Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3426: Squeeze

After so many years of calm, let them live and work in peace and contentment, but now the floating array has been broken, so the peace they want, at this moment, is destined to disappear.

"I don't want to fight with you. I broke the law, just to leave here."

Jiang Chen didn't want to delay this guy and turned around, but Wu Zhongji did not intend to leave Jiang Chen to leave. No matter who he is, he broke down and was destined to get away with the Dragon family. It’s not the Dragon family’s dispatch, but it’s only a ghost.

At this moment, Jiang Chen wanted to leave, but the strong atmosphere around him rushed to the void above nine days, and the Emperor was strong enough to be eleven, although they were all masters of the early days of the Emperor. However, the victory in many people, and the strong deities of God, is as high as hundreds, this moment, Jiang Chen and Yan Jiangcheng dance, firmly blocked.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh. He didn't think that after he cracked the law, he would have caused so many incidents. This should be the strongest of all the entire Witch and Protoss.

"I advise you to let it go, but if you do, you will die without a place to die."

Wu Zhongjiu holds a long gun, and the gun refers to Jiang Chen, shouting loudly.

Jiang Chen’s heart is helpless. He is not afraid of these people, but they are innocent. Can’t they kill them directly? Although this war may be a bit tricky, he is not afraid. First, he does not want to delay more time. Second, killing them. For himself, there is no meaning. Jiang Chen does not want to kill innocent people.

"I said, I really don't know what happened to the dragon family in your mouth. I broke because I want to go to Dongsheng Shenzhou, so from here is the nearest distance, your floating array blocked me. The way to go, so I can only make the best decision."

Jiang Chen Shen Shen.

"Ha ha ha, this is a good excuse, but do you think that I am really a fool? You should be delaying the time, in order to wait for the arrival of the dragon family. Today, you are not able to fly, I will never let you leave safely. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my people? How can I be worthy of those who will die indiscriminately? I am very sorrowful, and I am working hard to protect my side, but your Dragon family still wants to force me, aggressive, and When will I retreat, will you be willing to give up? Today, I am swearing by the vows, I will never let go of any tyrannical person in your Dragon family."

Wu Zhongjiu said indifferently, as if he was dead, for Jiang Chen and others, it is also determined to kill.

"Nine princes, what else did you abandon with him? It’s already here, kill them first, and then the smashing of the dragons will come, and we will kill them."

"Yeah, the nine lords, this kind of garbage, I have long been eager to wait, it is necessary to kill and then quickly."

"The embers of the Dragon family have no reason to leave his life."

Wu Chongji’s several strong emperors are already eager to try, and Jiang Chen is full of helplessness. Do these guys have no brains? However, Jiang Chen thought about it, and it was true. He sighed in his heart and broke his clan guardianship. At this time, he broke the balance of others. It seems that people regard him as an enemy.

"Isn't this all right? What do you want to do? Isn't it a form of law? Is it necessary for us to be grateful to death, are you happy? We are definitely not the dragon family in your mouth or the same party, you believe, If you don't believe it, you are not afraid of the shadow. If you really want to do it, you may not be an opponent."

Wu Ningzhu said coldly, for a moment, all the emotions of the people were all hanged up. These guys were so rampant, obviously they broke their own array, and now they still want to take a bite. It is unbearable!

"More than saying that it is useless, it is bound to kill this cockroach, and then deal with the Dragon family."

Wu Zhongjiu waved his hand and his face was gloomy. The figure of more than ten gods and kingdoms rushed out. As the mainstay of the entire Wushen family, they were the time to serve the clan.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to smile and silently shake his head. At this time, he was forced to be forced to take the shot.

"Don't kill them. After all, we don't take care of it. I don't want to kill innocent people."

Jiang Chen whispered, the strong shot, the strength of the early days of the Emperor, in the eyes of these guys, is just a general, but does not play a decisive role, as for the mid-term of the Emperor's territory, Wu Zhongjiu, even more disdain In this battle, he only needs to stand on the sidelines. The real highlight is definitely behind. After these three guys, the dragon family can’t go out of the nest. They wait for this moment, it’s estimated that it’s been waiting too long. long time.

"These guys are looking for a dead end, but you still have to keep their lives, you are false compassion, hehe."

Yan Qingcheng sneered, but she still listened to Jiang Chen's words, and did not kill these guys.

More than a dozen of the gods of the royal family, suddenly and fiercely come, this moment, Jiang Chen was a single battle, he alone stopped six.

With an enemy of six, even Wu Zhongjiu is completely shocked, this guy is so strong? A guy in the early days of the gods, in the early days of the six kings, this completely made him unbelievable.

"This guy, it's a bit of a skill, no wonder it can break through my big line."

Wu Zhongji whispered, with a cold color on his mouth, gloomy face, but wanting to escape in his hands, it is not so easy, his witches and gods are by no means a bullying.

"Kid, take your life!"

Accompanied by the masters of the Witch and the Protoss, a burst of sound and screaming, Jiang Chen was determined to be idle, and he was able to retreat. The six people were all forced to retreat, and the feeling of being like a rainbow was daunting to fight with it.

Jiang Chen shot like a thunder, but he did it until he got there, but he didn’t hurt his life. In the tenth match, everyone was forced to retreat. They were pale and all were affected. Jiang Chen has a palm, and the injury is quite heavy. The time of the battle has dropped a lot. This is already Jiang Chen’s enthusiasm. Otherwise, Jiang Chen has already killed him.

On the other side, Wu Ningzhu and Yan Qingcheng are also well-versed. When dancing the bamboo in the Xuanfeng Zong, it has already broken through the royal kingdom. Although the strength may not be worthy of Yan’s city, it is not a person. Bullying, with one enemy and two, can handle it freely.

For a time, the person who really changed color became Wu Zhongjiu, because the eleven of them were not the opponents of the three early emperors. When they said it, they made people feel embarrassed.

"Kid, your game time is over."

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