiang’s hustle and bustle, his face was extremely gloomy, Bi Jiagang died, and the son of Tianlai’s landlord died, and he died in Tianguang City. This matter is no small matter. How can he explain it to Tianguang City? How to explain with Bi Chao?

This made him the city owner, instantly caught in a crisis, his son died in his sky city, how could Bicha not hear it? It is bound to find opportunities to fight with him in Tianguang City. Especially before that, he got secret news, saying that it is possible for the Tianlai community to launch an offensive against them in the Penglai community. Therefore, they have been forced to recruit several major forces and contest. Recruiting relatives and recruiting their own companions in order to survive this difficult time.

But now, the war has not started, Bi Jiagang died in their Tianguang City, which really makes Tao Qianxi unsustainable, what is this called? Is it because someone is stalking from it? Isn't Tianluo Temple alive in the Penglai world?

"Give me a thorough investigation of this matter. Otherwise, the Tianlai community will definitely not give up."

Tao Qianxi breathed a stagnation and looked grim. Now it seems that this is a slap in the face, and it is also the mountain rain. The current may not know that his son died here. Otherwise, he will surely come to the sky. City's.

"Thank you for a match, hold it as scheduled! Outside the city seat, the ring is open."

Tao Qiang sighed and sighed, and countless people in the city's capitals began to get busy.

However, the time left for Tao Qianxi is not much. The contest must be carried out as soon as possible. Even now, only the vowel monk of the Tianluo Temple and the mouth of the Penglai world can never stop. As long as they can get support from any of these two forces, then Tao Qianxi will not be afraid of the Tianlai world. When Bi Jiagang’s death is over, he can slowly investigate, at least not worry about the Bilai meeting in Tianlai. The dog jumped into the wall.

Tao Qianxi was not at ease, but before he started, he went to the squatting room where the snow was welcoming.

"Thousands of welcoming, hey, it is a grievance to you. It is also very annoyed to be a father. If you refuse now, I will never force you. I am important to live and die in the world, but my daughter’s lifelong happiness is also of equal importance."

Tao Qianxi said righteously.

Snow thousand shook his head and whispered:

"I have already decided, righteous father, you can rest assured that as long as I can marry into any of the forces, I will surely never make a pass."

The persistence of Xue Qianying also made Tao Qianxi completely relieved. Under this time, he did not have to worry that his protection would be defeated. The snow thousand welcoming still did not disappoint him. Tao Qianxi had to say that he had saved the snow and ushered in the first place. It was a correct decision. At the crucial moment, he had blocked such a conspiracy war, so how could he be unhappy? And his daughter is also exempt from this political marriage. Tao Qianxi is quite gratified, but this is life.

For Tao Qianxi, this is normal, and Xue Qianying is alone. If you can enter a big force to be the daughter of a family, it can be regarded as a fortune. At least Tao Qianxi does not feel that he has promoted Xue Qian. Abyss. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This matter is not a big change for Xue Qianying.

"It is a grievance to you. Thousands of welcoming, it is really awkward for the father."

Tao Qianxi looked uncomfortable and sighed.

Xue Qian Ying is already like a water stop. After all, this contest is a must for her. For her, it is always necessary to owe it to others.

On the next day, on the high platform of the city's main government, Tao Qiang was proud of himself. In the face of hundreds of thousands of people who came to watch the battle, Tao Qianxi was also unusually calm and indifferent, but his face always had a faint smile.

"Today is the day when my righteous woman is overjoyed. It is imminent, and it is imminent to get old, and it is very gratifying. The righteous woman is the best in the world, and the charm is leisurely and beautiful. No one can."

"Since the ancient beauty with the hero, my righteous woman has reached the early stage of the gods, the strength is extraordinary, naturally I have to choose a strong genius Junyan, worthy of my righteous woman. Therefore, this seat is here today. If you can win, you can marry the little girl, and I will be connected with the world, and Antai will be flat. And in addition to this love, I Tao will also send me a fairy tasting for many years. The soul rises from the spirit, as a dowry."

Tao Qianqi's mouth hangs a faint smile. Most of the people around him are people who pass through the world. For the landlord, there is a natural support, a thunderous applause, a deafening, festive picture, and Tao Qianxi is quite gratified.

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