Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3314: Ancient battlefield

"Here, even if the corpse is everywhere, is this a battlefield?"

"Yeah, there are ruins everywhere, the soldiers are defeated, it is too big, it is a completely new space. It will not be another world?"

"Don't say, this is just a closed space. How can it be a complete world behind the door of the court?"

Everyone's expression is extremely serious, because the world in front of them is like a brand new field. In addition to the corrupted bones and the flag of war, the few remaining is the mottled defeat of the everywhere. It seems to have passed. Countless years, there are only endless bleak and desolate, cold and clear.

"Are we cheated? This is the door of the gods. This is an ancient battlefield."

Zhu Qianyan finally couldn’t help it. His face was gloomy and said, they would not be deceived by their ancestors? Moreover, a lie is hundreds of millions of years. The land of their ancestors, who were struggling to protect themselves, turned out to be a fierce battlefield, and they could not find anything useful except the bones.

The tragedy is indeed solemn and depressed, but they are looking for treasures, treasures of the gods, and inheritance of the gods, but now they have nothing to gain, who is it, who can not be angry?

Suddenly, they feel that they have guarded the family of millions of years. Is it just a scorpion of the Protoss? They passed down the endless years, are they deceived?

"Everything is quiet, we are now in this ancient battlefield, it is definitely not easy, look for it first."

Songzan Kangying whispered, he is also angry, but he is still unwilling to leave here without absolute certainty. After all, this ancient battlefield, there is probably a good thing, ancient heroes, Blood and tears spilled here, no one knows what kind of big man has fallen here.

Jiang Chen and Yu Jingxian carefully followed behind them, but Jiang Chen’s mood became extremely depressing. Most importantly, he felt that this place is a peerless place, not as simple as they think. .

There are countless bones around, countless remnants, countless rocks and sands, all of which symbolize the ancient battlefield that has been untouched for hundreds of millions of years. It is still full of traces of time.

Jiang Chen looked out, the strength of these people, the worst of them also have the respect of God, because their bones have reached the stronghold of the gods and gods, so they will not rot for hundreds of millions of years, not only the emperor This is the case for the strong. Jiang Chen can imagine that in the battlefields of ancient times, a scene of Jin Ge iron horse, a violent offensive, plundering the world, so many strong people, some people fall, some people rise, some people forever Stayed here, the cruel war, let the gods who died here be the strongest of the gods, countless...

Jiang Chen looked at it, at least tens of thousands of strong people, annihilated within a square of the surrounding area, but the edge of the battlefield, but still no margin, on the gray and foggy ancient battlefield, they can only follow Your own footsteps, your own heart, go step by step and try to cross the river by feeling the stones.

"It looks so sinister, even my half-step gods have felt the power of great fear. It seems that these dead strongmen must be endless majestic people. I don’t know how many people have died here. How many people have buried in their hometowns, and how many people have escaped the fate of their lives."

The feathers sighed with a sigh, and the corner of the mouth was filled with a sad color. The feeling of being in the same place was not enough. It was just that this ancient battlefield made people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and it was a heartfelt grief.

"You may be too sensitive. This ancient battlefield, although very strange, does not make you so sad? Hehehe."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, after the feathers sighed, but they were not talking.

Jiang Chen's eyes are slightly shy, cautious, while beware of the crisis in this ancient battlefield, and the other side must be wary of Songzan Kangying and others, it is not easy.

"I will help you change your looks, otherwise it will be difficult to see them once they are discovered."

Jiang Chen looked at Yu Jingxian and said.

"Well, you...will not change your looks anymore?"

Yu Jingxian felt a shock in his heart, looking at Jiang Gongzi, a look of doubt.

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked. Why are women so nervous and so sensitive?

"How come, if Songzan Kangying sees you, then everything will be difficult to deal with, and I will change my appearance."

Jiang Chen quickly said to the round field.

"hope so."

Yu Jingxian said, but Jiang Chen did not know, this wish, is to say to him, or she hopes that Song Zan Kang Ying will not find them.

At this time, they have entered the door of the temple, and there are more than ten miles away. It is still full of accidents. In front, Songzan Kangying and others, finally saw a mountain, the mountain shape is strange, only five hundred meters high. However, China Unicom is far-reaching and far away. It seems to be like a palm, standing there.

"Look, Songzan brother, there seems to be a huge palm, but it seems that in the fog, the mountain top seems to have a flag, but can't see clearly."

Jiang Minghao said in a deep voice, pointing to the Wuzhi Mountain, everyone is looking above the Wuzhi Mountain, which is a black flag.

"This flag is really weird, but it seems to be a treasure."

Wu You whispered.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned and his pupils were tight. He found that the flag had quite similarities with his previous sacred flag, but it was not a sacred flag at all, and it was much stronger than the sacred flag. .

"This flag, I have to fix it!"

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth is slightly tilted. The horror of this flag is definitely a hundred times stronger than that of the **** flag. The reason why I did not use the gods’ flag is because of the lack of a line of eyes and the existence of the array. The method of finishing the finishing touch, whether there is a point of eye, will make the entire formation, it is a different day. Tianlong sword as the eyes of the entire ghost prisoner Ashura swords, if there is no Tianlong sword, then the power of the Shura sword array will be greatly reduced.

And this black flag is precisely able to let Jiang Chen completely change the power of the gods and flags, and will certainly be able to make his strength to a higher level.

"Go ahead and see."

Songzan Kang Ying said that his eyes are also on the black flag. This is the most shocking soldier they have seen so far in the door of the court. This black flag is absolutely extraordinary.

The four men attacked and went straight to the top of the five fingers.

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