Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3749: Shoot it, kill innocent

"I don't even let go of my nephew. This kind of person is a beast! He can do such a thing, I am not surprised at all."

"Hey, there is a knife on the head of the color. If you can't get it, you will destroy it. The city of Moyu has become a devil. He wants to make Mo Yangkui grief, and he is willing."

The ink family is all in the eye, especially those who are masters of the gods, all of them are glaring at the Mo Yu Qiancheng and Mo Ling Dongchen. At this time, they are ready, just wait for the three elders to order, 擒Next time, then the matter of the Mohist family is everything. It’s just the death of Mo Xuan, and the death of Yu Ying, it depends on how to deal with this Mo Yu thousand city, even if it is a thousand knives, it is not an exaggeration.

"Ink and thousands of cities, can you know sin? As a person of the Mohist family, he even opened a killing ring in front of the Mohmen Gate, disturbing me to clean up the Mohist family, and not dying quickly."

The three elders, Mo Shouying, screamed and shouted, like the thunder and the world, the thunder came in, with nine days of thunder and punishment, glaring at the Moyu thousand cities, the death of two great emperors, for them Moh, it is a great The shame, and Mo Xuan is the most important genius disciple of his Mohist family. It is unbearable and unbearable. This matter is necessary to give Mo Yangkui a confession to the entire Mohist. Otherwise, why is the Mohist in Nantong Shenzhou?

"Three elders, today's business, I am not guilty of the Mocheng City. I am coming today to return to my homeland and recognize my ancestors. There is no such thing."

Mo Yu Qiancheng looked at the three elders, Mo Shouying, and gave a slight sigh, not humble and said.

"There is no such thing as he? You even kill two of the emperors of the Mohist family, and said that there is no such thing as him? Not to roll down and die, and beg for mercy."

"Yes, Mo Yu Qiancheng, you are the scum of this Mohist family, and now you are obsessed with it. What should you sin? When I was merciful, letting you take a horse and expel you from Mohist, it is the greatest kindness, but you are so ignorant. Ok, how can I accommodate you?"

The elders next to the three elders are also glaring, waiting for the Moyu thousand city, the jade and the thousand city brows, these people, it is simply indiscriminate.

"Asshole, have arrived at this time, you still do not come to death quickly, even dare to talk back?"

Moyang Kui gritted his teeth, and Mo Yu Qiancheng will die undoubtedly. However, his heart has already been furious, and he must surely smear the gray and jade of the city, in order to solve the hatred of the heart.

"A slap in the face, a group of unscrupulous old fools. You keep saying that my grandfather is a Mohist person, driving him out of the Mohist family, but still wanting my grandfather to come forward to die, you guys, this group of things, Lao Wang Ba Egg, do you really think that we are bullying? My grandfather is not willing to say more, he came to recognize the ancestors and returned to the ancestors, Mo Xuan and Yan Ying are compelling, and there is a lingering death. You don’t ask me to be indulgent, so I will let my grandfather go down and suffer. Death, what are you? The dog is raising, today I am Mo Lingdong, I will not die with you! Even if I am cast aside by the world, I will never tolerate it. I want my grandfather to bow, no door! You are tall and self-righteous. I thought that under the sun, you are the biggest in the Mohist family. If you say a thousand and ten thousand, you don’t know the truth at all. If you don’t know the truth, my grandfather has been wronged for 100,000 years. Has anyone ever known?

"He had no intention of causing trouble, but he was forced to the end. Have you seen it? Have you given him a chance? Directly expelling my grandfather from the Mohist school, you have known that for a person who regards family as life, that What kind of blow is it? You don't know, a person who comes back with a heart of the heart is holding the expectations and beliefs of the family, the kind of heart of sincerity, by Mo Xuan, Mo Yangkui, Yu Ying, these three People are blocking and even riding on our heads. This kind of smashing, death is also a hundred, and what hurts? Everything is their self-sufficiency, they are dead and dead. My grandfather is not guilty, but you are heard. Rumors, escaping from home, disheartened, but still do not forget the family's kindness, returning, just for a trace of faith. But your actions, my grandfather is heartbroken, we are not to pick things, but you guys We are forced to retreat and approach the abyss, we have no choice."

"If you have the ability, you will come to me. I am Moling Dongchen, I will fight against you in the end!"

The face of Mo Ling Dong Chen’s face is iron and blue, and the body is constantly shaking, and he is holding up for his grandfather. Grandpa’s life is just right, why have he suffered such humiliation? Just in front of the family, he can do nothing.

"Say more, what is the use? Family thieves, lost face, we Moh, absolutely do not allow such animals to survive."

"Yes, kill me, my family, you will pay for blood debt."

The old parents of Momo were so excited that they couldn’t listen to the words of Mo Ling Dongchen. At this moment, the two sides are already arrogant and the atmosphere is extremely cold.

"You are an old thing, I am fighting with you."

Mo Ling Dongchen knows that at this time, she talked a lot more, and she was only treated as a slap in the face. It is impossible to shake their minds.

"A group of ugly people, shameful generations, why are you brave? Why are you loyal? I have no such juniors in the Mohist family. Today, all of you have to die. I am a Mohist, I must clean up the door!"

Moyang Kuihu is a tiger, and he is a group of Mohist people. At this moment, he has become very high-profile and very domineering.

"Mo Yu Qiancheng, I only ask you a sentence, do you know what is wrong? Kneeling down, accepting the family, I may be able to open one side and spare your younger generation."

The three elders said quietly, the eyes were cold, and the sword pointed to the city of Moyu.

"Ink and Thousand Cities, what sin is there! I also hope that the three elders will show."

Mo Yu Qiancheng stood up and stood tall, what was wrong with him? He is not wrong, he has no faults, why should he bear everything? Even his granddaughter came forward for himself at this time. Why can't he let go?

"Good! Good! Good!"

The three elders, Shou Shouying nodded, and the voice was dull, without a trace of emotion. At this moment, everyone knows that the three elders have been completely angered by the Moyu City. When the three elders are really angry, it is extremely calm. But it is more terrible than anyone else.

"In this case, you don't think that you are a Mohist person, then I can only make you a good*. You, the so-called unruly people, who are late, must have a determination to sacrifice for the family. From now on, you have no meaning in the world."

Mo Shouying looked calm and said indifferently.

"Get it. Kill innocent!"

In the words of Mo Shouying, everyone is taking a deep breath and sighing, and the war is coming soon!

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