Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3670: The true secret of the Zulongta

"Little dust!"


"Jiang Chen!"

"Thirteen brothers!"

At that moment, Jiang Chen and others, all of them were all taken to be soft and full of the sound of the avenue, and sent to the six reincarnations, but what Jiang Chen and others did not think was that they were all It was sent to a different reincarnation.

Long XIII was sent to Ashura Road, the red reincarnation channel, and the Dragon 13 gradually drowned in it, disappearing into the depths of the purple reincarnation, and Jiang Chen could no longer see the shadow of the Dragon Thirteen.

The rhubarb was sent to the animal road. At that moment, the rhubarb was unbelievable, and it was trembled and screamed:

"The old Buddha, the old man is not satisfied, you send me into the animal road, what is going on, Laozi can be a good thing in the next life... be a jade tree!"

The sound of rhubarb gradually dissipated, and the figure of Han Yan has gradually disappeared into the cycle of reincarnation, and he stepped into Hell Road.

"Jiang Chen, I don't want to be separated from you!"

Ling Xiao and other people burst into tears, all of their women, all fell into the hungry ghost road, Ling Xiao, Long Yinger, Yue Er, Lan Ling Ji and Bai Yun, all so.

Jiang Chen clenched his fists, although his eyes were filled with reluctance and worry, but he was completely unsustainable and powerless.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's face is gloomy, and at this moment, he is actually stuck between the heavens and the humanity. Half of the body is in humanity. Generally, the body is in the heavens. Even he is also a slap in the face. I don't know how to be good.

"If you don't enter the heavens, it's better than humanity. Which one should you put in?"

The Buddha looked at Jiang Chen and muttered that the shadow of the Holy Light has gradually dissipated.

"I understand, you are not a Buddha at all, you are just the last good memory of Shakyamuni!"

Nayan Ayana’s face was blue and green, and he shouted.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell! There is nothing in the world, mediocrity is self-interesting, and one day, you will understand, that Yan Luo. If you don't know, there is no end to the sea, and you are turning back."

At that moment, the voice of the Buddha finally faded away, and Yan Luo Ayi Nafan screamed with a sigh of relief, and his eyes were extremely red.

"Short! You bastard, even if you die, you will not let me go, my bewours! My remnants of the sky! As long as I can get the remains of the sky, this world is not free. Sakyamuni, I hate you!"

When the figure of the Buddha dissipated, he realized that it was only the last good thought of Sakyamuni. He was already disillusioned. It was impossible to have another rebirth. So he was his last good thought, and he even turned his own. All the plans were all upset.

"The Lord of the Six Reincarnations is the King of the Earth, but the King of the Earth has already fallen. It is impossible for the Nine Kings to control the six reincarnations. Who is the one who can really control the six reincarnations? Who is the last good of Sakyamuni? Read? What kind of existence is he?"

Jiang Chen was filled with doubts. At that moment, he finally broke into six reincarnations.

However, Jiang Chen is extremely clear that the six roads he is in are not heavenly or humane! But he did indeed enter six reincarnations.

Jiang Chen felt that he was in chaos. He didn't know if he had entered the heavens or the humanity, but he could not find any exports.

Between the six reincarnations, Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head. He found that he could see the dragons and the rhubarbs and so on. All of them were in the six reincarnations, and they continued to rotate, but they shouted no matter what. They are all unable to hear any sound.

Among the six beams of light, Jiang Chen fixed his eyes and saw that he really found out that he was not in any of the six ways. That is to say, he is now like an outsider, outside the six reincarnations.

Dragon Thirteen, Rhubarb, Han Yan, Ling Xiao, they are still in the six reincarnations.

Jiang Chen looked like a torch, looking at the six reincarnations of his endless chaos, gradually appeared a light and shadow, wrapped all the people inside, disappeared without a trace, and he was still in the six reincarnations.

Jiang Chen was settled in. He felt that his strength was constantly growing, but what shocked him the most was that his own power has been greatly improved. These six cycles are full of unknowns. Everything, like the nebula in chaos, makes Jiang Chen simply do not know where he is and where he is.

However, his Ling Tiandao, at this time, really felt the change, from the initial stream, seems to become a stream, the kind of qualitative leap, Jiang Chen has never had before.

Jiang Chen didn't know how long he stayed here, but the dragons in his body continued to breed, 6.1 million, 6.2 million, 6.3 million... until 7.4 million For a moment, it gradually stopped.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s strength finally reached the late stage of the Imperial Emperor, and it was a skyrocketing!

Zu Longhuang did not think that Jiang Chen would be in the six reincarnations, and he realized the road. After this war, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and there is no doubt that his power is also an abnormal horror. When Jiang Chen opens At the moment of the 94th floor of the Zulong Tower, I discovered the fourth inscription of Yan Tianyin!

"Good horror seal."

Jiang Chen’s heart is stunned. With his current power of doctrine, it seems that he cannot display the fourth seal at all. Even the third seal of the seal is quite difficult and cannot be completely controlled. He wants to display the fourth seal of Xuantian. Then his power of the road must be higher.

"This is really a good thing, you can get this set of Yantian, it is also a big creation."

Zulong Huang said sincerely that Jiang Chen’s strength is a breakthrough. He is also extremely gratified. Today’s Jiang Chen, with his hands in the sky, at least the first three seals, even under the emperor, no rivals. If you encounter the Yan Ayi Nafa again, Jiang Chen will not be jealous.

Nowadays, the strength is enhanced, and the power of his morality has increased. The power of Yantianyin will certainly be even more terrible.

"Even if you are now, you can't really display the power of Yantianyin."

The words of Zu Longhuang, so that Jiang Chen is more and more surprised, could not help but ask:

"Don't you know this ancestral tower? You can't understand this Yantian, shouldn't you create it?"

Jiang Chen’s words made the Zulong Emperor quiet for a moment.

In the heart of the Zulong Emperor, it is clear that the current Jiang Chen, although unable to incite the real emperor strong, is already strong enough, at least invincible under the emperor, it is not empty.

"Now, maybe it's time to tell you the real secret of the ancestral tower."

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