Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3863: Dry one vote

"Small dust, the three days of the source, for you, there should be no pressure."

Long XIII looks at Jiang Chen, his eyes are full of confidence, and that is the confidence of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s mouth has risen slightly, and these two words have not been said for hundreds of years.

It’s been a long time of silence. It’s time to move up the bones and the two wings of the three-day feathers. It’s better, if it’s weaker, it’s not a bit challenging.

Jiang Chen’s cultivation at this moment, half of the foot has already entered the source of the source, the ordinary three-day master of the source, it is impossible to be his opponent.

More importantly, a source mine, that is the wealth that is placed in front of you, if you do not take it, you are not going to thunder.

Of course, Jiang Chen has not been less than a Thunder.

The source stone is essentially the same as the previous Yuanshi. For the monks of the eternal world, for the present, the source stone is indispensable, especially Jiang Chen, who is too aware of his own consumption. After the transformation of Hualong, Yuanlong needs constant growth, and the growth of Yuanlong is naturally independent of open source stone.

It is unceremonious to say that Jiang Chen is a king of consumption, and he is back. In the future, every time he advances, he needs to consume a large number of source stones as a supplement. Although he has some starry source stones, it is equivalent to five source stones, and the value is not Philippine, but relative to the cultivation of the entire eternal world, is not enough.

What's more, now is just the origin, the first product and the second source stone are enough. At this time, using the star stone, it is a bit wasteful.

After paying attention to some details, Jiang Chen also knows that the eternal world's Yuanshi is divided into one to nine products, one product is the worst, and the nine products are the highest.

A piece of two source stone, equivalent to one hundred pieces of a source stone, and so on, similar to the star source stone of the five-source stone, even in the entire red sea star, is a high-end existence.

If Jiang Chen exposes more than one hundred star-shaped stone in his hand, he does not know how many people will be jealous.

"Fu Qing, do you know where the source mine is?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Is it really going?"

Fu Qing still can't believe it. He looked at Jiang Chen with a burning gaze. Even now, even a fool can see that the two of them are the strongest, definitely the white youth.

With the cultivation of the seven peaks of his origins, he did not see the true strength of Jiang Chen. Outside of Jiang Chen’s body surface, it seems to be covered with a layer of fog. You can’t break through that layer. The fog sees the truth of Jiang Chen.

Paying for it does not know the true strength of Jiang Chen, but it is definitely better than himself. If you think about it, the other party may be a real master. Maybe you can really do it with the feathers.

"How did your kid grind, and a few small bird people, scared you, can you make a little bit of interest?"

The rhubarb dog can't stand anymore.

"Well, I will take you there."

After paying off the momentum, although they had just been in contact with Jiang Chen for a while, Fu Qing felt that the whole person had some potential changes and changed a lot more bravely than before.

Of course, there are also some reasons because I have turned around in the ghost gate, and Bai Hao has returned to a life. People who have already died once, and seeing life and death, have a lot of open-mindedness.

Moreover, paying off the feathers is also deeply painful. His friends are now enslaved, like slaves, as miners for them, paying off to save friends.

The place where the flow of flying flow is already dangerous enough. The person who accidentally came in is already bad enough. It is already difficult to come in and want to go out again. The existence of the feather man brings the human beings who have entered here. A bigger crisis.

It can even be said that the feather man is the biggest threat to the ground.

Fu Qing probably knows the direction of the source mine. Under his leadership, the group of people quickly moved forward.

"The feathers are self-sufficient and look down on other ethnic groups. In the Chixia Stars, the Terran and the Feathers are two major groups. In normal times, there is no less fighting."

Pay the road.

"In this case, why did the Terran let the Yu people break the flow of the land, the slaves, you said before, the most powerful here, but only the second wing feathers, is just a triple of the source."

Dragon XIII is curious.

"Eng Gong does not know, near the nearest city of the broken stream, that is, Yancheng, there are not many experts in the mainland of Yancheng, and this is a fierce place, no one is willing to come in, here is the airflow The turbulence, the laws of heaven and earth have changed. Even if the masters of Tianyuan are here, it is difficult to maintain the flight. Whoever will rush to deal with the feathers, no one is willing to break the flow, and all come in. If the luck is not good, it will be rolled in by the occasional space storm, and I don’t know if I have entered this place."

Pay the road.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII are stunned. It’s not that the Terran masters don’t want to get rid of the feathers. It’s really because no one wants to come to such a place. Of course, these scattered low-level feathers can only be arrogant in the ground. The two-winged feathers of the source, outside, have long been destroyed by the Terran masters.

"It’s just a bird with wings. I’m still arrogant. I’m going to pull out the wings of the feathers and eat them.”

The rhubarb dog shook his head and shook his head. He didn't care about the feathers that he said in his mouth.

Fu Qing licked his mouth and the dog said a big talk.

I have never really seen a feather, I can't understand the horror of a feather. Others don't say that people can fly alone. How do you fight, fly in the sky to bully you, you only have to be bullied.

It is very difficult to control the position of the broken flow, paying off the road, constantly looking for big trees, and looking at the signs on some big trees.

From time to time, there will be some big trees, engraved with a pair of wings. According to Fu Qing, this is left by the Yu people. It is used by people who are going out to catch people. Just follow these signs and you can find the feathers. The human base camp will not be lost in the broken stream.

"Go, hurry, say you, grind, don't go, break your leg."

Not far from the front, suddenly there is the sound of sipping, with the sound of whip and screaming, in this gloomy environment, it looks creepy.

"Mother's, it must be those who rely on the feathers to catch humans."

Paying off his teeth and fangs, his eyes filled with anger, and he came to the place where he was flying for a month. He saw too many things like this.

"Looking at the past."

The dragon thirteen steps forward and the first one went.

On the narrow road ahead of the jungle, seven or eight black men, grabbed four people, are on the road.

Half of these seven or eight people are monsters of half-human and half-beasts. This pedestrian has the best strength and the strongest, and is the same as the Knife Man.

However, such a camp, for Jiang Chen, they are still completely inadequate.

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