Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3425: Nine Wang Ye, Wu Zhongjiu

It seems that the best way to do this now is to break the array and go. Otherwise, if you want to reach Dongsheng Shenzhou, you will bypass the farther road, which is not worth the candle.

Under the two-phase trade-off, Jiang Chen can only be forced to help, and forcibly broke the law.

"In ten days, I try to break this battle within ten days. Otherwise, it is impossible to detour."

Jiang Chen sighed, this floating tour, for him, is not too difficult, at least this time can only come out with this policy, no matter who, Jiang Chen can only break the formation and then say.

"I hope that there will be no more disasters."

Yan Qingcheng said faintly, Jiang Chen can't take care of a lot, and breaking the battle as soon as possible is the top priority.

Jiang Chen set foot on the top of the nine days, the source of the law, three impacts, even his strong power of the Emperor was repulsed by the giant force, Jiang Chen's heart is more dignified.

Pushing the no-start method, the evolution of the large-scale reincarnation, Jiang Chen cautious, incomparably dignified, began to change the array quickly, evolved without the initial method, broke this method, not overnight, although Jiang Chen’s heart is incomparable Anxious, but the rice still has to be eaten bit by bit.

Seven days have passed, Jiang Chen is more and more excited, his formation has been broken by seven or eight, for up to two days, this law will be completely destroyed by him.

"It won't take long for this floating array to break."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. Today, he is already a very powerful strategist. He is completely afraid of any formation. It is only a matter of time, but the person who arranges this method is afraid that it is not necessary to be weaker than himself. This person must also be an incomparably strong genius.

But Jiang Chen is completely no matter who he is. If he wants to go through this void, he must break the battle.

Time passed by, and the original powerful floating array method was completely destroyed by Jiang Chen at this time. Above the void, a purple scorpion, swaying away, the entire sky seems to be at this moment. Become clear, Jiang Chen's mouth outlines a bright smile, they can finally go on the road as soon as possible!

At this moment, among the city of Youlan, the capital of the city, the house of the nine princes, a middle-aged man with a purple robe and a mad dragon, he began to look up, his eyes fixed on the northeast, his eyes slightly lifted, his face was extremely Unsightly, Shen channel:

"Who dares to break my battle! Today I will definitely not die with you."

An unrelenting voice, straight into the clouds, the face of a middle-aged man, completely changed, the floating array broke, the dragon family is bound to be like a broken bamboo attack, when he is even more precarious, his family ancestral land, bound Will be swallowed up a little bit, and his daughter, but also difficult to escape bad luck, will certainly become a victim of marriage.

It must be the master of the tactics invited by the Dragon family. Otherwise, who has such ability and breaks his formation? At least the Dragon family is absolutely no such person. Even on the land of Shenzhou, it is absolutely impossible. Is it the strongest of the Zhongzhou gods?

The middle-aged man’s face became more and more gloomy, muttering:

"Is it a day to forget my witch?"

At the same time, in the north of Fuyu City, between the mountains, a group of people riding the flying monsters, passing the Tianlong of Fuyu City, began to quickly head toward the direction of the city.

"What is going on? Isn't the witch's formation broken? Is the Dragon family still coming back to the master, breaking my sorcerer's family?"

"Yeah, is it true that my Witch and the Protoss are going to die?"

"It's hard to say that these years the dragon family is stunned. Although the strength of our Witch and Protoss is far less than it used to be, it is not a problem to resist a dragon in a district."

"District Longjia? Oh, you are too small to see the Dragon family. If it is not for the purpose of guarding the Witch Gods and defending against the Dragon Family, then the Wu Daren did not have to spend ten years to arrange this floating array. Nowadays, a big move is forced. The Dragon family is already waiting."

Numerous Fuyucheng, and even the Witch Goddess, are all shocked and incomparably painful.

The Witch and the Protoss have always been the name of the Witches. It has been passed down to the present, but it is not easy. However, the Dragon family has long been eager to occupy the territory of the Witches and the Witches, and the strongest of the Dragons are filled with the void. After that, the black pressure is one, and the people of the Witch and Protos are all extremely suppressed.

For the people of the Witch and the Protoss, the Witch adults are their main bones, and the floating arrays that the Witch adults have put together all their efforts are actually broken. Over the years, because of the existence of the floating array, the Dragon family was unable to If you make a big intrusion, you will be able to let countless foreign enemies completely dare not marry the existence of the Witch Protoss.

Nowadays, a large number of strong dragons have crossed the Fuyu City and crossed the miles of thousands of miles. They began to march toward the Witch Gods and came to the city of Youlan.

Jiang Chen didn't have time to look back, all the way forward, the atmosphere of the three great emperors, was discovered by Wu Zhongjiu, and came directly to Jiang Chen and others.

Wu Zhongjiu, also known as the Nine Kings, the master of the Witch God, is the master of the city.

"who are you?"

Jiang Chen brows, because at this moment, Wu Chongji has already stopped in front of him, directly letting the three of them lose their way.

"Who am I? Hahaha, you dare to ask who I am? You broke my line of law, is it to laugh at me? How much benefit Long Feiwu gave you."

Wu Zhongjiu snorted coldly, with a sneer in his mouth, not taking it for granted.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know anything about Fei Feiwu. I just want to go from here. Unfortunately, this area has been set by you, so I can only break the array and say it again."

Jiang Chen brows tightly, this guy, it seems that the nine kings in the mouth of the guardian guard are undoubted.

"Hey, Hugh, you have to argue, you broke my line. If it wasn't for the Dragon Flying Wu, the **** would make you an enemy, then how would you be enemies with my Witch Gods? I have no enmity with you, but you have to My Witch Gods are in distress, I hate, you bastard, I will not die with you."

Wu Zhongjiu screamed and stunned the world, and countless Wu and Shen people were at this moment. Jiang Chen and Wu Zhongji, who looked above the void, were filled with sorrow.

"Is this guy really a person from the Dragon Family? It seems that the crisis of our Witch and Protoss is finally here."

"It's hard to say, but even the nine princes have already appeared, then this time, it seems that things are definitely not that simple."

"Hey, has the silence of so many years been finally broken? My witches and gods have always been quite harmonious and do not like war, but still can't escape bad luck?"

Countless people are filled with sorrow and disappointment. Once the Dragon Family and the Witch Gods fight, the stretches of hundreds of thousands of miles will only be the people of the Li people and the low-ranking sects and practitioners. Who will manage their survival?

[Today's four, the brothers who did not pay attention to my public number, pay attention as soon as possible, the end of the month or the beginning of next month, the new book will be released, the specific situation will be announced on the public number. 】

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