Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3671: What is the end of the cycle?

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, his heart moved, and the words of Zu Longhuang made him full of more imagination.

"This ancestral tower, although it is my life, but it is not my refining, the horror of the ancestral tower, even more terrible than you and I imagine, but today's ancestral tower, but already It is incomplete, just like the East Emperor Bell. Otherwise, any soldier will be enough to make the Emperor feel fearful. In the Great War, almost all the soldiers were damaged. The predecessor of the Zulongta is the Tiantian Tower! One of the top ten soldiers of the ancient times, like the Donghuangzhong, just like the master of all things in your hands, this is the Shennong Ding of the ancestor of Shennong, it is also the top ten in ancient times. Among the gods, the only one is the gods of the ancient powers."

"Unfortunately, you can't completely control it now. The reason why it is a sect of the emperor is because you still can't control it. When you really reach the emperor, you will find another world, the ancient top ten. The terrible of the gods will also be truly revealed."

After the end of the Zulong Emperor, Jiang Chen is also very dignified. It seems that he is now in the palm of his hand, but he does not know how to be good.

"Is this supposed to be a violent thing?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but touched his nose and said that holding three artifacts, but unable to display, there is a feeling of grievance.

"This is not your fault. The reason why Shennong Ding is the only one of the top ten soldiers who have not been destroyed is because of the maternal temperament within Shennong Ding, which can repair the soldiers. Only when you reach the strength of the imperial power At that time, it is possible to repair the East Emperor Bell and the Zulong Tower, which is the so-called 昊天塔. Once the three great soldiers are all restored, even the strongest of the emperor can not help you. So you are now The most important thing is to reach the elite of the emperor."

Zulonghuang has high hopes for Jiang Chen, countless times of death and death, countless times of life and death, they have gone from the Shengyuan continent to today, only one step, they can break through the emperor, and by then, he can also break away from this soul. The body reshapes the golden body.

On this day, Zulonghuang waited for too long, and even made him feel hopeful, but Jiang Chen gave him a great hope step by step. This day, for them, it should not be too late. However, the ancestors of Zulong are more concerned about it, but it is a catastrophe in the world after a hundred years. If the strength of Jiang Chen does not reach a certain level, then it is very likely that this time the world will be ruined and it will be their reincarnation. When.

"Break the emperor, repair the other two great soldiers, control three soldiers, at that time, can be regarded as the real strong."

Jiang Chen is also full of confidence, and vowed that he will not enter the six roads in the six reincarnations. Even the ancestors did not think of it. As for why, Jiang Chen did not know, but at this moment, Long XIII and Da Huang, It has long since disappeared into other reincarnations, but it is still in its own six chaos, and I don’t know where to go.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has experienced countless years, experienced too many pasts, memories reappear in his mind, along the way, numerous scenery, dripping, he seems to have experienced one cycle after another.

Time seems to have no effect in these six reincarnations. Even the Dragon King does not know what it is under the six reincarnations. They have gone through six reincarnations and will go there again.

Jiang Chen can only take one step and step forward, step by step, chaos, brilliance, and nebula, like the most halo between heaven and earth, showing the most vividly here.

I don't know how long it took. Jiang Chen walked through a dark mountain and stood on the top of the mountains. At that moment, he saw countless stone monuments, countless graves, countless darkness, and constantly surging. He saw the stalker who was stupid.

"Is this...the tomb of the gods?"

Jiang Chen’s face changed, his heart trembled, and the end of the six reincarnations was the tomb of the gods?

Jiang Chen couldn't believe it. The tomb guard who was facing his body was looking back. He looked at him deeply. Jiang Chen was infinitely certain. He looked at himself and seemed to have an incomparably complex color. Unclear, the grave guard sighed and shook his head. When he turned around again, the picture of the entire tomb of the gods in front of Jiang Chen’s eyes disappeared without a trace.

In front of me, it has become chaotic again.

"The tomb of the gods does exist, and the guardian of the tomb is watching me."

Jiang Chen feels incomparably true.

"Why didn't I see it?"

The words of Zu Longhuang made Jiang Chen even more shocking. Didn’t he see it? Is it your own illusion?

Jiang Chen can be sure, absolutely not, but Zu Longhuang did not see anything, which makes Jiang Chen feel incredible.

The white chaos in front turned into a sand sea. Jiang Chen could no longer see the six reincarnations around him. The swirling vortex of the rainbow color disappeared without a trace, and the sand and the sea were everywhere.

The sun appeared in the sky. When Jiang Chen raised his head again, he found that he had already appeared on a piece of sand. It was unclear whether the reality was still illusory. Are they still in the six reincarnations?

"Are we out?"

The Zulong Emperor was shocked to say that the sun, the rain, the desert, and the eagle soaring above the sky, they have indeed left the six reincarnations, there is no one around, so that Jiang Chen is very confused and full of Worried, the six reincarnations, even sent themselves to this place, he did not know where the sand sea, then Ling Xiao, where is Long Yinger? Where is Dragon Thirteen and Rhubarb? Han Yan went to Hell Road, did he enter the hell?

What is the end of the six reincarnations, Jiang Chen has no way of knowing, but he suspects that the real end may be different for everyone. The last good thought of Sakyamuni sent them into the six reincarnations, and he However, it does not seem to have a reincarnation. Any one seems to have nothing to do with him. Even the dragon thirteen who is not out of the three realms and not in the five elements cannot be spared, but Jiang Chen is like a person who is outside the house.

Are they all okay, they are still safe, Jiang Chen doesn't know at all, it is always worried in his heart.

"What is the existence of the six reincarnations? Why is it the last good thought of Sakyamuni?"

There are too many doubts in Jiang Chen’s heart, but even the ancestors can’t explain too much for themselves.

"What is the last good thought of Sakyamuni, even I don't know. I only know that when the Buddha was dead, it led to the chaos of the whole world. It was because of that time that it became a big robbery. As for the secret of the Buddha, I am afraid that only the true strong of the Buddha, or even the Naru Ayana.

The Zulong Emperor said with great emotion.

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