Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3406: Father's call

Their previous thoughts were all speculations. It was impossible to prove whether the hellfire was the father of Honglian, but now it seems that these two outsiders are finally out of danger.

However, Jiang Chen does not intend to leave, and the idea of ​​Honglian coincides. Even if the hellfire is not the origin of Honglian’s father, he must also kill the Gudong, the bastard, and then leave. Here.

At this time, the burning of Gu Dong holding most of the fire source, and finally began to fully exerted.

"Old guy, believe me, you will die very miserably, you have come over for hundreds of millions of years, but today, you become the imprisonment of my burning Gudong. From then on, I am in the hands of hell. I see the water dare to fight for me! Hahaha."

The burning of Gudong's hands became a giant chain, and the mouth began to rise. The origin of the fire of the road began to madly surge and was swallowed up by the burning of Gudong.

"I have gone through countless years, I can be controlled by your children. In those days, even the strongest of the kings, I have to bow down before me. What kind of onion do you have? Even your ancestors, fear Bend in front of me."

The **** industry screamed, the dragon squatted, hovering, two huge figures, constantly groaning in the flames of purgatory, struggling.

"This time, for a while, let you cross the ages, but now, I am the real king."

Burning Gudong dismissed and began to become more fierce. The origin of the devourer's hellfire, entangled for three days and three nights, were unsuccessful.

Although Burning Gudong received the cost of the seven hundred and eightths of the Hellfire during this period, as the Hellfire said, even in the absence of the spirit of the fire, even if there is more power, it will not help. . It is like a dying water, and the spirit of the fire of **** is the spring.

With the passage of time, half a month, quietly passed away, in the end, the two people have completely offset most of the power of the source, burning the ancients is the best, because he occupies too much of the origin of the hellfire The power, so it can occupy a more active position under the devour of the fire source.

For thousands of years, at this moment, the power of the infernal fire has been refining into the skyfire of the trainees of countless Tong Xuan Shenfu. The strength is depleted, and it is suppressed by the array of the ancient times.

"I see you next, how can I fight with me, hahaha."

Burning Gudong and Hellfire can be described as killing each other, but they have suffered a big loss in the power of the source. The hellfire is still a trick, and gradually, his source of power has been swallowed up by the burning of Gudong. Most of the time.

"Why...why...why I am always alive, because there are obsessions in my heart, my children...I am where my children are, I don't know, I am not willing, for that war, for the so-called light, I hate, my child..."

The **** fire murmurs, and at that moment its figure has gradually become dim.

"Purification of ancient times, Shengshi Honglian, my child..."

Above the void, echoing the sound of the hellfire, and at that moment, the red lotus is like a lightning strike, purifying the ancient times, Shengshi Honglian, is that his child? Red lotus industry fire, is it really it?

"This is the call, it is this call, he is really my father, Jiang Chen!"

Hong Lian tightly clutched Jiang Chen's hand, the heat in his eyes, it was difficult to look at it, it was this call that made her have to leave Jiang Chen and travel thousands of miles. It is a call from the depths of the heart. Although she lost her call to her father some time ago, she firmly believes that her father is by her side.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned. At the beginning, Honglian was summoned by his father’s call. At this moment, it was finally a complete truth. The hellfire was really her father.

"If you don't want to be late, you can't watch your father being burned by the guy who burned Gudong. With your source of power, you should be able to continue for him."

Jiang Chen said with a deep voice, looking at Honglian.

Red lotus is extremely excited and focuses on the head.

"Father, I am coming too!"

The call of Honglian, let the **** industry fire for a while, the huge flame dragon, trembled, looking at the moment of the red lotus industry fire, full of confusion and excitement.

"Child, are you really my child?"

The arrogant faucet of the **** industry fire shimmered in the brilliance of this moment, groaning, struggling, and trying to break the **** of Gudong, but it was completely useless.

"Father, I want to help you maintain your strength."

Hong Lian Shen Sheng said that he would not hesitate to send his own source of power to the hell.

“Is it really my child? I have forgotten it, forget what you look like, forget if you are still in the world...”

The **** industry whispered, the power of Honglian's origin, constantly injected into his body, he completely understood, the fusion of the power of the source, the convergence of the power of the blood, the red lotus in front of the eyes Really your own child!

"My child... my child..."

At this moment, the proud faucet is full of kindness to look at Honglian, but the mouth is endlessly bitter, and their father and daughter meet each other, and it will be the moment when they are so different.

"Hahaha, it’s a pity that the father and the daughter will remember each other. It’s a pity that you all have to die. Together with the power of your red lotus industry, I can be considered a great harvest today."

Burning Gu Dongmei flying dance, the light in the eyes is constantly shining, this time, it is really an unexpected joy, this woman turned out to be a red lotus industry fire, so that the burning of the ancient East did not think that the red lotus industry fire is not as good as the **** fire, But its horror is self-evident. It’s just that the **** is too strong and too strong.

"Father, you can rest assured that as long as I am there, I will never let anyone hurt you."

Honglian gritted his teeth and his face was pale. The power of the body was all entered into the hellfire, but the horrible absorption power was completely a drop in the water for hell. .

"You two, you have to die, no one can escape the palm of my hand, the **** industry fire, the red lotus industry fire, will be used for me, when I step into the emperor's day, when the realm of the gods, is Your dazzling moments, when I will let this world be submissive under my fire. Hahaha."

Burning Gu Dong’s eyes is a cold, and the murder is complete. These two fires are all in their own pockets!

"You are happy, it is too early."

At this moment, Jiang Chen's figure appeared in the endless fire, with a touch of smile on his lips, and the power of the thunder in his hand has gradually merged into four kinds of thunder, destroying the earth!

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