Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4354: Nian Ling

"What? Source gas? How is it possible!"

"Nothing is impossible. I finally know why Aoyun Dragon suddenly launched an offensive against me. The three brothers of the Mo family ca n’t wait to fight me because they broke through too fast, the source gas in the body is not stable enough, and The reason is like boiling frog in warm water. After we are enveloped by the source gas, you will not feel the danger of the source gas. In fact, the source gas is not threatened, but the greed is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant. The source gas, so it has become what it is now. The source gas is not fully integrated in the body, and more and more, they ca n’t control it. Eventually, if the source gas reaches an uncontrollable point, it will explode and die. The traces of wrestling were suddenly killed, and only then can it be explained. The source gas in your body is already very much. If you continue to break through, you will probably face the same ending as them. It will not be our source of swallowing time. Qi, but the source gas devours us. "

Jiang Chen couldn't help but tremble. Although there is no danger here, this continuous source of gas is an invisible blade. As long as they continue to practice, they will be swallowed by the source of gas, which is a death. Circulation, if you want to leave, you have to practice and become stronger. The stronger you practice, the more you will be swallowed by the source gas. When the source gas expands to a point where you ca n’t control it, then death will follow. Came.

"This is terrible too?"

The Black King pondered for a moment and said in disbelief that if Jiang Chen didn't say it, he wouldn't understand, and he would even die here.

"This is the weirdness here, and there is no danger. It is like a supreme place, but it is not known as Abi hell."

Jiang Chen was afraid after thinking about it. If it weren't for him to discover that so many monsters died, he might also gradually fall into it, unable to extricate himself, and eventually be swallowed by the source gas, and be buried here forever.

"So what should we do now?"

For a while, the Black King was also the Six Gods without Lord. I didn't know how to do it. Looking at Jiang Chen.

"Notify all monsters and beasts, stop practicing, and seal the eight channels of strange scriptures. I want to see what kind of existence exists under this stone well."

Jiang Chen's eyes became cold and his breath became dignified.

Just leave like this? Jiang Chen was not reconciled. With such a good opportunity and such a good feng shui treasure, he just left. He might never have the opportunity to come back, and he wouldn't calm down if he didn't find out the midday meridian.

As the saying goes, if you do n’t enter the tiger ’s den, you wo n’t be a tiger, let alone he ca n’t do anything now!

"Master! I'll go find the way first."

The Black King solemnly said.

"No, your strength is not stable. Arrange for the rest of the men. I will go back when I go."

Jiang Chen said.

The Black King was very touched. The master not only cared about his subordinates, but did not regard them as cannon fodder at all. Instead, he preferred to make his own mistakes. He did not follow the wrong person, and the old master did not choose the wrong person.

Jiang Chen walked into the Ishii step by step. Although there was only a radius of less than one foot, it was enough to accommodate a person. Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes, looked at the bottomless Ishii, and jumped down.

The constant flow of energy hit his body, and the moment Jiang Chen jumped into the stone well, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, like the squeeze of the source gas, but he couldn't help his scalp tingling. What a ghost place, I have never had such an experience. Under this stone well, like an abyss, there is no bottom at all, and I have been diving for a long time. The space here is still unable to fly in the air, if it is not to climb the ladder For the sake of reason, Jiang Chen may have fallen to death here.

The surrounding area was hazy, exuding a deep light, but Jiang Chen felt extremely hot, even if he held multiple heaven and earth fires, he couldn't stop this fiery feeling.

"There are so many things in the world, it seems that I used to be really blind."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh. The environment here was full of unknown and dangerous for him. Now he realized how arrogant he was before. Before entering this cosmic space, he thought he was already in the Three Realms. Master, but now I understand that he has a long way to go, at least Xingchen Gang, he just touched the threshold.


A piercing buzzing sound made Jiang Chenton's time flash, his eyes dignified, and he looked back suddenly. He saw a giant with a high height, and came slowly.

It is called a giant because Jiang Chen really does not know what this thing is.

Dragon head, body, octopus, and unicorn!

It is different from his own dragon transformation. Jiang Chen is sure that he has never seen this thing in his life. It is very strong, very strong!

Its body is milky white, round and round, but the claws like the eight **** hooks are terrifying, and they are more sturdy and domineering than dragon claws.

"What the **** is this?"

Jiang Chen's brow furrowed, like an enemy.

"who are you?"

Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice, but the giant should not be silent. There was endless anger in his eyes, but his eyes were dull, without any emotion, and it seemed more like chaos.

"It looks like a fool."

Jiang Chen murmured, but this big guy, his whole body was shrouded in the ocean of source gas, but Jiang Chen didn't feel the slightest breath of life before. It wasn't that it was hidden well enough, but he simply didn't Belong to any living body.


The giant roared, Jiang Chen felt its strong offensiveness, it seemed that a fierce fight was unavoidable, and the strength of this guy couldn't be more different.

"No! Master is in trouble!"

The Black King's heart sank, and he fell into Ishii for the first time. When he appeared, Jiang Chen and the white giant had already fought together, but Jiang Chen was extremely passive, and the other party had eight feet. Ruthless, although there is no trick, but it is quite overbearing. One force down the ten wits makes Jiang Chen feel unprecedented pressure. Even when playing against the three brothers of the Mo family, it is not so strong.

"No, it's Nian Ling!"

Black King Shen Sheng said.

"Nian Ling?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, full of doubts.

"It's the product of numerous wraiths gathered together and re-molded by the source gas. He has produced a part of spiritual wisdom. This kind of thing is very terrible. It is not a monster. In short ... It is extremely difficult to deal with! I followed the master. I have encountered this kind of thing while looking for the stars, but fortunately he has not been completely formed, otherwise, it is a brand-new creature, and it is backed by an infinite source of gas, which is almost immortal and immortal. "

The Black King said anxiously, and quickly joined the battle.

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