Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3479: Morality

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept through the five elders, and the five people quickly retreated. They already felt that Jiang Chen’s murder began to spread in the hall. This guy is not talking about playing, Jiang Chen’s Fierce names, they have long heard of it, especially from Wu Zhentian’s mouth, it was already a horrible thing to kill the gods of the gods, and now the strength is even stronger. There are countless times.

Wang Fengqi silently looked at the master, Jiang Chen, above his mouth, full of excitement, this moment, he has been waiting for a long time, but he did not dare to tell the master, he is afraid of the teacher, but this moment fossil Zong tears up the agreement first, Jiang Chen has no patience to continue to wait, the master for himself, do not hesitate to be the enemy of the entire fossil, completely fight with them, Wang Fengqi's inner agitation, overflowing with words.

"Master, this life, my Wang Fengqi can not repay your kindness."

Wang Fengqi did not say to Jiang Chen, but he thought quietly that not everyone would hang these words so arrogantly, but it does not mean that he has no gratitude in his heart.

Jiang Chen was arrogant, letting the five elders change their minds and retreat. For a time, on the main hall, the sword was arrogant.

"Jiang Jianzhu, you must take your own mistakes. We have no sin and no enmity with you. How can you be so arrogant and self-sufficient, to destroy my fossils?"

The elders yelled, and the face was full of indignation.

"Because of this, you know better than anyone else. I am never a person who is sitting still waiting for you. No matter what kind of tricks you have in the fossils, Jiang Chen is then, but now, you want to escape from my hands, It seems impossible."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"You are killing innocents? What crimes do we have? Jiang Jianzhu is so eager to kill, I have always respected you, and you are revered, is it your ruthless and unruly slaughter? What is the sword?" What is your kindness? I am not dead."

Several elders are full of angry colors, looking at Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen did not want to let them go.

"Then I have to ask, what is the crime of Feng Yan? She suffered from inhuman *, but eventually died in your fossilized ancestor, and he began to be a sinister, but still still free from impunity. Is this the moral of your fossils? If this is the case, then you will not have the need to continue to exist."

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, seemingly full of disappointment with Foshan.

For a time, several elders were speechless by Jiang Chen.

"I don't intend to kill you, but you have been struggling. Now I want to turn my Jiang Chen around. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Today, my Jiang Chen is heaven, I will I have to do it for the sky."

Jiang Chen reached out and punched it. The wind whistled and the thunder swelled. The whole hall seemed to have some crumbling feelings, which made people feel terrified.

The five elders are all face to face, for a moment, do not know how to choose.

"You are a arrogant, Jiang Chen, today, even if I am a stone shard, I will not die with you."

The elders screamed, and the five elders joined forces to forcibly fight with Jiang Chen. However, under the combined force of five people, it was barely blocked by Jiang Chen’s attack. In the end, they only had to go and squat. They were shaken by the blood. They were in high positions. They hadn’t fought for too long. This punch made everyone, everyone’s heart, and Jiang Chen’s punching power, so they were so divine, they were even more worried.

At this moment, outside the hall, hundreds of gods and kings of the kings of heaven and earth, are also quickly rushed forward, all of them are the living forces of the fossils, and the leader, it is Sun Xiaolong.

"Gang brother, do you really want to kill me?" I have been sinning against you, why do you want to sin against you? We have to fight so much. We have fought side by side."

The sigh of color of Sun Xiaolong’s face seems to be a painful affair.

"More than nothing, you should understand, why do I have to fight, many things, you only see the surface, but you can't see the inner things. My apprentice, you ask yourself, who is not responsible? But you are all at all I don't want to admit my responsibility. The reason why Wang Fengqi was oppressed by you is because he is not strong enough, but if you want to oppress me, you don't have this qualification. In the past, you don't have to mention it. If you do well, I will do it. Jiang Chen will not say more, but you are not doing well. I want to kill people. What are you doing with me? I am in front of me, and Jiang Chen only kills innocent people."

Jiang Chen looks at Sun Xiaolong, this guy, in Wang Feng’s mouth, is not a good person, so Jiang Chen does not have any feelings to leave to him. In this battle, no one can stop Jiang Chen’s smashing the stone sect, he wants to make this The sect of the morality has been completely destroyed, he will give an alarm to the entire Kunshan County, he will wash away the humiliation of his apprentice!

All of this can only be solved by fighting. The Foshan sect is so unconventional, then why does Jiang Chen, who cares about these people's sentiments? Who else do they have a love for Jiang Chen?

Even Wu Zhentian, at most, just meets each other, Jiang Chen, never owes him.

"Jiang brother, can't you wait a minute? I don't think that Shizong has the intention to harm Jiang brother. This is just a misunderstanding. As for Wang Fengqi's affairs, I am deeply embarrassed, but the matter is here, the dead have passed away. We should treat the living people better. Isn't it?"

Sun Xiaolong said with a smile.

"Yes? It seems that I am wrong to blame you for the fossils. Is this what it means? Oh, then Jiang Chen still likes to go it alone. Today I will have to turn the entire fossil, killing you, you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust. ""

Jiang Chen was cold and screamed, and Sun Xiaolong was helpless. He was behind dozens of gods and respected disciples, and he was also eager to try. He wanted to compete with Jiang Chen and contributed his own for the battle of Zongmen. A force.

"When is the time for the report? Oh."

Sun Xiaolong sighed and looked at Wang Fengqi. He knew that today's battle is already inevitable.

The five elders and Sun Xiaolong, all of them are preparing for the battle, they can only fight back, regardless of the final result, they must guard their own sect.

Jiang Chen avenged his apprentices, but they repeatedly tore up the agreement. Jiang Chen is not wrong. They may not be wrong in order to protect their own sects. They are only those who are deliberately speculative and wicked.

"If your lord Lin Kun does not come out, you are not my one. Is he looking at his own sect in his eyes and destroying it in my hands?"

Jiang Chen said faintly, and he shot with a palm of his hand, and dozens of gods and kings were forced to retreat, and his face was pale and deeply hurt. This power is too horrible, and all the fossils are It was a shocking face, but Jiang Chen’s means were not comparable to them.

"I still don't want to take it, when will it be? To protect the dignity of Shizong, we must kill him. To defend our last territory, everyone in the Foshan sect is duty-bound."

The elders screamed, in their ears, constantly echoing, Sun Xiaolong took everyone, rushed to Jiang Chen.

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