Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3541: Tianlong

Long Haoyue looks at Jiang Chen, but also full of cold and frosty eyes. The person he wants to kill is Jiang Chen, without exception, impermanence and fierceness, even Mo Xuan.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and others who were still in the upper hand, now he will face more people, Long Yinger and Qing Xuan, and the current situation has become a crisis.

"It’s too bloody, and the poor road is still going to retreat first.”

The face of Wu De Laodao has changed somewhat. This Long Haoyue is too abnormal. Even he did not expect that this is the end of the story. Whether it is Donglong or Beilong, it has now become a force, the only enemy. Only Jiang Chen is left alone.

"Bunny rabbit, you will ask for more happiness, hehehe."

Wu De Laodao said with a smile, this time, he is always ready to run, because those who are dragons are obviously not fuel-efficient lights, if you look at the lively, if you lose your life, then you will lose more than you.

Jiang Chen forced the retreat of Mo Xuan, but found himself surrounded. This scene, he did not expect it before, I did not expect them to enter the game, suddenly, his face became quite ugly.

Qingxuan's step-by-step crisis is more difficult than its own state. It is trapped both by fierceness and impermanence. It is difficult to support Qingxuan, and it is difficult to take a handful of white jade swords. Retreat, between the United States and the United States, is a dignified color.

The same is true of Dragon Shadow Children. In the face of the dragon's supreme genius, Long Qiyue, she is step by step.

"Kid, don't distract him, your opponent is me."

Mo Xuan sneered, and Jiang Chen squatted together, powerless, cover the sun, shadows of the sky, across the void, Mo Xuan to the world, and Jiang Chen fight each other, the power is like a dragon, the unstoppable.

Jiang Chen's attack on Mo Xuan is able to stabilize the situation, but the situation of Long Yinger and Qing Xuan is getting more and more difficult. This is the most worrying thing for Jiang Chen.

The Qingxuan jade sword flies horizontally, but it is retreat, but it is entangled with impermanence and sorrow. There is no room for resignation, and we must know that impermanence and fierceness are also among the North Dragons. The leader, Qing Xuan can be quite difficult to use one enemy, but the result is very tragic. Qing Xuan has been repeatedly attacked by impermanence and fierceness. Although the strength is the beginning of the royal kingdom, but compared with the means Qingxuan obviously has to weaken the two. It is not that she is not strong enough. It is just that the fierceness of impermanence and others is too horrible. Under a series of pursuits, Qingxuan step by step is messy and pretty.

"Little lady, haha, you will still be my person."

There is no such thing as the meaning of the sorrowful jade, and the shot is hot and violent, and the eyes are twinkling, sneer:

"This big beauty, you can't enjoy it alone, the infinite brother."

"That is nature, I caught him, we want to use it all, oh."

Unreasonable and fierce and shameless, this time, under the suppression of two people's power and export, the anger of Qingxuan became more and more, but it did not help, only passive beating, the situation is more crisis than a moment.

The situation of Long Yinger is not very good. For the difference between the two people, the difference between the two people is high, but at this moment, Long Yinger is an abnormal horror, and his eyes are also blood red, slightly Among the tender faces, it is with a coldness that is not in line with its age.

Originally, Long Yinger also had a glimmer of hope for Long Haoyue, but now it seems that this guy is completely a beast of the human face, even his own brothers can take such a heavy hand, and even kill the dragon master. End, and finally mixed with the Donglong and Beilong, so that Long Yinger is extremely angry.

"Dragon, do you really want to betray the dragon?"

The dragon shadow screamed and shouted, pointing to the dragon.

"Who said that I want to betray the dragons? I just obliterate all the unrelated people who are in front of me, and those who are dead are not enough. Who dares to stand in front of me, only one dead end, you are no exception. ”

Long Haoyue said faintly, he likes the dragon shadow without a fake, but compared with the real trend, Long Ying is not worth mentioning, so he can be so strong, so decisive.

"That today, I will erase your shameless people for the dragons. There are no stains on the dragons."

Dragon Shadow's gaze is burning, and it is opposite to the dragon's moon. At this moment, she has to get rid of this evil for the dragon, let this guy disappear forever in the world, the dragon brother died in his hands, now he is no longer The genius of the dragon, but the executioner of the dragon master.

This battle, for Long Yinger, is the battle of the name. Fight for the great righteousness of the dragons, fight for the dead compatriots, and fight for the world.

This Longyue month is now a misunderstanding, and the Donglong and Beilong people are in the same stream, making Long Yinger very ugly.

"Your means, if I know it well, you can still slap it, I will not kill you, be my woman, you can avoid a death."

Long Haoyue looked coldly at Long Yinger, and his face was indifferent. He did not put Long Yinger in his eyes. He knew that he was the best in the younger generation of the dragon. Long Haoyue was naturally the dragon shadow. The strength is very understandable, and it is a piece of cake to pick up the dragon shadow.

"Look at who can laugh at the end."

Long Yinger is obviously incomprehensible to Long Haoyue, but she is resolutely determined. The spirit of not admitting defeat is to let Jiang Chen admire it. It is probably the swan song of Long Yinger. In the First World War, Jiang Chen knew that both of them had become very difficult. The battle between themselves and Mo Xuan was normal. At this moment, it seems that the opponents they are facing will be more and more. .

The dragon shadows and the dragons are constantly intertwined, and the earth shakes and shakes, and the whole underground glaciers seem to be crumbling.

The dragon shadow is very delicate, but it is comparable to King Kong. There is no fear in the world. Long Haoyue walks in the air, and Fang Tian’s paintings in his hands smashed the sky, constantly approaching the dragon shadow, and the trend is like a rainbow, smashing the clouds.

"Your strength is still too weak."

Long Haoyue shook his head and said, sighing, Fang Tian's paintings are unparalleled, tearing the void, making Long Ying's face more and more ugly, constantly retreating, being suppressed by the general trend, and squatting under the body, are extremely painful.

"Dragons are the best!"

The dragon shadow screamed and trembled. A dragon with a black gold color circled. At that moment, as if it were a shadow, it was flying above the void. Longyue’s eyes were deterrent, and the look was dignified. Although the dragon shadow was not as strong as the strength He, but this dragon is still very powerful.

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