Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3747: Difficult to fly

"Kie Ge, save me!"

Yan Ying exclaimed, his face pale, step by step, already stretched and trembling.

Under the pressure of Mo Ling Dongchen, a long hair is already scattered, messy, and there is still a little bit of a beautiful woman?

Mo Yangkui saw the Yingying in the crisis, but also very worried, but the Qianyu Qiancheng in front of him has already shackled him here. There is no room for it, so he said that he is going to save Yingying. Even if you are yourself, it is extremely difficult and dangerous.

Moyu Qiancheng looked at Ying Ying. It was already a heart-stopping water. I didn’t care at all. What did the guy do? For 100,000 years, who is going to tell him about his grief? No one knows how sad he is, and his heart is not because of his deep affection for the former Yan Ying, but now they are no longer putting those old things in their hearts, now ink When Yuhua City returned again, it was already relieved of Yingying. What he wanted to do was to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors. That was his only thought and his lifelong pursuit.

The fallen leaves always have to be rooted. Even if they created the Mohist branch outside, he is still only a Mohist person. The brand of the Mohist family cannot be changed anyway.

Ink Lingdong can not pity the fragrant jade, and the shot is extremely hot, recruiting deadly, aggressive.

It is difficult for Moyang Kui to get out of the air. Even if there are two elders of the Mohist, it is still difficult to block the offensive of more than a dozen Emperor of the Emperor, such as Mo Ling Dongchen. It is simply a unilateral crush.

Mo Ling Dongchen shot like electricity, every slap hit on Ying Ying's face, it is like a thunderous general, it is shocking, and the temperate Moyang Kui violently jumps like a thunder, and is stiff, but it is forced to retreat by the Moyu thousand city. His situation is even more worrying than that of Ying Ying.


Yan Ying exclaimed, and the burning palm prints continued to rise above her pretty face. At that moment, Mo Ling Dong Chen could be said to be full of firepower, and did not directly kill Yu Ying, but slap in the palm of his hand. Face.

"You stink! I killed you."

"You are the shovel of the individual, and my grandmother, I am not killing you today."

"No cry!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Ink Lingdong can be a three-and-a-half-two, directly a runaway, punching and kicking, a big mouth fan called a fun, even Jiang Chen looked, some secretly, this ink Ling Dongchen launched a fire, still It’s not really good.

Qi Ying was almost dizzy by Mo Lingdong Chen, and the front teeth were knocked out by two. The live detachment was beaten into a female madman, with blood on his face and unkempt hair. It was no different from having a flower.

Yan Ying's eyes are blurred, and even some are scared. She has been glamorous, why have she been humiliated? Now she is beaten with a little temper, her son is also killed by her, and now she is completely blind.

Moyang Kuitun exhausted his voice and roared. He wanted to break away from the Qiancheng City. However, in the face of the attacking trend of the Moyu Thousand Cities, he was also a man who was defeated by the sky, and was beaten by the wolf, not to mention the woman who protects himself. Even the self is hard to protect.

"Mo Yu Qiancheng, you are a bastard, Lao Tzu will never let you go!"

Moyang Kui knows that the general trend has gone, and he must return to the Mohist family to rescue the soldiers. At this moment, he will continue to fight with the Moyu Qiancheng, and he will certainly be killed. This guy does not intend to keep his hands, killing the machine step by step, recruiting cold-blooded and ruthless. .

Yu Ying’s voice of help has been completely submerged in the wind. Mo Yangkui can only retire after he has self-protected. As for Ying Ying, he can’t take it anymore. At the moment of life and death, both people have already had such a situation. Can run one is one, stay here can only wait to die.

Moyang Kui slid very fast, and at that moment, Ying Ying’s incomparable despair, under the attack of the eight emperors of Moling Dongchen, she was completely desperate. However, the man who loved his heart deeply, at this time, escaped from the air and escaped from his own life. This made Ying Ying’s eyes crack, and finally saw the true face of Moyang Kui, and he was in danger. He did not care, but he only knew that he had escaped. What kind of man would he use?

"Asshole, you will definitely not die, Moyang Kui!"

Yan Ying roared, but Moyang Kui was already slipping away. The other two ink parents were completely suppressed. However, Mo Lingdong Chen and others did not carry out heavy blows on them. Instead, they were Yu Ying, after being violently murdered by Mo Lingdong. , has been completely paralyzed, can only clench the teeth, harden the scalp, but Mo Ling Dongchen is also a fuel-efficient lamp? Their arrogance before, has long since disappeared.

When Ying Ying once again looked at the Moyu thousand city, the heart was incomparably complicated. The man who once loved himself was played by himself in the applause. Now it’s time to reflect on it and fall in love with it. A man who should not love, but gave up her in the desperate situation of life and death, and this man who was once hurt by her is very complicated, even though they have not met for 100,000 years, it has already been People are not, but he may not be able to make things that he has thrown himself away.

The husband and wife are the same forest birds, and they are in trouble!

Moyang Kui! Grandma, I hate you forever!

His son couldn't keep it. In the end, even the only man left was away from her. This kind of pain made Yu Ying completely desperate. It was already violent by Mo Lingdong Chen. It was already a dying heart.

"Are you very happy? Very happy? Hehehe, Moyu Qiancheng, we are still defeated in your hands, 100,000 years, 100,000 years, you must be thinking about every day and every day. Do you have something? You must have already hated us both, and now Moyang Kui is being beaten by you, and I have been taught by your younger generation, and most importantly, my son It was also killed by you, is it very happy, hehehe, your hatred, finally reported thoroughly. Is it feeling that my heart is full of excitement, overflowing with words."

Yan Ying sneered, but her heart is extremely bitter, ridiculous, but more self-deprecating, because in the desperate situation of life and death, being ruthlessly abandoned, face sweeping, the pain of losing her son, let her have lost her life. belief.

"From now on, I will let you regret for a lifetime, you killed me, it is Moyang Kui who killed me, everyone you are present!"

Ying Ying is on the ground, his voice is exhausted, his shoulders are shaking, and his eyes are already without a trace of brilliance.


Yan Ying blew Dan Tian, ​​and her heart was broken. At that moment, she chose a glorious death, no longer being defamed, no longer abandoned. In this world, only her son is the favorite of her life.

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