Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3405: Source dispute

Burning the ancient Tokyu to go straight down, directly jumped into the 18th floor of the purgatory, at that moment, feeling the horrible flames around the burning flames, the burning of the East is grim, only between the hands, a palm Strike out, thunder and sorrow, when the flames are majestic, standing in the flame, there is no slight influence, and even the fire tongue is completely swallowed.

"Hey, how many flames remain in the district, and I want to fight with me? It’s just a idiotic dream."

Burning Gu Dong screamed and slammed his sleeves, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding flames. Like a flame giant, he stood proudly and swept away, and the flames all retreated.

"Humble humans, want to devour me, you have not qualified. I don't know how many people want to hit my mind in the past, you are not the first one, and perhaps not the last one."

A cold drink echoed in the 18th floor of Purgatory, the voice filled with the chill in the depths of the soul, filled the entire 18th floor of purgatory.

"Yes? Today, I am afraid that I can't escape my hand. Your source of fire has been swallowed up by me. What are your qualifications to fight with me? You are just a survivor than the power of the source. The fire spirit only."

Burning Gudong arrogantly, sweeping the endless flames around, in the fire, three thousand fire shadows, filled with, as if the heavens are supreme, cover the sun.

"Do you think that you can really swallow me by your current fire source?"

Burning Gudong was extremely angry with the fire. His current strength was completely fearless of the fire. Because he controlled the fires of the previous Hellfire, he was completely fearless of the offensive.

"If there is no such invisible method to bind me, for hundreds of millions of years, relying on your ants, and dare to fight for me? It is simply a fantasy."

The sound of the low and heavy **** fires echoed in the burning of the East ear. At that moment, burning Gudong was also a sneer, completely fearless.

"The hero does not mention the courage of the year. Do you think that you were very strong in the past? If it was strong in the past, why was it trapped here? If you are a prosperous, how can you become a prisoner of others? Trapped in eighteen Under the layer of purgatory, even if you have been shining, now, you are just a guy who has been lingering. Do you want to be a real power, soaring over nine days? Hahaha, don’t dream. After today, there will be no hellfire, and your source of power will be swallowed up by me."

Burning Gudong said with a smile, full of confidence, and the power of the seven hundred and eightths of the Hellfire, what terrible is he?

"Hey, the generation of the mice, I am the spirit of the fire. Do you really think that you can control me with the power of 70% or 80%? Can you swallow me? Without my spirit of fire, your cost source is that It’s just a fire.”

The spirit of the fire said with a smile.

"Let the heavens and the earth lock me nine rounds of reincarnation, it is still not the ordinary folks, and can compete. If you want to die, let me come over, let me see, where is your so-called self-confidence?"

Burning Gu Dong’s eyes, looking at the surrounding fire, muttered:

"The worm of the hundred feet, dead and not stiff, today, I will send you to the real Ah Nai hell."

Burning Gudong's hands and seals, the fire of the original source, sprayed out from the body, began to merge toward the surrounding flames, and converges, the power of the vain swallowing, completely began to madly swallow, the surrounding industry The fires are all retreating, lest they be swallowed up by the burning of Gudong.

Burning Gu Dong on the body, the shadows are heavy, and the crocodile has always been huge, the **** basin is big, and the opening is constantly changing. It seems that all the surrounding fires are going to be swallowed up and used for their own purposes.

"Your thoughts are a bit too simple."

The spirit of the fire sneered and said, completely ignoring the attack of Gu Dong, sneer, a flame dragon, squatting on the giant crocodile burning the ancient East, entangled and mutual resistance.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and Hong Lian are also exhausted, the face of Hong Lian, pale to the extreme, in the ancestral tower, it is already dying, and Jiang Chen’s situation is better than her, the corner of the mouth With a touch of smile, the flames around him became dim, and his heart was finally relieved. This hellfire was too horrible, and the triple defense, Jiang Chen tried hard to solve the problem. Survived, and he is constantly inputting the spirit of the gods into the body of Honglian, which is a complete stabilization of the situation.

"You lost all the power of the gods in the body to me. What do you do?"

Hong Lian said with a worried face. Although Jiang Chen’s resilience is very strong, he still can’t afford to make ends meet. His current situation is quite difficult, even life and death, between the front line, but as long as Jiang Chen has a breath, he is absolutely Will not let Honglian accident.

"Nothing, I can hold it."

Jiang Chen laughed, but Hong Lian clearly saw the gloom in his eyes. He also supported his own crumbling body. In order not to worry about himself, it would be like this.

"If you die, you won't say something uncomfortable."

Among the red lotus eyes, the sparkling crystals, tightly embraced Jiang Chen, life and death, and the truth, Jiang Chen’s heart, let Honglian rekindle the infinite desire for life, as if as long as he is there, the sky will not Will collapse.

Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing.

"The burning Gudong has entered this 18-story purgatory. All the fires are all mobilized to resist the burning of Gudong, so our situation should be much better."

Jiang Chen said, looking through the ancestral tower, at this time, above their heads, a shocking dragon and a swallowing giant crocodile, completely entangled together, that kind of crazy devouring, so that Jiang Chen is Unbelievable, the horrible power of these two guys, even people feel the crisis, this hellfire is really scary.

"What do we do? Should we go now?"

Honglian is hesitant. She really worried that if the **** fire is really her father, then if she leaves, it will probably make the **** fire in deep trouble, and even be burned by Gudong. Devouring.

"The burning Gudong should have taken control of the vast majority of the origin of the **** fire, so I dare to fight with the hellfire in this 18th floor purgatory, otherwise I can't resist this. Hell fire, that burning Gudong, if it is not full of confidence, he will never be in danger."

Jiang Chen Shen Shen, mouth with a touch of cold color, eyes burning, this **** industry fire is now at a disadvantage, Jiang Chen is also in a state of hesitation.

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