Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3748: When a man is a child, his daughter is self-reliant.

"What is your pain?"

Moyu Qiancheng sighed and shook his head. The death of Ying Ying, now unable to touch his own mind, is only a little shocking and amazed. He did not want to kill Yu Ying, but he returned to Mohist today. It must be taken out of his own attitude, even if it is Mo Xuan, it is not his intention, but Mo Ling Dongchen shot his hand and killed Mo Xuan, he has nothing to say.

Now Moyang Kui has fled back to the city of Mexico, and Ying Ying actually blew Dantian and heart at this time, completely cutting off the vitality.

"I hate you! I hate you!"

Yan Ying’s eyes were cracked, and he eventually fell into a pool of blood. The people above the whole city of Mexico were all smelling.

The two ink parents are always stunned. At this time, if the Moyu Thousand Cities want to kill them, it is just a wave of things, it is as simple as that.

"Because of the love and hate since ancient times, this hate is endless. Hehe."

Moyu Qiancheng sighed, and he had already jumped out of this creation, but they still obsessed with it, and they could not help but feel a lot of emotions.

"Yu Ying is dead? He is the wife of Elder Moyang Kui. It seems that this time the Mohist family will definitely set off a storm."

"Auntie Ying died and died, Mo Xuan is also dead, and the Mohist up and down will never give up."

"It seems that this ink jade thousand city is too embarrassing, even in front of my Mohmen, open the killing ring, my Mo family will not allow him."

"It's hard to predict the world. Who can think that this thing will develop to this step? Who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, but the death of Mo Xuan and Aunt Ying Ying seems to be causing turmoil in the Mohist family. ""

Above the city of Mo, those people have already seen it in their eyes, but Mo Xuan and Yu Ying are the people of the Mohist family. The Mo Yu Qiancheng has already been expelled from the Mohist family. This battle has already killed two emperors. If the situation is strong, the Mohist family will not sit still.

"A generation of red-faced lives, how many joys and sorrows. Everything is her self-receiving. Grandpa, you don't have to sigh too much, the fault is not you, dead, maybe her only relief, alive, is her The great hurt, the pain of losing the child, is what I did. As for his disappointing man, he is also a genius of the Mohist family. Oh, how can this kind of garbage match the grandfather? It is simply not self-reliant. thing."

Ink Lingdong said indifferently that she did not have the slightest self-blame for her death. If she died, she would die. The irrelevant person could not cause her heart to fluctuate. For grandfather, killing a few Mexicans, why not? Although they are all Mexicans, how do they have a little bit of love for Grandpa?

Inkling Dongchen has always been a person with clear grievances. For her own close relatives, she has nothing to do, and today's Mohist, if they can't accept Grandpa, then they will stand on their own feet, not unwilling to recognize their ancestors. Even the ancestors refused to give him any chances. What is the meaning of the ancestors?

What grandfather refused to do, then she was replaced by her, the Mo family, who wanted to stand on the head of the grandfather, and they were to be fair to themselves, not to suffer, but to go away. She must personally wash her grandfather!

Life is a lifetime, grass and autumn! For tens of thousands of years, my grandfather’s heart was bitter. She was in her eyes and hurt in her heart. It was only from the grief of the clan. When she was expelled from the Mohist family, it was the pain of his life. Today, it is already the arrow that has to be sent on the string, even if it is besieged by the Mohist, Mo Ling Dongchen does not hesitate.

When a man is born, his daughter is self-reliant!

In the sky above the Mohist family, a strong man, rushing into the void, a rage of anger, rushing to the sky.

"finally come."

Moyu Qiancheng took a deep breath, he knew that the death of Mo Xuan, the death of Ying Ying, must have touched the nerves of the entire Mohist family, the death of the two gods, they could not sit still, and Still in front of the entire Mohist, can these shame be imagined?

As one of the most powerful sects in Nantong Shenzhou, the Mohist family cannot endure such humiliation.

More than forty of the Emperor's elites set foot on the void, blocking the entire area of ​​the Mohist family, and encircling the Moyu Thousand Cities and other people in the center. They are the first nine people, all of whom are the strongmen of the late Emperor's reign, and the entire Mohist is now All the elders and the inner door masters, all of them are swarming, dare to kill in front of the Mojiamen, or the Emperor of the Mohist, is this not too old to start?

"Three elders, it is him! This shameless person who was swept away by us, now is back, and wants to sneak on the head of my Mohist family, and even killed Mo Xuan. Ying Ying, Ying Ying -"

Moyang Kui was extremely angry. He pointed to Mo Yu Qiancheng and others and found that his wife was already dead.

"You bastard, beast, you can't get Ying Ying, you actually killed her! That year, today is still the case, my Mohist and you are not the same!"

Moyang Kui burst into tears, grief, and his wife lost his wife. It made his heart feel like a knife. All the Mexicans looked at their eyes and they were incomparable sympathy. At this moment, Moyangui was the oldest parents. Not only the son, but even the wife was obliterated by the Qianyu City. This is a pain, and they naturally cannot feel the same. And the most important thing is that the murderer turned out to be the one who was expelled from the Mohist family that year.

The three elders and other people are all looking cold and sighing in their hearts. I didn’t expect that this thief who had already been expelled from the Mohist family was so ruthless. The decision of the year was really right. Otherwise, this disappointing thing, Knowing what kind of storms to roll up in the Mohist family will inevitably make the dogs and cats that they are engaged in, and jump up and down.

For these people, they naturally can't let go, and since they have already expelled the Mohist family, they are no longer the Mohist people, but they dare to come to the Mohist family to make waves, and they will not be light.

Everyone is filled with indignation, everyone is full of blood, it is necessary to bring the Mo Yu thousand city to the law, even the Mohist murder, but also so arrogant, Mo Jiahe had such insults?

"This ink jade thousand city is simply too arrogant. These thieves, fortunately, had expelled him from the Mohist family. Otherwise, it might mean how much wind and waves were set in our Mohist family."

"Who said no, if not because of him, why did Mo Xuan die?"

"This kind of mischief is a slap in the face, it should be killed. The Mohist was only expelling him from the beginning, it was a mistake, directly obliterating him, there would not be so many things."

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