Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3315: Ancient literary ancestor

Jiang Chen is also watching the scene silently. He is not in a hurry to shoot. The four gods are in front of him. If he forces his shot, he will only be greatly oppressed. The outcome may be difficult for himself. Imagine that Jiang Chen would not want to be suppressed here by these gods.

"A good black flag is really majestic. It seems that this should be a Protoss in ancient times, and the remaining soldiers."

Zhu Qianyan said with a look of surprise.

"This is the black scorpion flag. It is a genuine treasure. It has been eternal for many years. It is enough to show its horror. Those who can display this black flag are destined to be a peak of the emperor, even the emperor. The powerful can only afford it."

Songzan Kangying said with a dignified look, this black flag, he is extremely like, the flag wind moves, the flag flutters, stirs up the war, this is a real life-killing device!

"It seems that this time the door of the court is not white."

Songzan Kang Ying smiled slightly.

Jiang Minghao's three people are slightly stunned at the corner of the mouth. Song Zan Kang Ying's words are already very obvious. I want this black flag, and you will think about it.

Songzan Kang Ying reached out and held a handful, and the incomparable majestic darkness was filled with it, surrounded by the surrounding. Songzan Kangying’s hands were gripped, but it was impossible to pull out the pole and plug it on the top of the mountain. The black flag is really unbelievable.

The rest of the people are also slightly sloppy. You want this black flag. You have to pull him out and say it again. Otherwise, even if it is for you, can you pull it?

Songzan Kangying's face was a little embarrassed, and repeatedly exerted his strength, which made it impossible to shake the black flag. After a long while, Songzan Kangying finally gave up and shook his head. At this moment, Wu You did not believe in evil, stood up, but after trying several times, he also failed to pull it out. Finally, Jiang Minghao and Zhu Qianbian all ended in failure. It is full of bitter taste.

"This black flag should be something of our ancestor's ancestor. It must be because we are his descendants, so we can't move. This should be a seal."

In the end, Songzan Kangying and others came to the conclusion that no matter how true or false, at least they are balanced in their own minds. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing. If the black flag cannot be pulled out, it must be For its reasons, this may be the seal prohibition left by the protoss of the Protoss.

"Look, there are people there."

Zhu Qianyan moved his eyes and saw that not far away, there was a man with one knee on his knees. The man bowed his head and broke into the rock. His figure was firm and his face looked very painful. The body is like a mountain with millions of pounds, and the punch that breaks into the rock is also shocking. The fist has already been integrated with the rock, even the man has become Part of this mountain.

“Is this our ancestor?”

Jiang Minghao asked in a deep voice, the suppression of the heart, the bigger and bigger, every step forward, they will feel the tremors, as if a huge pressure, to crush their bodies.

Songzan Kang Ying directly slammed into the ground, with a respectful and serious color in his eyes.

"I still don't hurry down. Haven't you seen the portraits of our Protoss ancestors? This is our ancestor, Fuxi!"

Song Zan Kang Ying’s words, let the three people tremble, and quickly bowed down. At that moment, the pressure on them was wiped out, and the four people suddenly realized that their ancestors were kneeling on one knee, and they were worshipped by the ancestors. How can you not feel the pressure? When they go down, the time pressure is eliminated.

"It is really our ancestor, Fuxi. We are indeed descendants of God, and it is not a hole in the wind."

Wu You became dignified and excited. As descendants of God, they finally found their ancestors.

"Then the Wuzhi Mountain is the volcanic sacred mountain in the ancestral home, hence the name Wansheng Mountain?"

Jiang Minghao and others all suddenly realized that they really found the place where the ancestors sat down, but their ancestor Fuxi, has completely dissipated, and now it is just a monument left, and it will last forever.

"Fuxi ancestor, please bless us to find something that belongs to us on this ancient battlefield and find the gift of the ancestors."

Songzan Kangying whispered, his look dignified, and the four people bowed down. At that moment, the entire sky, became extremely dark, thundering, squally, and rolling, like a god.

An invisible illusion slowly appeared in front of Fuxi's, and all four were shocked.

"First...the ancestor..."

Song Zan Kang Ying and others did not expect that they would see the ancestors manifestation, the shock, naturally no more, even their fathers and grandparents, may not see the ancestors manifestation.

Jiang Chen's pupils are tight and his face is extremely grim. The appearance of Fuxi's heart makes his heart extremely shocking. Is this the **** of the ancient times? In the ancient times, people who could be called the Protoss can be seen, and this Fuxi is the leader of the ancient gods.

Ancient literary ancestor, Fuxi!

Although it is only a shadow, Jiang Chen can feel it. The horror and majesty of the ancestors is just a look. It seems that it can destroy the earth. Jiang Chen knows that the ancestors have discovered themselves.

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the light flashes, even if it is the ancient ancestors, if he wants to destroy himself, even the king of Laos will not do it!

Fuxi's figure gradually gathered together, but his eyes were filled with unparalleled indifference and anger.

"I don't filial sons! Why do you have to violate the ancestral training? Once the door of the court is opened, it will definitely lead to the opening of the road to hell. By then, the whole **** world will probably fall into a state of eternal annihilation. Have you ever known?"

Fuxi's incomparable solemnity and cold look. At this time, the sound of anger and anger broke out, causing several people to be shocked and stunned.

"The ancestor, is the legend true?"

Songzan Kangying asked palely, and all of them were constantly shaking.

"A group of stupid guys, I spent all my life, only to seal the innocent Lord, life and death, you have once again opened the door of the court, the innocent demon will surely reproduce the world, the door of the court is connected to the road to **** You are simply sinners between heaven and earth, not filial sons, not filial sons."

Fuxi's face became more and more difficult, and it became colder and colder.

"Does the language really have to become true, and the realm of God will be in jeopardy. The nine-day demon will surely return to the world. Is everything fixed?"

Fuxi whispered, a sorrowful color that slipped from his eyes.

"Quickly quit here, tens of millions... don't pull out the black flag!"

The voice of Fuxi’s voice just fell, but the black flag was pulled out of the rock...

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