Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4023: Want to face

Therefore, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to enlighten me. This does not have a slight loss to him. Moreover, he has obtained the benefits he wants from the martial arts. Since entering the martial arts, the resources of the martial arts, Jiang Chen is also no less. Use, Zidan Pavilion will not have to say, the former Colosseum is also a step of his growth.

In the next two days, Wuge was in a state of boiling up and down. At the end, even the elders and disciples of Zidan Pavilion and Wuji Pavilion ran over. For a time, the identity of Jiang Chen’s teacher was sitting. In fact, in the status of Wu Ge, it has already surpassed Wu Changtian and the two cabinet owners.

What is really terrible is that every person who has been pointed out by Jiang Chen, after he came out, said that Jiang Chen is very powerful. It is a kind of anti-day, so many problems encountered by so many people. He is able to answer perfectly.

This is terrible. If it is one or two, it is ok, but everyone can answer it. It is a bit too much.

This incident has already alarmed the entire high level of the Wuge. At the end, even the elders of the heavenly source are somewhat unbearable.

At the top of a Dan Tata of Zidan Pavilion, there are more than 20 Tianyuan masters gathered together, and they cast their eyes on the place where Jiang Chen lived. For two days, the door is in the market and there is no end to it.

"Hey, I said this Jiang Chen, it is too terrible. Can he really solve everyone's problems? How rich is the cultivation experience."

Dan Qingzi couldn't help but say.

"Yeah, if we can solve one or two, we can understand it, but he can solve all the problems. This is very powerful. It is difficult for him to reincarnate."

Zhen Yang is bound, such a picture, so that he can not believe.

"Whether Jiang Chen is a great reincarnation, this is a great blessing for us, and all that he has done is definitely for our human race. Such a character, Wu Ge must be well protected. ""

Wu Changtian said incomparably solemnly.

"The head is right, this Jiang Chen is really terrible. The feathers are probably worried about killing Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has become a big worry for the Yu people."

"This is also normal, such a rebellious existence, fortunately, we are the people of Wuge. If there is such a presence in the Yuzu, we, the old guys, may not even sleep well."

"However, the Yu people want to kill Jiang Chen, I am afraid it is not so easy. You should not forget that Zhao Lingqi made a full blow on the day and was easily escaped by Jiang Chen. Even the attack of Tianyuan masters It is easy to avoid, such a person, it is so good to kill."


A group of masters of heaven and earth have been shocked, and Jiang Chen has left an unimaginable impression in their hearts.

The Terran in the Red East is more united. Therefore, no one will go to Jiang Dust at this time. Everyone will think that the existence of Jiang Chen is a good thing for Wu Ge.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen is willing to stay here to help the martial arts. It is because the Terran is united. If the Terran here, as it was encountered in the past, is full of intrigues everywhere, there are forces and forces, and the battle between people. Jiang Chen is afraid that he will leave his hands and leave. Where is the mentality to stay here and point them out.

"Don't talk about these disciples and elders. Now I even want to find Jiang Chen to give pointers."

An elder who is a heavenly source has said that.

As soon as this was said, the elders of other heavenly sources couldn’t help but look at each other and saw the desire in the other’s eyes.

It seems that there is more than one person who wants to find Jiang Tian’s guidance.

"Just, our group of old guys, if you go to find a disciple of the source to give pointers, is it a bit too shameful."

One person.

"If you are afraid of losing your face, you can't go. Anyway, I decided to go, but I have to wait until everyone has left."

One person.

"There is nothing to lose face. If Jiang Chen can really help us to break through, then the overall strength of our Wuge will be upgraded to a big step, especially the masters of our heavenly source. If it is repaired, it can be upgraded to another level. It is completely directly related to the Yu people, and it definitely has an overwhelming advantage."

Wu Changtian said openly.

Zhenyang and Dan Qingzi look at each other and see the enthusiasm in the other's eyes. This is related to the future of the Terran, and it is related to the improvement of their own cultivation. At this time, the face is still a fart.

What's more, Jiang Chen's reality is too powerful. Except for repairing, any other aspect is far superior to them. This is typical of the reincarnation of the power. Even if they look for Jiang Chen to seek guidance, they are not shameful.

Now Jiang Ding’s position in the hearts of the Wuge people has been completely laid. It is the existence of a pyramid at the top. Everyone has determined that Jiang Chen is a reincarnation of power, and a heavenly source seeks a **** of reincarnation until then. It’s normal to say that it’s shameful.

"Then, after Jiang Chen has finished the following things, will we go to him?"

Dan Qingzi proposed.

"I have been busy for a few days. According to my opinion, I am not in a hurry. I still let Jiang Chen rest for a few days and say, we must know that the problems we have encountered are more difficult to solve than others. ""

Wu Changtiandao.

"There is a reason for the head. Our problems are more difficult than others to solve. We still let Jiang Chen take a break and point to so many people in a row. The loss of energy alone is not something that ordinary people can afford."

Zhenyang nodded.

In fact, they simply don’t know that their thoughts are completely over-considered. In Jiang Chen’s eyes, pointing to the source of the heavens and pointing to the source, there is no difference, the problem of their group of people, In Jiang Chen’s view, it is still not worth mentioning.

After another two days, a large number of people in the Wuge have been given instructions by Jiang Chen. At this time, Xie Ting, who had been waiting for a few days, entered the other courtyard of Jiang Chen.

In the other hospital, Jiang Chen was sitting on the stone bench and drinking tea. He was very good at seeing it. He couldn’t help but see a lot of people. He thought that Jiang Chen would be exhausted, but he When I thought of it, Jiang Chen was still a gods, and I couldn’t see any difference before.

This alone energy is really to let Xie Ting have no way to admire, but also admire the five-body cast.

"Thank you, is there anything?"

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Xie Ting. His impression of Xie Ting was quite good. Xie Ting was waiting outside for these hours. Jiang Chen also knew that as a small city owner of Shenwu City, his status was noble. It should be an age of arrogance and arrogance, and the style of work is so stable, not arrogant, and alone, Jiang Chen has no reason not to express his appreciation for Xie Ting.

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