Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3862: Feather

After paying attention to the land of the broken flight, I thought that Jiang Chen and the Dragon 13 would be shocked and frowning. It is certain that if you are an individual, you will be desperate if you hear yourself in a place of death.

However, the performance of Jiang Chen and Long XIII made Fu Qing extremely disappointed. After listening to the place where the flying stream was broken, the two of them had no slight change in their faces. The calm was incredible. It seems that this is a fly. The ground is the same as the ordinary place.

"Two eunuchs, you, aren't you afraid?"

Pay off the tentative question.


Jiang Chen and Long XIII looked at each other and laughed loudly.


This feeling for them, I don't know how long it has been.

The sinister land such as the broken fly flow is naturally a desperate place for ordinary people. It is shivering and even scared. The people who are Jiang Chen and Long XIII are the dangerous places they have experienced in their lives. There are countless, and there is a broken flow in the district, it is really difficult for them to produce half-wire fear.

Whether it is the Shengyuan continent or the later fairyland gods, Jiang Chen’s experience is too much. All kinds of deaths and forbidden places do not know how much to go. Which time is not a life of nine deaths, but it is not good at the end. Alive.

More than a hundred times more dangerous places have been visited, the most unbreakable array of methods between the heavens and the earth, have been broken by Jiang Chen, the road to death has been killed by him, this broken flow, did not let Jiang Chen feel too Great challenge.

On the contrary, because of such a sinister place, Jiang Chen and Long XIII’s heart are once again incited and excited. They have not had the kind of challenge experience for a long time. They like the challenge too much. Now they just entered the eternal world and broke off. The flow is just a small bump and a challenge.

The more dangerous they are, the more excited they are. If you come to the eternal world, you will be arrogant, and there will be no meaning.

"Pay brothers, don't be afraid, it's no big deal to break the flow of land. Our brothers, the sinister places that have been experienced, countless, this is a fly, it can't be anything."

Dragon thirteen took a shot to pay off the shoulders, proud.


Paying a sigh, the two secrets of the dark road are really unaware of how dangerous the land is.

"The two enemies, the land of the flow, can not be underestimated, here is called the lost place, enter here, can not find the direction, can not find the exit."

Fu Qing said that he tried to make Jiang Chen and Long Xie pay attention to the land where the flow of the flow was broken. In such a dangerous place, one hundred important things are all nine deaths. If you don't pay attention to it, then there is no hope of going out.

"Without direction, I will find directions. If there is no way out, I will find a way out. What is the use of sorrow and grief? If one is lost, the will is depressed, then it will be broken and broken. At that time, even if there is really a way to live. You can't believe it is true in front of you, little brother, you are too young, follow us, and promise to take you out."

Long XIII said.

Paying off his body, he didn't know where the dragon thirteen came from, but the words of the dragon thirteen actually gave him a wake-up call.

When a person is in distress, nothing is more important than the will. If the will is no longer, then that is the real end.

When you think that you must die, you really have no way to live. The only thing you can do is to walk away and wait for death.

"Well, Engong said that since I knew that I had entered the land of broken flow, I was depressed, and I felt that I would die all my life. I’m going to raise the hope of life again, even if I There is no way to fly the land, we have to work hard to find a way out, many things, do not necessarily get the desired results, but if you don't do it, there will be no results."

Paying off the whole person's spirit has changed, and the scorpion has become extremely bright.

"Where did those people want to chase you?"

Jiang Chen went straight to the topic again and asked.

"I have no grievances with them. They are the enslaved people and monsters of the Yu people. They are in the place where they are flying, looking for humans who have fallen here, pulling them to slavery and driving them to act as miners."

Fu Qingdao, before the mention of the knife, the man can not help but grind his teeth.

“Feather? Tell me clearly.”

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Well, in the eternal world, there are many people, there are many races, the Terran is only one of them. Of course, the Terran is a real big family, occupying a dominant position in the eternal world. In the Chixia Star, the Yu people are not. Small, and the Terran are in opposition, because the feathers of the Yu family are born with wings and can fly in the air, so there is a unique advantage in this place of flying."

Fu Qingdao: "In the ground of the broken flow, there are some low-lying feathers, most of them are two-winged feathers. They almost control all the resources of the broken flow. As far as I know, the people of the feathers, I found a source mine with a large number of source rocks. So, they are everywhere in the broken stream to find the humans who have fallen to this place, let them act as miners. The knife is a man, although you are human, but you also know that this In the world, many people have done everything for the sake of their interests. Moreover, in this place of flying, in order to survive, there are not a few people who rely on the Yu people."

"Source mine."

Jiang Chen and Long XIII and the eyes of the rhubarb are bright at the same time. As for the Yu family, they don’t care. In their eyes, what kind of family you control, as long as it is an enemy, it is a kind of family, the dead.

What really caught their attention was to pay attention to the source mines mentioned in the mouth. They were not interested in the feathers at all, and they quickly found the exit and left the place where the flow broke.

Now, there is no need to be so anxious.

"Pay clear, you know the feathers of the Yu people, what is the strongest strength?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The two winged feathers are the lowest existence of the Yu family. They have no status, so they will appear in places like broken flying. When I first came in, I met a friend who just ran out from the source mine. Hearing that the Yu family is the strongest, it is the triple sky of the source. Later, I went with the friend to find a way out, trying to leave the flying stream, but unfortunately met the people of the Yuzu, my friend again. I was arrested and I fled all the way."

Fu Qingdao: "The feathers have a unique advantage here. They can fly, and the masters of the source are too powerful. We are not opponents at all. The two enemies, you should not be the idea of ​​playing the mine. Let's go."

Paying off is not a fool, seeing the intentions of Jiang Chen and Long XIII, but it is too bold.

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