Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3551: Arbitrate

For the first time, for many people, it may be fortunate, but for Jiang Chen at this moment, it is the meaning of all the people, except for Long Jingze and Long Yinger. Almost everyone is glaring at Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen has killed the dragon genius of their dragons. For them, it is almost the same as the disaster.

Paper can't hold fire, even if Jiang Chen doesn't admit it, it's impossible to hide. But at this moment, what he is most worried about is that the dragon people don't believe that Long Haoyue is a traitor of the dragon. At that time, he is really The hundred mouths are not arguing.

"It is time to go to the Dragon Hall. Your leader of the Dragon Festival is to receive a reward."

Long Jingze looks solemnly, how to face the dragon people is a very difficult thing, although Long Jingze believes in Jiang Chen, but does not represent the other people of the Dragon, but also believes Jiang Chen, after all, Jiang Chen It is an indisputable fact that I personally admit that I have killed Long Haoyue.

Jiang Chen silently nodded, it is a blessing, not a curse, but a disaster. However, after all, it is in the dragon family, or it must be as low-key as possible. However, after all, the dragon is an ancient family. At this time, even Jiang Chen got the first prize of the Dragon Festival and got the sea. Xinlian, then the result is probably not a good thing.

Long Yinger clutched Jiang Chen’s hand tightly, as if he was afraid that he would suddenly leave himself.

"Reassured, I think the Dragons should not be so overbearing."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and together with Long Jingze, set foot on the dragon's parliamentary hall. Behind him, Long Yinger, Qingxuan, and more than ten people holding the spirit fish paste, in Jiang Chen’s view, these guys are The ultimate winner, even the pillar of the sea heart did not go down, Jiang Chen tried to kill everyone, but it was fulfilled.

Above the Dragon Hall, it is still extremely cold and serious. No one even dares to gasp. Long Jingze is at the end. The nine elders of the Dragon are in the period, but on the first seat, Jiang Chen sees a arrogance. Ling Ran middle-aged man, a golden robes, looks calm, but full of arrogance, seems to be a move, full of unparalleled domineering.

Jiang Chen’s heart is clear, needless to say, this person must be the current patriarch of the Dragon.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The middle-aged man headed by him said faintly, but it brought a lot of pressure to Jiang Chen. No one dared to speak, the patriarch was on the top, and his momentum was arrogant.


Jiang Chen slightly decapitated and whispered.

"Yes, it is a hero who is a teenager, the power of nine layers of blood, is also you, killing the dragon, is you?"

He said that his face was calm, but Jiang Chen could feel the coldness and anger of his heart. It seemed that he did not want to see himself, because he had killed the dragon genius, even, not alone.

"Yes, but I only killed one person, and the rest of the dragons were killed by the dragons. Because he betrayed the dragons, they were mixed with the Donglong Beilong and the Shadows."

Jiang Chen said that he did not show any fear of fear in the face of the cold-eyed treats.

"The magic shadow family? No? How can the magic shadow family come to my dragon family? Is there any conspiracy?"

“Dragon’s rebellion? Betrayed the Dragons? It’s ridiculous, this is the most ridiculous joke I have heard hundreds of years ago.”

"Impossible! A nonsense, killing my dragon genius, I still want to push six six and five, and push all the responsibilities to others. You are really shameless."

"Yeah, I don't believe it. If you kill it, you will kill it. The one that my dragon family most despise is that you are the one who has turned black and white. People are already dead. They have to add a crime of betraying the dragon to Long Haoyue. I was the first to refuse."

Suddenly, Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and above the entire hall, there were countless violent voices. No one believed Jiang Chen’s singular words, because in their view, Jiang Chen was completely taking his own. Insult, who would believe this? He killed Long Haoyue, even for the Dragons, to eliminate the traitors for the Dragons? The genius of Long Xiaokun and the dragons is not in his hands, but in the hands of Long Haoyue. This is simply ridiculous and unspeakable.

Jiang Chen mouth sneer, he knows that this group of people will not believe him, except for Qing Xuan and Long Yinger, no one will believe him, because he has stood at the lowest point of morality, as a dragon, dragon How could Haoyue betray the Dragons? Even if it is really betrayed, Jiang Chen gradually understands that they will not admit it, because it must be a shame of the dragon. In short, it is a fact that he killed Long Haoyue, which is enough.

"You can't smother people. Jiang Chen's brother definitely didn't kill the other people of the dragon. He only killed Long Haoyue. At the beginning, we saved the dragon once a month, but Long Haoyue was not grateful to Dade, but also blamed us for killing us. In the end, he was mixed with the people of the Shadows and the North Dragons of the Donglong, and wanted to kill us, but they were killed by Jiang Chen’s brother. How can you understand this if you don’t see it with your own eyes?”

Long Yinger said with a serious face, the voice was extremely low.

"Hehehe, the lightness of speaking, the relationship between you and him, should not need us to talk too much? You have become a woman of others, it is no longer a dragon, now it is to learn to bend your elbows Turned, do you think we will believe in your ghosts? Can you still say bad things about your man? It’s ridiculous."

The three elders looked gloomy and dismissive. They had a taunting color on their lips. The sinister dragon shadow was pretty, but they could do nothing. They could only bite their teeth, but they could not defend.

"If you want to add sin, why not have a word? What's more, you have already expected that Long Haoyue will get the final victory, but the result is that you are shocked by a underground bus. Isn't it? No matter who it is, change it. If you are someone else's words, would you be afraid to say this? I want to know, is your Dragon family treating the first person of the Dragon Festival? Is it that you are so ugly? What is the style of the Tang Dynasty? Oh, it really made me open my eyes. If the person who died today is me, and the ultimate winner is Long Haoyue, will you still ask? I don’t think you even want to know who I am. Now I Standing here as the winner of the first place in the Dragon Festival, not a prisoner, why do you interrogate me!"

Jiang Chen stepped out of the way, calm and relaxed, proud of the dragon patriarch, and his eyes were sharp, not half a step back. At that moment, all the dragon people, their faces became very ugly.

Jiang Chen’s words are equivalent to giving them a heavy blow, and they seem to have nothing to refute.

"Family! Above the Dragon Hall, how can you make such a child?"

The four elders sighed low, and the eyebrows were completely screwed together, glaring at Jiang Chen.

[The new book Jianxian strives for support in the fire. Every day, after reading the dragon brother, remember to watch the sword fairy. 】

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