Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3138: The spearhead is everywhere, it is Jiang Chen

"In the next King of Lobin, I hope that one day I will be able to learn from you."

Luo Binwang said with a smile, watching Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen naturally feels the hostility of this guy, and there is a hint of contempt. The Luoshen people know that they are carrying the inheritance of the gods and gods, they should not be fake, although they It may be just a guess, but Jiang Chen has to take precautions against this King Luobin. He obviously has noticed himself, and he has such a strong interest in himself, he must have some pictures.

"I don't like to learn from people who don't know, unless it's a battle for life. Otherwise, we will learn from each other and we will live and die."

Jiang Chen said faintly, everyone feels that Jiang Chen is not aware of the lifts, especially the two people of the Luoshen family. Does this guy really think that he is a genius? Even with such a genius of the Luo Dynasty, they said that they did not know how to live and die. His good days should be over. Moreover, King Luobin is also infatuated with the goddess Luo, and the appearance of Jiang Chen has obviously made Luo Binwang angry, and there is also a killing of Jiang Chen.

"It's him!"

The look of the sky is awkward, his face is dignified, staring at the blue-bomb, the bohemian, long-haired, messy, sloppy man, his strength is only in the middle of the gods, with them in the late stage Compared with the genius, it is simply standing out.

But his sense of being, like a fish thrown in the sea, hardly causes the slightest wind and waves. However, even so, the reason why Jiang Chen made the people of the fighting Protoss hate very much, that is, his existence is directly to make the fighting wilderness become dignified. The inheritance of the fighting Protoss, the fighting, must not allow the outflow.

"What do you mean?"

Duo Bai looked at the sky and looked awkward, and his brow wrinkled. At this time, he faintly felt that he should be referring to him.

"The person who was in the tomb of the Great Emperor was him. He killed many of the geniuses of our gods. It is also his. The inheritance of our fighting protoss has been taken away by him. This time, it is absolutely impossible to put Pass him."

Fortunately, the strength of Jiang Chen’s strength is only in the middle of God’s respect. Now even if he once again confronts Jiang Chen, it’s easy to kill him. It’s easy to bring back to the two great ancestors. In terms of that, it is of great significance. The reward for the fight against the sky is also the top of the family. At this time, the strength of the battle has reached the peak of the Shenzun period. This time, Jiang Chen has invested in the net. They will never be merciless again!

"Is it Jiang Chen? It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s not a waste of time. It seems that for the sake of the heavens and the grass, I still have to do it."

Dou Bai sneered and said, the eyes of the murderer flashing, this guy stealing the secret of the fighting protoss is already a dead end.

"I didn't expect that you dared to appear in front of my fighting protoss. It's a guy who doesn't know how to live. Today, I will marry you, just as I fight the Protoss!"

Fighting white momentum bursts, pointing to Jiang Chen, everyone is breathing a stagnation, this guy, really is the heart of Jiang Chen.

"Amitabha! Above the Daxiong Treasure Hall, I also look forward to fighting the friends of the Protoss, recovering the suffocating gas. In front of the Buddha, don't make a big move."

The martial law said quietly, his face sank and he slammed his feet. Jiang Chen and Bai Bai were a step backwards. Everyone was like an enemy. The majesty of the temple was inviolable. Even if it was fighting, he wanted to kill it. Jiang Chen is also unlikely.

The white face was gloomy, and I took a look at Jiang Chen, and said coldly:

"This time, if you are lucky, if the master is pleading for you, I can never let you go. Even so, I can’t hide from the first day. I will meet you again. I will take your dog’s life. The power is not to be violated!"

In the words of the white, the power is strong, everyone is silently watching this scene, Jiang Chen, a low-powered guy, is actually the strongest of the two pro-Luo and the Protoss, they are all eyeing, I can think And know that this will be a great oppression for Jiang Chen.

"You have to be careful. If you take action, it is necessary to keep up with us. You must not let them go in and out, it is not good for you."

Lan Luo whispered in Jiang Chen’s ear.

Jiang Chen knows that his situation is extremely dangerous at this moment. If Xuanyuan family knows his identity, he should not stand by and watch it. It will definitely be stalked from it. Even on the side of the shepherd, only Lan Luo For the time being, there is no hostility.

And his strength, in the eyes of everyone, is only the lamb to be slaughtered. The fighting gods hate him. The Luoshen wants to kill the chickens and take the eggs. Jiang Chen finds out where he really went, and it is hard to escape bad luck.

Fighting white and fighting the sky, are silently staring at Jiang Chen, if this is not the Daxiong Hall of Zhongsheng Temple, perhaps they have already started on Jiang Chen, this guy must kill and then quickly, the secret of the Protoss, absolutely not Being able to pass outside, this is the taboo of the fighting gods for millions of years, the mystery of fighting the battle, never rumored.

But now everyone is watching each other. After all, this is the site of the people's temples. They are all invited to come. The temples are dominated by the four major families.

"Amitabha, the donors of the four great families came from afar, and the poor and the poor were very comforted. I thanked you at the Temple of All Lives."

The black-and-white old man stood up slowly and stood up, full of sincerity.

Everyone is also slightly in the body, and the two palms are in the same position. After all, it is the host of Zhongsheng Temple, and the strength is extraordinary, and the strongest of the gods, who dares to rebel? Who dares to make it?

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly raised. Among the entire hall, there were actually five strong emperors at the level of the gods. Such super strengths can stand proudly above the Antarctic Shenzhou. Jiang Chen is no exception.

"Master Masters, we come here on the trip, the purpose is clear, you may wish to talk about it, we are also all ordered to come, all by the Master Master."

King Robin nodded.

"In this case, I will not bend around, and you can come to help each other. The old man is full of thoughts. This time, I also invited the master of Tong Xuan Shenfu, but unfortunately the Tong Xuan Shenfu has failed to come. So now there are only four people, and I hope that you will help me in the temple of all beings. In this battle, stand out."

He said with a smile.

"Tong Xuan Shenfu can't come? What happened? I fight the Protoss three big and a half steps, all of them are in the Xuan Shen Shen, is it difficult to become a trouble in the Xuan Shenfu?"

The white face was heavy and his eyes solidified, but there was a slight hunch in his heart.

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