Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3861: Chixia Stars

It’s normal to pay off the surprise. After all, in his opinion, some people don’t know how to break the flow. It’s too rare.

In fact, Jiang Chen does not know the flow of the break, but he knows nothing about the entire eternal world.

"Pay brothers, don't be surprised, we just got to this area, we don't know anything about this place, so there are many things to ask."

Jiang Chen said that this statement is ambiguous. It shows that he is not a local person. He does not say that he is coming from the tide of the universe. After all, in the absence of knowing the eternal world, do not expose yourself. The facts from other worlds.

"I understand that you are not a person from the Red Sea Stars. They are coming from other astral circles. They should have inadvertently stepped into this place of flying."

Pay off a blank expression.

"Red Cloud Stars?"

Jiang Chen and Long XIII look at each other and know that they are now in the eternal world of the Chixia Star.

"Engong is not a person in the Chixia Stars, but it is also normal. The Kaitian Star has a total of one hundred and eight astral boundaries. They are connected to each other. The Chixia Stars are also monks who often have other astral circles. It’s amazing.”

Pay the road.

"Mother's, how big is the eternal world, there are stars divided, and one of the stars is composed of one hundred and eight stars. If you listen to this kid, the eternal world will be more than one star field. I am too interested in this world, ask clearly, and ask quickly."

The rhubarb dog was very excited and passed on to Jiang Chen and Long XIII.

Not only rhubarb, Jiang Chen and Dragon 13 are equally shocked. This eternal world is more than they expected, but it has to be played.

This astral world is a planet, one hundred and eight stars, one hundred and eight planets, and the stars are connected to each other to form a star field.

The eternal world constructed by this kind of cosmic starry sky is not comparable to their original world.

"How many eternal worlds are there like the Apocalypse?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

After paying off again, I obviously didn't think that Jiang Chen actually asked such a silly question.

"You just answer, we are from a remote place, isolated from the world, this is the first time to come out."

Jiang Dust Road.

"It turned out to be."

Fu Qing is not convinced, the world is too big, the world is too big, there are many people in the world, there are indeed many strange people, and there are some hidden people, isolated from the world, know nothing about the world, and it does not exist.

Of course, paying off is not a fool. He can see that Jiang Chen doesn't want to say more about the origins. He naturally won't ask more questions. After all, in his heart, where Jiang Chen and Long XIII come from, it doesn't matter at all. What is important is that The breath that they radiate from them is the Terran, just like him.

More importantly, they saved their lives, that is their own savior, and there are enough reasons to help Jiang Chen answer doubts.

"The eternal world is too big. There are eighteen large stars like the Apocalypse. However, if you ask me about other stars, or the existence of the top of the eternal world, I don't know, I am just A small monk in the origin of the country, so long, not to mention the Chixia star, even Yancheng, have not gone out, many high-level things are simply not accessible."

Paying the truth and telling the truth.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly. The words of paying off are also very real. The eternal world is too big. It is impossible to understand such a small person. Moreover, he has a natural origin, and his vision is naturally limited. Those things that he cannot touch, There is no need to understand.

To pay off this, Jiang Chen and Long XIII are the same. Fu Qing is the origin of the world. They are also the origin of the world. Compared with this big world, they are also small people.

Small people, why bother to talk about the big world, it is enough to have a basic understanding of the eternal world, the road, step by step, with the continuous improvement of strength, the things that should know, sooner or later will know.

Nowadays, even if they understand the eternal world thoroughly, they are meaningless. The origins are difficult to make in the Chixia Star, and the whole big star field is not mentioned.

"It seems that we have been staying at this red star for a long time. I don't know if the wind is not in this astral."

Jiang Chen muttered, and his heart was worried about Jiang Feng. The main reason for his coming to the eternal world was to find his son.

But now it seems that there is no clue at all, the eternal world is too big, it is easy to find someone.

"Little dust, you don't need to be sad, I believe that the wind and the people have their own natural world. One day, your father and son will be reunited."

Long XIII took a shot of Jiang Chen’s shoulder and could only comfort him.

"The eternal world is much bigger than we think. Our future road is still very long. To find the wind, the first thing we have to do is to survive, while looking for the wind and improving our strength."

Great Yellow Road.

"Yes, since it is here, it is natural to start from the wind, the eternal world at the top of the universe, a supreme plane, our three brothers, start from this red star."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, and a passion grows out of the body. The new journey is at his feet. The road ahead is still very long, and it’s very difficult to walk. It’s not polite to say that they are better than they used to. It is tough.

"Hey, I can't wait for the dog, this new world, it must be fun, it won't let me down."

The rhubarb dog shook his head and shook his head.

The two men and one dog talked and talked, and they couldn’t hear the content. They could only see their expressions. Jiang Chen didn’t talk any more, and paid a clear stand on the side, and he dared not speak.

"Pay the brothers, this is the fly, what is it? It looks like a safe place."

Jiang Chenping regained his emotions and continued to ask.

"It’s just a place of utmost danger. It’s just a dead place. Hey, I went out this time and stumbled into it. I don’t know if I have any chance to see the world outside again."

Paying a sigh, mentioning the broken flow, it is even more stunned.

"Break the flow, as its name is common, even the flow can be broken, three thousand miles off the flow of land, the area here is special, the original smog, suffocating and poisonous gas, coupled with the frequent outbreak of time and space, messed up The void of this area has formed an invisible natural barrier. Even if it is a master of the heavenly source, it is difficult to fly here. It is difficult to fly. There is no direction here, there is a crisis, all kinds of monsters are infested, and the flow is broken. The land is a sign of loss and death, no export, no loss forever, I have been here for a month."

Paying off his eyes is red, obviously this month's days are not so good, he looks desperate, and he has no hope of getting out of here.

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