Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3615: Unsolvable peerless killing

Ling Xiao, Yue Er, Long Ying Er, all silently looking at Jiang Chen, swearing to death, the war is the hero! If Jiang Chen really fell, each of them would never live alone. In their eyes, Jiang Chen is their day, and everything is theirs.

The strength of Shangguan Hongyan, Liao Yunsheng's hegemony, leading a number of strong, and cooperating with the enemy, has already forced Jiang Chen into a desperate situation, recruiting and retreating, all without any means of resilience, in their view, Jiang Chen is like It is a lamb to be slaughtered, and has lost the room to fight back. This way, he is already on the verge of death.

Jiang Chen's teeth are tightly bitten, and his blood is dripping. Shangguan Hongyan, Liao Yunsheng, Wu Luoyu, Shenying Ghost, and Jiang Huaiyu are all means. Jiang Chen has become incapable under the encirclement of so many powerful people.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen finally insisted on arranging the Shura sword array, and the power of the 108-handed mixed-earth treasure weapon, and finally had to thoroughly witness it.

"Your death is already destined."

Jiang Huaiyu sneered a sneer, disdainfully said, between the hands and the back of the hand, the aura of the aura, like the iron lock across the river, let Jiang Chen retreat.

"Give me to die!"

Witch fell and chased, and Jiang Chen was wiped out together, accompanied by the sound of a squeaking roar of the Condor and Ghost, like the claws sticking out of hell, tearing the sky, lightning and thunder, Jiang Chen It is already retreat.

Then there is the desperate pursuit of Shangguan Hongyan and Liao Yunsheng. Jiang Chen has been trapped in poverty, and life and death are only between one thought.

"Shu Luojian, give me a start!"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are like a torch, killing like a rainbow. These people all want their own lives, and they will never be polite with them. Is it really good for me to be Jiang Chen?

Jiang Chen wiped the blood from his mouth and his eyes were in full swing. At this moment, he had to completely kill him. He wanted to make the whole mountain Haizong become a human purgatory!

So many powerful people gathered here, even Jiang Chen is not sure. The strength of the Shurajian swords that has been gathered together by this hundred and eight-handed mixed treasures is how terrible it is. So far, for Jiang Chen. Words are still unknown. However, Jiang Chen knows very well that even the original one hundred and eighty-six peak artifacts are enough to kill the masters of the middle of the gods. Now, this Shura sword array is estimated to have more power, although it is only Jiang Chen’s conjecture, but He has great confidence in himself and in this Shura sword array.

A thunder and a sword rain fell from the sky, all in all, surrounded by Jiang Chen’s Shura sword array. Hundreds of gods and emperors were strong, their faces changed, and they looked above the void, and they all trembled fiercely. This thunder and sword rain is simply the death of **** from the hell, harvesting the lives of all people.

The masters of the early days of the Emperor's Kingdom did not have the slightest effort to fight back. As long as they were passed by the three swords, it would be dead.

Along the light and shadow, filled the void, illuminating the entire mountain sea sect, 100,000 mountains, seems to be able to withstand the ruthless sword rain rushing, Wan Jian returned to the sect, the invincible, the sword rain traversed, across the eight wild, no any The buffer room.

Jiang Chen has all of Ling Xiao and others in the Zulong Pagoda, as well as the Thor Guard and the Dragon Rider Tianwei, surrounded by all the strongmen of Shan Haizong.

"Why is this? This sword rain is terrible, I don't want to die, no."

"Who can stop this, this is hell."

"Impossible, this is impossible! How could this guy have such a terrible means?"

"This Jiang Chen is too perverted? This is a special death."

"Mountain Lord, save me"

Countless Shan Haizong people, their faces are full of desperate colors, but in the ten-day time, there are more than 30 masters of the Emperor's kingdom falling down, the soul flies, and the sword is worn by the infinite sword rain, the flesh and blood is blurred, and the hearts of the people are seen. Scared and chilly.

"Shangguan brother, you brother, too overbearing! This sword array is almost terrible."

Liao Yunsheng's face is iron and blue, and dozens of gods and emperors are in the pool of blood. That is the mainstay of his mountain Haizong. So many people are dying, his heart is bleeding, and even the entire mountain sea sect is in a panic. Jiang Chen’s overbearing sword array is like a death harvester. No one can live.

It’s not just them, even Jiang Huaiyu and Wu Luoyu and others are all enemies. They dare not have any slightest sorrow. More and more swords and rains sprint down. Every sword is like a sword from the sky, even God. The mid-term powerhouse of the royal family can't resist ten swords!

"Bastard, this guy is a madman, he wants to kill all of us."

Jiang Huaiyu said with anger, the snoring sounded like a thunder, but no one answered him, because Shan Haizong’s gods were strong, and they were already shouting, killing, sorrow, despair, and death. Everyone felt the death of the gods. The master of the gods, but the time of the twenty interest, is already more than half of the death and injury, Liao Yunsheng's heart, almost sinking into the bottom.

For the whole Shan Haizong, why have you been so shameful? The most important thing is that he has been so humiliated and insulted, and he has been killed more than half of the Emperor of the Emperor. This is the foundation of Shan Haizong’s ancestor, and the mainstay of the mountain, so that the strength of Shan Haizong will be greatly reduced, and even It became a sect in the same way as the Xinghe sect. This has been the biggest blow to Shan Haizong for millions of years.

Shangguan Hongyan’s face is pale, he and Liao Yunsheng are the strongest, but this horrible thunder and sword rain still makes them miserable. Even more sword rain continues to fall, even they will be exhausted and die, and it is pervasive. Jian Yu is almost desperate. We must know that their strength has reached the point of perfection in the late period of the Emperor's kingdom. Everyone, hundreds of gods and emperors, have become a dog in the Shuojian array of Jiang Chen, even Shangguan Hongyan And Liao Yunsheng is no exception, this is a situation they have never encountered before.

"I would like to see how terrible you are in this sword array. I am Shangguan Hongyan, but I don't believe it."

Shangguan Hongyan screamed, his face was gloomy, and he swayed up and went straight up, in order to fight with Jiang Chen and break the so-called sword array.

However, let Shangguan Hongyan extremely disappointing, because they have tried their best, they are not able to repel the horrible Thunder sword rain, almost a one-sided trend, no one can complete the counterattack, even if he, this silver mountain Joe The chief alchemist is no exception.

Seeing that Shangguan Hongyan and Liao Yunsheng have had no impact on several occasions, everyone’s face is full of desperate colors. This is a death that cannot be solved.

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