Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3139: Buddha is in front of me, also in my heart

"I came from the direction of Tong Xuan Shenfu, but I heard that the three major steps of the gods of the gods were all fallen."

The blue spear whispered, deliberately carrying a gloating expression, the white face was even more ugly.

"What? You don't want to talk nonsense! How can I fight the Protoss three and a half steps, how can they be degraded, and those who can make them fall, unless they are the Emperor, even if they are the Emperor, they are even But it is very difficult to kill them all."

Doo Bai did not believe what the blue spear said. At this time, his gaze fell on the master of the monk in the Zhongsheng Temple. He hoped that the news was false.

"Although I don't know the specific situation, but the rumors I heard are also the masters of the three fighting protoss, all killed. I hope this is a fake news, Amitabha."

Ring your hands and make your hands look like a prayer.

Fighting against the sky and fighting the sky, they all feel a heartache. Fighting is the uncle of the white fight. It can be said that the fight is the one that defends the fight. Now the strength of the fight is blue, and the uncle’s bad news is heard. Although he still doesn't know the true and false, he has already made the face of the white man sullen to the extreme. At this time, his anger has been ignited.

"Uncle, I hope you will not have anything."

Fighting white muttered, the blue spear sneered, this news is an indisputable fact, but he is not willing to admit it, and such a big news, although the previous Xuan Shenfu has been blocked, but the world is not impenetrable Wall, paper can not contain fire, once it is known, then this news will be quickly spread all over the world, it will not be long before, this news will be well known, and at that time, the fighting protos must also be It will be very angry.

Jiang Chen cold eyes look at the white, these do not know the dead and the dead, if you really want to shoot yourself, then you can only send them to fight the Protoss family reunion, Jiang Chen is now surrounded by all sides, these people are really top strong, any One, Jiang Chen may not dare to say that he will be able to kill him.

Jiang Chen is a pervert, a genius, and a fierce enough, but what about people? The usual half-step Emperor, Jiang Chen kills, naturally, but this is the leader among the half-step gods, the true genius enchanting among the great tribes, you may be very cattle, but people are better than you More cattle.

Therefore, even Jiang Chen does not dare to take it lightly. These guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. At this time, he is undoubtedly still careful.

"Zhongsheng Temple is built by the Buddhas of all sentient beings. It is also the temple that we have built up in order to preserve the dignity of the Buddha world after the division of the Great Leiyin Temple. For the sake of the great unity of the Buddha, the Buddha is fallen, the thunder The sound temple is disillusioned. Today, the West Pole of China is a raging wind. It is said that the living Buddha is returning from the world, but whether it is a real Buddha or not, it is still a matter of discussion, but the most important artifact of our Buddha world, the town **** monument, but in the rumor The reincarnation of the living Buddha, so we have to shake it."

"For hundreds of millions of years, although we have always been concentrating on the Buddha, but it is about the rise and fall of the Buddha world, we are the children of Buddhism, naturally it is impossible to stand by. So this time, even if it is risking the world, we will also The town’s monument has been robbed back. The Buddha is one of the most powerful Buddhas under the Buddha, and it is the leader of our sentient beings. The Buddhas of all living beings, the world is unified, only in the present, the former Buddhist world is the first in the world, nowadays The Western Pole of China is full of sorrows. As long as you get the monument to the town, there is hope that the Buddhas will be ordered.

Master Master Guan said with a devout face.

"Dare to ask the master, is there a Buddha in the world?"

Jiang Chen looked at the master of the ring and asked in a low voice.

The Master Master gave a smile and said:

"Buddha is a transcendence of all beings, but it is turned into beings, and the Buddha is in front of you, and in the heart."

The master of the slogan said that everyone who said it was in the fog, but Jiang Chen felt that this slogan seemed to be hiding something. Regarding the Buddha, he was not willing to say more.

"The masters of the Masters are super strong, and our strength is far less than you. What can we do for you?"

Lan Luo asked.

"Amitabha, no, no, no! This time, the strong man of the royal kingdom, there is no chance of a half, everything, only under the power of the gods."

"This is also to say from the moment when the phantom of the Great Leiyin Temple appeared. The Great Leiyin Temple should have been destroyed, but it has turned into a light and shadow, such as the mirage, the relics that appeared in the Great Leiyin Temple. Above, the Emperor of the Emperor is not able to step into it. The endless Buddha of the Great Leiyin Temple can only enter the people under the Emperor’s strong. I also wanted to try to enter. But eventually it failed."

The master of the ring shook his head and sighed.

"That is, the Great Leiyin Temple, reproduce the West China?"

Xuanyuan Yumo said with a shocked face that the Great Leiyin Temple was destroyed in the ancient war hundreds of millions of years ago. Now it has appeared again. Although it is already a broken wall, it has made these Buddhist monks longing for it.

"In the Great Leiyin Temple, there are occasional morning bells and drums, and occasionally Buddha light shines. All this is because the reincarnated living Buddha in the rumor has stepped into it, which triggered the turmoil in the entire West Pole. Nowadays The reincarnation of the Living Buddha is in the illusion of the Great Leiyin Temple. Although it is a fantasy, it is real, because it is like the real Daleiyin Temple. The town monument is in the reincarnation of the Living Buddha, but Among the Great Leiyin Temples, the Emperor of the Emperor is unable to enter, and the half-step Emperor is the best candidate. In the Great Leiyin Temple, the reincarnation of the Living Buddha kills many people, so, in our In the view of Zhongsheng Temple and other monasteries, this so-called reincarnation of the Living Buddha is probably just a blind man. He is the real reincarnation of the great devil. The whole West Pole, the dead Buddhas, are countless, all of them are The reincarnation of the living Buddha was killed. In desperation, we had to turn to the four major groups. I hope that you can help us to restore a true peace on the land of the Western China."

Master Master of the Rings paused and continued:

"Of course, we will not have the slightest slack. We will have three big and a half steps to the Emperor, and we will fight against the reincarnation of the legendary Buddha in this legend. This is a little bit of a god, you don't have to worry about it. Please smile."

The master of the squadron waved a hand, and more than ten pieces of green seeds appeared in the hands of everyone.

"This is... Bodhi?"

Lan Luo exclaimed, the shock on the pretty face, the horror of Bodhi, no one did not know, I thought that the Buddha was to be a Buddha under the Bodhi tree.

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