Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4024: Invited city government

"Teacher, I am in the name of my father, and I invite my teacher to visit the city government."

Xie Ting is not tweaking, and the opening indicates his intention.

"Is the city owner invited?"

Jiang Chen nodded. There was no wave on the face of the old well. There was no half-wave. It is obvious that even a big man like the city owner has invited him to take the initiative. In his opinion, it is a matter of course.

"My father admires the teacher's talents, so I want to do my best in the city of Shenwu. I hope the teacher will appreciate his face."

Xie Tingfu said that since the Qingyuan Leichi, his attitude towards Jiang Chen has been as respected as ever.

"Invited by the urban master, I naturally can't make a face, Xie Ting, you lead the way."

Jiang Chendao, then got up.

"Haha, not bad, you can go to the city government to eat and drink."

The rhubarb dog was so excited that he laughed out, and the Harbs came out. When it was really a little bit of a break, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but squat on the fat buttocks of the big yellow dog.

The city's main government, that is the most eye-catching place in Shenwu City in addition to the Wuge.

As we all know, there are three giants in the Shenwu City in the Chidong area. It is not necessary to say that the Wuge naturally, the other two, one is the city government, and the other is Yunfu.

And because of the repair of Yun’s family, Yun Sinan, under Xie Yunpeng, one is Tianyuan’s one heaven, and the other is Tianyuan’s two heavens. This leads Yunfu’s position in Shenwu City to come from the city’s government. Slightly inferior.

If you have to order these three behemoths in order, it is naturally the Wuge, the city government, Yunfu.

Knowing that Jiang Chen was going to visit the city's main government, the entire city's main government was sensational. Outside the gate of the city's main government, the lanterns were colored and the welcoming ceremony was lined up with a long queue.

The things in Chiling Mountain have already spread throughout the mission, and the city government house closer to the martial arts is clear to the situation in the martial arts in the past few days. Jiang Chen has become the most famous in the martial arts. It’s no exaggeration for a teacher to use a national teacher.

Xie Yunpeng and other supernatural powers, what happened in the Wuge can not beat him. Now the Wuge, except for the group of high-level Tianyuan, the rest, almost all have been pointed by Jiang Chen.

Even the elders of the peaks of the land have taken the initiative to look for Jiang Chen, and they have obtained unexpected results. This Xie Yunpeng had to be shocked, more shocking than when he saw Jiang Dust in Chiling Mountain.

Again, pointing to one or two people may be a coincidence, but it can solve the problem of cultivation for thousands of people, which is not a coincidence and luck can explain.

Up to now, Xie Yunpeng has almost the same idea as other people. This Jiang Chen is definitely a reincarnation of a great power. If it is really a reincarnation, he should be admired for this city capital. In front of Jiang Chen, where is it dare? Put a half shelf.

Even Xie Yunpeng raised the heart of Jiang Chen’s recollection, and after many years of cultivation, he has worked so hard to get to this point, but it is extremely difficult to repair it if he wants to go further.

The more real-time masters, the more problems they encounter in cultivation, the more difficult it is to solve, and they are already standing at the top of the Pyramids in the Red East. No one can give them pointers except relying on themselves.

Now that Jiang Chen’s power has emerged, he really saw a glimmer of hope.

At the moment, another huge behemoth in Yunwu City, Yunfu.

In Yunfu’s parliamentary hall, a group of high-rises gathered together, and the owner, Yun Sinan, turned around.

"Father, don't wander around, your head is dizzy."

A glamorous and unparalleled girl can't help but say that if this girl sees Jiang Chen, she will be very familiar with it, that is, Chen Yi who had once had a friction with him.

"Iren, the city government is booming. You have already invited Jiang Chen to be a guest. You said that I can not worry? Who is Jiang Chen? Now, the whole teacher, Xie Yunpeng has invited, we have to invite. ""

Yun Sinan said.

"The patriarch, what is the difficulty of this, waiting for Jiang Chen to come out from the city government, we will invite."

An elder said.

"Speaking light, Jiang Chen is such a reincarnation, where is the invitation to invite, you have not seen, this Jiang Chen, can easily avoid Zhao Lingqi's attack, such a character, the pride in the bones, not we can Imagine, Lao Xie can invite him because his baby son and Jiang Chen have a good relationship. We Yunfu, and there is no intersection with Jiang Chen. If you take the liberty to invite, if people refuse, it is not extremely embarrassing. ”

Yun Sinan sighed, and if Jiang Chen refused to invite Yunfu, his old face would have no place to put it.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful."

Chen Yi people shouted.

"Ira, can not be rumored, Jiang Chen is now a human race hero, to say that you are also, not closed retreat late, not closed, but when the opportunity to catch up with the Chilingshan incident, if you follow the entrance to the Chiling Mountain, maybe already Jiang Chen has established some relationships."

Yun Sinan couldn't help but complain, but although he complained, he can see that he is still very fond of this righteous woman.

"I don't know that there will be a ruins of the main star in Chiling Mountain. However, I and this Jiang Chen are also some sources."

Chen Yi humanity.

"Ira, do you know Jiang Chen?"

Yun Sinan’s face immediately showed a happy color. If Chen Yiren and Jiang Chen have a relationship, it would be great.

"Well, when I first went to Shenwu City to participate in the Wuge assessment, I knew."

Chen Yi nodded.

"Haha, that's great, your relationship must be good."

Yun Sinan smiled happily.

"Nothing, I took the lead in teaching his dog, and later lost in the hands of Jiang Chen."

Chen Yi people said embarrassedly.


Learn the dogs of others? That dog? The big yellow dog that shows great power in Chiling Mountain?

The smile on the face of Yun Sinan instantly solidified, and for a long time, Chen Yiren and Jiang Chen knew this.

The first time I met, I played directly. It’s better not to know.

"Yifu, people are not so small, they will not be angry because of this, but Jiang Chen will not be angry with your two baby daughters, I will not be sure."

Chen Yi people shrugged.

"The two little girls, what did they do?"

Yun Sinan suddenly thought of his two baby daughters who claimed to be Yunfu’s double arrogance. They were also sent to the Wuge for cultivation together with Chen Yiren. These two lawless masters, but they are not afraid of it, if they collide with Jiang Chen That's a big deal.

Chen Yiren will talk about how to find Jiang Chen’s troubles in the source gas tower, and how to be told by Jiang Chen.

Yun Sinan and Yun Jia, a high-ranking high-level, immediately looked pale and ugly.

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