Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3614: Strong like cloud

"I don't know if you want to rush to die, then I don't know what to do."

Jiang Chen said coldly and cold eyes.

"Let me be one, my Wuyunmen must not fall behind!"

A whistling sound, once again spurred for nine days, a middle-aged man in armor, slowly falling, so that Liao Yunsheng is also a bright eye, who is this person, no one knows better than him, it is the gatekeeper of Wu Yunmen, Witch is falling!

"Ha ha ha, the Lord of the Witch came today, is it also helping the seat against Jiang Chen?"

Liao Yunsheng's face gradually eased down. Before that, it was completely different. Because Xinghe Zong and Wu Yunmen successively shot, he was more confident in this battle.

Although Shangguan Hongyan looked cold and indifferent, but his heart was slightly relieved. So many powerful people came to cheer, and Jiang Chen’s death was already a matter of nailing.

"Yes, this idiot guy has nothing to do with my Wuyunmen. If it is not the sage of the Xinghe sect, tell me, I don’t even know that Wu Yunmen, the genius disciple of Wu Yunmen, is actually dead in Jiang Chen. In my hands, today, I must fight with him."

The witches screamed and shouted, and the sounds of the mountains and seas were full of excitement. This Jiang Chen is not only enemies with them, but also with Xinghe Zong and Wu Yunmen. It seems that it has reached the point where people and gods are angry.

"Hey, how can my ghost Dan Zong fall behind? Bunny scorpion, you killed me. I don’t know how many people. Today, my **** eagle, if you don’t give you some color, you really are my ghost. ?"

An old man with a sly look, his eyes sullen, shrinking in a black robes, looks very sinister and cunning, full of strange feelings.

"The Condor Ghost is coming, this battle, Jiang Chen will die."

Witch fell to see the Condor and Ghost, and the Condor and Ghosts snorted. She didn't care how many people around her. She had only one purpose, killing Jiang Chen, to report the birth and death of many genius disciples and elders.

"Scorpio, this Jiang Chen, how many people have offended? This is the power of the middle of the state, nearly half of the forces, it seems that all were offended by Jiang Chen?"

"This guy is really a thousand knives. So many people have drawn his sword to him. Today, no one can change Jiang Chen’s mortal situation."

"This is called retribution. When the **** offended the person, he should have thought of this day. It’s not that he didn’t report the time. The time has come, even if he is the king, he can’t save him.”

At this moment, the situation of Jiang Chen is a must-have. It has already caused many people to sigh and shake his head. So many powerful people have appeared at the same time, and there is only one target, killing Jiang Chen. How many people have he offended? This is the real world!

Ling Xiao and other people face each other, and the fears in their hearts are more and more. Even if they look like these people, they are all determined. The above officials are headed by Liao Yunsheng. They will surround Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen has nine days. The posture is also unable to turn the tide.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is also a look of sorrow. His Shura sword array has not been completely arranged. One hundred and eight handles are mixed with treasures. Once this Shura sword array is unfolded, it may be a desperate life and death fight. The four heavenly thunders are merged together. Although it may be a heavy blow to Shangguan Hongyan and others, it is estimated that there are still some difficulties in completely killing them. After all, there are too many people now. These guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. Only Shurajianjian can have the opportunity to directly kill them all.

"Jiang Chen, now your only way out is to let go of your hand and listen to it. Otherwise, you will be completely wiped out. Moreover, you should also think about the beautiful women around you? Hehehe, maybe you are dead. Now, they can follow me to live a happy life, maybe."

Jiang Huaiyu swayed the fan, smiled and said, the eyebrows danced, the look was proud, Jiang Chen was dead, and the three beautiful women were their own objects. He believed that the mountain lord of Shanhaizong would never stop himself. of.

"What you think is pretty, I am afraid that you don't have this ability."

Jiang Chen said indifferently that even in the face of so many powerful people, he is still fearless and fearless.

"I don't know how to live and die. It's still so rampant now. I really thought that no one in this world can cure you?"

Witch is disdainful. He came here only because he was too long, but he had to come. After all, Jiang Chen killed Wu Wujiang of Wu Yunmen, but he cultivated it for countless years. The disciple, in the end, was folded in the hands of Jiang Chen. How could he not be angry? Knowing that these people killed Jiang Chen is already a bag of things, but if he does not kill this cockroach, then his heart is angry and difficult to eliminate.

"Fate is so, recognize it, Jiang Chen."

"Oh, my wife can taste the fresh flesh and blood, the flesh and blood of the gods, but I haven't been able to eat it for a long time."

The Condor Ghost sneered and said, his eyes are like a torch, it seems that Jiang Chen has become her delicious dinner.

"Hey, you can still live, you can't live for yourself. Today, you are eating your own food, Jiang Chen, take your life!"

Liao Yunsheng was angry and arrogant, and rushed to go to Jiang Chen. Everyone was not willing to show weakness. After successive shots, Jiang Chen had three heads and six arms, and it was also a hard-core enemy.

This situation, for Jiang Chen, is already a life of nine deaths!

"Okay, then come on, how many people do you have, I will collect all of the dust!"

Jiang Chen’s teeth were tightly bitten, and the enemy’s enemies had to lay out the last eight dark swords. Only when they were all completed could they be able to display the Shura sword array. Otherwise, the sword array could not be opened, then Jiang Chen would really follow this world completely. Say goodbye.

Jiang Chen retreats and prefers to be passively beaten. Under the impact of so many people, he is also reluctant to fight back. He is watching Ling Xiao and others, tears and direct waves, and Jiang Chen’s passive posture has suffered successive losses and step back. Just like a street mouse, in the eyes of the dragon shadow and the moon, the unbeatable heroes in their minds have suffered such a blow, and even the heart is unable to breathe.

"Big brother, you must hold on!"

The tears of the moon filled the face, and the blood on the body of Jiang Dian turned into a red light, filling the sky, so that all of them were heart-cutting.

Jiang Chenning can be attacked by madness, and he refuses to look back. It is because he has to arrange the end of the last sword. At this moment, he is once again squandered by the witch. Jiang Chen mouth spits blood and his bones are broken, but the final sword array It is also completely arranged!

The Shura Swordsmanship, which was formed by the collection of one hundred and eight hybrid elements, is the first time Jiang Chen has exhibited!

"Look at my gods, I am invincible! Today, I want you to let the mountains and seas flow into the river!"

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