Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3552: Dragon ancient land

"The Dragon Festival, this is a cruel experience, life and death, success or failure in the sky, lost, defeated, dead, it can only show that his strength is not good, skills are not as good as people, is there any objection? ”

Jiang Chensi did not fear anyone. At that moment, he was intertwined with his gaze, and his mouth was filled with a faint smile, and his eyes became very sharp.

"No matter what the truth is, you really killed Long Haoyue."

The seven elders pointed to Jiang Chen.

"How about killing? Since I am afraid of death, why should I enter the Dragon Festival and compete with me to compete for life and death?"

Jiang Chen Shen Shen, everyone is silent again, speechless.

In the eyes of Long Jingze, there is a glimmer of light, a good Jiang Chen, a life and death by life and success in the sky! This guy, with courage and momentum, even under the Dragon patriarch, is not the slightest embarrassment, such a person is qualified to protect his daughter.


Quint said that everyone is no longer talking, the patriarch is a word, who dares to rebel?

"Jiang Chen is right. Today he is the winner of the Dragon Festival. We are talking to him as a interrogator. It is really a demeanor. You should not fight any more. One death, who can not die? Only the sky, death can only blame him for being inferior to people, can not blame anyone, if the flowers growing in the greenhouse, but also need to take care of it, then it is not the ultimate genius of the dragon. ”

If you give me a sigh of relief, it seems that the patriarch of the dragon is quite sensible, but Jiang Chen finds that the coldness in his eyes is not reduced.

This person is equally guilty about himself, but he is in a high position. Jiang Chen knows that such a person will not easily attack, and now he has won the first prize of the Dragon Festival. At this time, no one can refute He, as the ultimate winner, Jiang Chen should get what he deserved.

"Thank you for your patriarch."

Jiang Chen said faintly, but he knew that his own crisis had never been lifted. Now he has become the public enemy of the dragons, and even everyone can get it. If it is not for the dragon patriarch to take care of the overall situation, even now in this hall. Above, someone will want to start with Jiang Chen.

Long Yinger is also slightly relieved. At least until now, Jiang Chen has no danger. The patriarch Jinkou Yuyan, no one dares to attack Jiang Chen.

"In this case, you have the first dragon festival, then the heart will come up."

The elders looked cold and indifferent.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are awkward and I want my heart. No doors, why give you? What do you get when you forget to die, let me let go? It is impossible! Unless I die.

"Yeah, let's hand over the seaweed, that's the symbol of the Dragon Festival."

"You guys, wouldn't you be deceiving the patriarch and the elders? If there is no jellyfish, then you don't want to leave here alive."

"If you dare to have a trace of bullying, I will definitely break you down!"

Everyone is waiting for Jiang Chen to hand over Haixinlian, but at that moment, Jiang Chen is in silence.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chen said undoubtedly:

"Hai Xinlian is here!"

The hand held the seaweed, but Jiang Chen did not have the meaning of wanting to turn in.

When he saw the seaweed in the hands of Jiang Chen, he was tightened and his face was extremely dignified. For him, the dragon patriarch was quite important, and he made it look.

"Hai Xin Lian is what I got so hard to get. It is the reward for my dragon feast. Why should I turn it in? This is what I exchanged for life. Sorry, I can't do it. You want it, completely. You can fight for yourself."

Jiang Chen looked cold and screamed. At this time, he once again angered all the strong dragons. Above the main hall, dozens of superpowers of the Emperor, all glared at Jiang Chen.

"Do you still want to take this sea lily alone? This is my dragon to treasure."

The elders yelled and even had the color of anger, and there was a momentum of death with Jiang Chen. The power of the late Emperor in the royal kingdom was really extraordinary. Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned and he felt great pressure, but he did not retreat in the slightest.

"I am the first to win the dragon banquet, and Haixinlian is the symbol. If Haixinlian gives you, then who will be the first of my literary feast, who will admit it? The elders don’t have to Anger, isn’t it right? If you have the ability, this seaweed is naturally yours. If it is a dragon, you may not hesitate to put it in your hands, but I can’t do it. The symbol of the feast, is the elder want to deprive me of the first name of the Dragon Banquet?"

Jiang Chen asked, let the elders fall into silence, and they don’t know what to say.

"Okay, a good tooth decay, yes, this seaweed is naturally yours, the first of the Dragon Festival, this is the best reward, but from then on, you will become a dragon, although you have nine The power of the dragons of the Dragons, but they have not experienced the dragon baptism of the ancient dragons, even if they are not in the true sense of the dragons. There is your last inheritance."

He slowly rises up and looks calmly. The elders and other people want to speak and stop, and they say a word. In his words, no one in the dragons dares to refute.

"Thank you for the patriarch, thank you the dragon!"

Jiang Chen’s mouth slightly evokes a smile, but the tithes on the main hall are opposite. Jiang Chen has already felt countless strong strengths. He has completely locked himself up. It seems that he has to be a thousand, and these people are obviously incomparable. The angrily is only succumbing to the majesty of the dragon patriarch, so it will converge on his own anger.

"After three days, the ancient dragon land, accepting the baptism of inheritance, by then, you are the dragon people, Jiang Chen, I hope you will not let this seat disappointed."

A slight smile, calm and calm, turned around, it disappeared in the hall, Jiang Chen heavy focus, this moment, he is most worried that this dragon patriarch found his identity, and the ancestral dragon If you miss it, maybe they won’t be able to cope at this moment.

Dragon ancient land! Jiang Chen can feel that the Zulong Emperor has become excited in the Zulong Tower. This dragon ancient land seems to be the place he cares so much.

Collapsed Haixinlian, Jiang Chen looked cold and looked at everyone's eyes like a murderous man, and swayed out of the dragon's parliamentary hall. At this time, there was a patriarch who spoke, who would dare to move him?

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