Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3480: Four gathering

"Master, let me come!"

Wang Fengqi also did not show weakness, followed by Jiang Chen, quickly attacked, two men and women, in the fossil masters, such as into the uninhabited, Jiang Chen recruited hot, between the palm, even Sun Xiaolong in him In the hands, it was no longer a match. Sun Xiaolong was shocked and flew away. His face was pale and his mind became quite complicated. He thought that their strength was almost the same, but now they have become so garbage in Jiang Chen. In the hands, it is completely passive beating.

The five elders did not hesitate and rushed to the battle group, because if they did not take it, Jiang Chen would wipe out all the people. For the Fossils, these people are the roots of the fossils, so they The elders are also duty-bound.

Jiang Chen’s skill is like electricity, and the momentum is like a rainbow. Hundreds of masters are besieging, but in his eyes, they are all quite garbage. There is no one who can fight with Jiang Chen.

The elders of the three gods are pressing harder, but it is still difficult to pose any threat to Jiang Chen. On the contrary, their situation is getting more and more difficult.

Jiang Chen’s bare hands and inks, the printing of the seals, the five elements of the dragon seal, one seal of the sky, everyone is shocked by the heavens, and the power of Jiang Chen, there are already dozens of people, died in the hands of Jiang Chen, he did not want to The killing ring, the person of the Fossils, but he bullied him. Jiang Chen can only use his own hands to tell them who is the real king!

However, in the ten-day period, the people of the Fossils have fallen more and more, and Jiang Chen’s mouth has a cold and scent. I am kind, but in desperation, killing all beings.

"Jiang Chen, a thief, dare to kill in my fossils, you are so bold!"

Accompanied by a violent emptiness in the void, everyone looked up to the sky, Lin Kun stepped into the air, and his feet flew in the fog, falling in front of the main hall, watching Jiang Chen, killing the machine.

"You are finally back, Lin Zongzhu, what is your promise?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"My promise, is it important? You have already killed me in the Fossils. What can I say? It seems that I really didn't misread you. The level is a devil. If you surrender under your hand, then I will be a stone." Can you have a re-emergence day? Jiang Chen, today, you will die."

Lin Kun holds a long sword, and the sword refers to Jiang Chen. At that moment, a smashing weather, floating up, his strength, also reached the middle of the gods, although it is only a small realm, but it is not to be underestimated. At least compared to Jiang Chen, it seems to be better.

"In the end, from the beginning, the three-day period is only a plan to slow down, right? What you are doing should be just a rainy day."

Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head and looked at Lin Kun. This guy, obviously, is already a fierce, ready to face his own knife.

"You are right, let me turn to the stone sect to give you an account, how old are you? Pulling the sword master of the swordsman? Oh, I really think of myself as a big brother. Today, when you fight, you can’t fly, Jiang Chen, I want Let you know that the majesty of my fossils is inviolable."

Lin Kun screamed, behind him, the figure of the early days of the six kings of the Emperor, fell to his side, all of them are the absolute elite of the fossils, full of indignation and anger against Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen has killed them a lot people. This battle is a battle for honor for the Fossils.

"This strength, I want to kill me Jiang Chen, it seems that you are really too self-righteous, when I erased the Zixong Zong people, it is just that."

Jiang Chen shook his head and chuckled.

"If you think that I am prepared for this, it is too confident. You are the time to come out and talk to Jiang Jian."

Lin Kun said in a loud voice, suddenly, Jiang Chen brows and wrinkles, looking at the surrounding void, southeast and north, three directions, respectively, there are three masters in the middle of the Emperor, all of them are small Tongtian, and Behind everyone's body, they stood in the early days of the five gods, and they were full of anger and killing.

"Crazy Jiang Chen, today you are in my hands, just blame you too arrogant, in this Kunshan County, you are not qualified to be the boss. You must be very curious who I am? We never met, but You are already at the top of the list of the murders of my Zhongxingzong!"

The man in the yellow robe said with a deep voice, glaring at Jiang Chen, and wishing to kill it quickly.

"Huang Zongzhu, this guy will die. You can rest assured that we are here in the mid-term of the four great emperors. Can you still let him run? Hahaha."

A man in a blue robe said with a smile, looked at Jiang Chen, but even sneered at it.

The white running man next to him is even more indifferent. Although he does not say a word, the hatred of Jiang Chen is also no less than anyone.

"Zhong Xing Zongzhu Huang Longyu is here!"

"The strange door is the main hundred miles Fenghua!"

"The water rhyme swordsman heads a sword!"

The three people looked at Jiang Chen, the kind of oppressive force that swept the sky, swept the sky, danced the bamboo and the Yancheng city, all of them were grim, Wang Fengqi was a big change in his heart, and his heart was flashing a sorrowful color. Once, do they really want to fall here? If you lose, then you have not become an sinner? Not only failed to avenge the wind sister, but also killed his own master, even if he died, Wang Fengqi also died.

Jiang Chen was in the heart and disappeared for three days in Lin Kun. It turned out to be a rescuer, and all of them were ancestral gates with deep hatred and hatred. Kunshan County’s top ten sects, now the four major sects have gathered here, the goal There is only one, that is to kill Jiang Chen, revenge for the dead disciples of their death, to get rid of this incomprehensible evil.

Lin Kunjian refers to Jiang Chen, he is full of domineering, and the four great gods in the middle of the period, holding Jiang Chen, the early days of more than 20 gods, completely blocked this place, this moment, Jiang Chen in their eyes, completely became the shackles, difficult to fly .

"You, it’s really bothering. It seems that it’s a determination to block my Jiang Chen. It’s no wonder that you have been so scared and fearless, and you have to say something to me, but it’s a clear road to Chen Cang. It’s a great irony. Hahaha.”

Jiang Chen scans everyone, this battle, for him, is bound to be a battle of life and death, Kunshan County, the four major sects of the door are all here, four middle emperors in the middle, four sects, even Jiang Dust, do not dare to say that there is 100% confidence, can escape the birth of the day!

"If you blame, you will blame you for being too arrogant, killing countless people, and so many people will become the souls of your swords. You don't even know what is low-key."

Huang Longyu gnashed his teeth, and his Zhongxingzong suffered the most. The genius who died in Jiang Chen’s hands was quite a lot. In this battle, he had to avenge the dead disciples of Zhongxingzong and renamed Kunshan County Zongmen!

[Two happy events, first, Laosu today has a son, mother and son are safe, thank the brothers for their concern, second, the new book Jianxian is on, will be on the big day, that is, Thursday, November 1st, Officially meet with you, the 17k novel network first. 】

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