Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3540: Nothing is what he can't do.

Wu De Laodao hates Jiang Chen’s hateful teeth. This guy is always good at his bad things. If it weren’t for him, the little girl’s spiritual bead bracelet had already arrived, and now it’s taking the Diyuan heavy water directly. Let him complain, and he worked hard for so long, he wanted to make a leak, but eventually made a wedding dress for Jiang Chen.

Between the dragons and the moon, he was standing with the impermanence and fierceness, and with three dragon masters, began a crazy battle.

At this time, Jiang Chen has never shot, because he knows that these people can laugh at the end, then who can become their opponent, he is not in a hurry, because no one can take the sea lily to leave here, that thing However, it is comparable to the fruit of the creation, and the essence of the Tao, which is estimated to be a strong emperor, will be eagerly awaited.

Wude’s old eyes looked at the sea-rose, his eyes straight, because he knew how terrible the thing was. If he had, he got this sea-hearted lotus, and he returned to a fart dragon, and turned around and let the dragons forever. Can not find him, even the entire dragon, may not be able to find a treasure more precious than the heart of the lotus.

"You are going to hurry, it's best to lose both," hehe."

Wu De Road whispered, his mouth full of sneer, this time he is most worried about Jiang Chen this guy, as long as he does not shoot for a moment, he always feels that he is being stared, he and Jiang Chen, simply It is to know ourselves and know each other, because they are all guarding against each other, but the strength of the old man is limited. He is not a kind of combat-type genius. He is a true mind-type genius, and it is exciting.

The five thunders that were snatched from Jiang Chen’s hands were the most savage in his life. They had already received five thunders, but this thing actually flew away. It was too ridiculous.

Long Haoyue shot quickly and unmatched, and at this time, he also used an enemy two, completely suppressing impermanence and fierce death, and several dragon masters behind him, but in the magic Xuan’s shot Next, after losing one after another, it will be completely defeated, and life and death are worrying.

"Get out, Jiang Chen brother, look at the shares of the dragons."

Long Yinger looked at Jiang Chen with a look of face, and Jiang Chen had no way to see it. He saw the poor eyes of Long Ying, and he couldn’t bear it, even though the dragon and the moon had a deep hatred between him and him. However, after all, the people of the dragons are innocent. At this time, if they watched them open and kill, the dragon shadows could not stand.

Mo Xuan shot, Jiang Chen will no longer keep hands, the two figures are quickly intertwined, the boxing is like a rainbow, the boxing to the flesh, the magic Xuan is also a bright eye, the face is more and more gloomy and strange.

"The last time I couldn't tell the winner, this time, I must kill you in a thousand!"

Mo Xuan silently looked at Jiang Chen, cold eyes.

"After losing, will you dare to speak bravely?"

Jiang Chen sneered at the nose.

"Don't be too happy, you want to beat me, it's not that simple. It's quite a pity that I didn't fight you thoroughly before. Now that Haixinlian has already gotten it, then I can only make it difficult." Kill you, hahaha."

Mo Xuan laughed.

"Let me see how many pounds you have. If you want Haixin, you are not qualified yet."

Jiang Chen said coldly and coldly, stepping out of the hand, holding the Tianlong sword, traversing the void, falling down, and pushing the magic Xuan away.

Qing Xuan and Long Yinger are also helping each other. At this time, there is no war of gentlemen. Their goal is only one, killing the magic Xuan and winning the sea heart.

Mo Xuan took an enemy three, and even several other dragon masters, and completely surrounded him all the time. The magic Xuan also became somewhat stretched, and the two fists were difficult to attack. Jiang Chen and him completed the positive impact. On the other side, he has to deal with the attacks behind him, and the situation is quite difficult.

However, although Xuan Xuan was still in amazement, his mouth still hangs a faint smile, step by step, but confident, Jiang Chen always feels that this guy seems to have any intrigues.

Jiang Chen is so hot that he does not intend to leave a slight room for Mo Xuan. It is naturally best to kill him directly. But the strength of Mo Xuan is extraordinary, but it is a fact, even Jiang Chen There is no full grasp.

"Want to kill me, this life is impossible."

Moxuan smiled slightly, but the smile on his lips was meaningful, which made Jiang Chen feel a little bad.

At this moment, it is not true that behind the magic Xuan, the distant Long Haoyue, turned out to directly turn the gun head, pointing the spear to the three people of the dragon, that is, the dragon who regarded him as the leading brother.

"No -"

The shadow of Long Yinger flashed, and he exclaimed, but it was already shunned. The three dragons were all pale and incredulously looking at this scene. They never imagined that their own party committee took the lead. Long Haoyue, they will point their guns at them. The original life and death battle between Long Haoyue and impermanence and fierceness is tit-for-tat. It turns out to be fake. Now they have three people working together to directly kill the three dragon masters. For the dragons and the impermanence, it is simply easy.

Long Haoyue looked calm and looked indifferent. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. He killed three compatriots, all of whom were dragons. There was no such thing as a dragonfly. This made Dragon Shadow almost crazy, this bastard, This executioner, even his own brothers are killed, the three dragon masters are not willing to believe that the people who have married their lives will be their own brothers, the strongest of the younger generation of the dragons.

"Ha ha ha, Long Haoyue, your hand is really cruel, even I am too far behind. But these rubbish, died, and there is nothing to pity."

Unpredictable laughter, extremely disdain for those who are dragons, although they are the same dragon, but he is very proud.

"Now, it's time to settle the accounts. Those who want to get the heart of the lotus are damned. There is no such thing as greedy and ruthless."

Slightly faintly said, the three eyes were sharp and their eyes were condensed, all falling on Jiang Chen’s body.

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart, did not expect that this Long Haoyue turned out to be a traitor of the Dragon, or that he had already been mixed up with the impermanence and other people, killing his own brothers, this is indeed some of Jiang Chen can not accept, for Long Xiaokun's indifference, for the dragon's killing, let Jiang Chen know that this Long Haoyue is simply a human extinction guy, it seems that nothing is what he can't do.

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