Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4353: Weird

Jiang Chen tried his best to cut the sky with anger, and Mo Chi's faces suddenly changed, and he felt a desperation for a while, and tried his best to resist Jiang Chen's sword. With the power of ruining the world, it is too strong, too fierce, and too domineering.

Even if the three men gathered all their strengths, they couldn't match them. They were directly cut down by the sword, and they fell into a state of embarrassment.

The dark blue light and shadow emerged on them. The three people didn't believe it until they died. Jiang Chen solved them with one sword, and that sword was like a punishment from the sky. They avoided it. A sword came east, destroying the sky.

"Xingchen Gang ... finally reappeared."

The Black King was extremely excited, and his eyes even contained tears of excitement. This day, it was long gone!

Although it is only the starlight entering the body, the Black King has felt Jiang Chen ’s unrivaled worldly power, the change of stars is the infinite power of the universe, and it can evolve infinite power. Otherwise, how can the eternal Lord be What about fear?

With this sword, the three people of Mochi directly died without burial and lost all vitality.

This sword directly enabled Jiang Chen's strength to achieve a super leap. The masters of the three star emperors and seven heavy heavens, under one sword, died on the spot.

Jiang Chen fell to the ground as a whole, weak, and his body was completely hollowed out in an instant. The power of the stars is inexplicable. Jiang Chen himself is shocked to the heavens and the shock is beyond recapitulation. The sword is really too strong, he really ca n’t hold it, but because of this, he evacuated his power, the power of the stars, the strongest and the most prosperous, Jiang Chen ’s mouth smiled slightly, showing a relief, this sword, will Will make him remember forever!

"Finally, I didn't insult my senior."

Jiang Chen took a sigh of relief, and his heart was set. The power of Xingchen Gang exceeded his imagination. In the future, he will have another killer, but he will not use it easily. The Black King has said before, Xingchen Gang is the treasure that the eternal Lord is looking for. The gentleman is innocent and guilty of his sins. Once the star Gang in his hand is found, it is not a good thing. The gods may cause him to kill him. It is a last resort. , Jiang Chen will still choose to hide.

"Congratulations to the master, this time I completely comprehend Xingchen Gang!"

The Black King knelt on one knee and said with a happy face.

"It's just that I just practiced a little fur."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, but it was this fur, but it benefited him a lot. The power of the stars is unheard of. He will have to become more slaves from now on, and he will be able to tread the stars. Go to the top of the stars.

"I'm going to recover my body first. These four people all have mixed source beads. You can quickly find out and refine it."

Jiang Chen said that although this battle killed three people in Mochi, he also died nine times.

The Black King was overjoyed, and quickly searched the bodies of the three Mochi and Aoyun Dragon. Sure enough, the four mixed source beads made him extremely happy.

"Master, I always think this Ishii is weird. You still have to be careful."

The Black King frowned.

"The source gas is continuous, and it lasts for a long time, and even disturbs the entire void, so that people can't fly in the air, and the richness of the source gas is really only seen in my life."

Jiang Chen groaned, but didn't find any strangeness here. The only strangeness was the endless source of gas, but it was clearly a treasure.

Jiang Chen was puzzled, and he knew that there must be a demon if something went wrong, but he couldn't find any movement. He shook his head the most and began to prepare for cultivation. After all, such an opportunity is rare. This time, after a breakthrough, Plan again.

Unknowingly, Jiang Chen entered into cultivation, the power of Xingchen Gang's devouring was even more terrifying, and his strength reached the triple peak of Xinghuang in less than ten days. After another month, he directly broke through Star Emperor's four heavens, Jiang Chen still does not mean to stop.

Even with his strong swallowing power, it is extremely shocking. Even so, the source gas in this stone well is still endless, there is no meaning of exhaustion, and Jiang Chen simply does not want to.

However, at this time, Jiang Chen saw that the Black King had broken through the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Xinghuang. The four mixed source beads plus the horrible source gas here, his harvest was naturally unparalleled, and at this time Jiang Chen saw In many floating monster towers, the monsters and monsters are all struggling, which makes him particularly excited.

"It won't take long for this horrible army of beasts to be able to climb to another level."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and was very happy. The speed of the source gas explosion in the body was quite alarming. Jiang Chen was already accustomed to it.

But at this time, he was ready to make another impact, but found that many of the monsters around him were already dead.

"How could this be?"

Jiang Chen's face changed drastically, and some monsters that had just broken through the realm of the Star Emperor had died for dozens of times, making him quite shocked and puzzled.

Jiang Chen observed carefully, but found that these monsters were not injured at all, but died for no reason, and even the source gas on them was extremely rich, and they were in cultivation. Why did they die like this?

This is not finished. Jiang Chen found that the star-level monsters cultivated in the Futuro Tower are even more irritable. Many of them have attacked each other, and their blood is boiling. It seems that they are like life and death. The demon that died in the Futuro Tower There are hundreds of beasts, and Jiang Chen's inner horror grows deeper. What is going on?

"Master, I will be able to break through the Emperor Nine Heavens, ha ha ha ha."

The Black King said excitedly, his eyes were extremely hot, and the source of his swallowing was quite domineering, making him whole person hot.


Jiang Chen took a deep breath, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and it seemed that something was wrong.

"Don't practice anymore."

Jiang Chen shouted, the Black King was shocked, but his eyes were extremely complicated at this time.

"Don't you let us practice? Master, why can't you practice again."

Said the Black King.

"This source is weird!"

Jiang Chendao.

"What weird?"

The Black King was stunned.

"Look, the monsters around the Star Emperor Realm are almost all dead, and they died without warning."

Looking at the hundreds of monsters and monsters behind him, there are indeed dozens of monsters that have fallen to the ground. There is no vitality. The black king looks pale, and looks at Jiang Chen, saying unbelievably:

"Master, how could this be?"

The Black King was completely stunned. He did n’t expect to die so many monsters. There is no danger at all, and there is no sign of being killed. They are all in normal cultivation, and they fell down like this, which is really amazing Marvel.

"It should be the ghost of this source."

Jiang Chen's face was blue, and he said somberly.

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